Chapter Three

" Best news ever. " I yelled jumping up happily as we made our way to the school stadium.

" But don't you want to know why he resigned." said Zina with her eyebrows raise.

"Don't know Don't care." I replied with a shrug.

"Yeahhh what's there to know?" Asked Tiana. "At least he won't be here to make college life hell" she completed.

"You're just saying that because he was diligent in his work." Zina said as she increase her steps.

"What's with you and Mr Gabriel. " Yelled Tiana as she move .her fiery hair away from her eyes

"Oh now you think there's something between me and him because i defended him." Asked Zina as she spinned around facing us with a glare.

"Calm down." I said trying to diffuse the tension. " Tiana was just joking."

"Oh i was not." Replied Tiana as she glared back at Zina. " We always seem to fight when it come to Mr Gabriel and i don't know why."

"Maybe it's because he is a good man,but you guys can't see that. " She yelled flapping her hands around.

" I thought that after yesterday fiasco you must have gotten your senses back,but i was wrong." Yelled Tiana as she moved closer to Zina.

"And i thought that after yesterday's event,you must have had a rethink,guess i was wrong to." Yelled Zina as she shoved Tiana away from her.

"Don't think i am Carly that you can push around." Tiana said as she pushed back with .Zina hitting her back on the wall

"You know what? To hell with you." Yelled Zina as she moved away from the wall walking away.

"Yeah keep walking." Yelled Tiana with her middle finger pointed at Zina's back.

"What just happened?" I asked reeling from the shock.

"What happen is that Zina is no longer our friend." Replied Tiana as she grabbed her ipad from her locker. " I don't think i can be able to go to the stadium,see you later Carly." Stated Tiana as she plugged in her earpiece walking away.

"Bye" I yelled as I made my way towards the music room ,I walked over to where the guitars were kept grabbed one walking toward a chair as i sang the lyrics to 'Hello' by Adele while I string my cord

Hellooo its me.....

I was wondering if after all the place you like to meet.....

To go over ..everything....

They said that times suppose to heal ya...

I sang as I play my guitar recalling today's and yesterday event,music always helps me whenever i am sad.

The door quietly swung open revealing Zack ,who slowly walked in shutting the door behind him gently not bothering to disturb as he watched and listened to her. 'She is good' he thought with a smile.

Hellllllooo from the other sideeee

I which I can say that I've tried....

To tell you am sorry for everything that I've done

But it done matter cause clearly it doesn't tear you apart

I sang in a high voice as I played my guitar.

"Woww that was nice." Yelled Zack with a whooping noise as he clapped for her.

"Zack?" I yelled in shock. "When did you get here? And how did you know i would be here?" I asked quite shock to see him.

"I've been here for some minutes. " He replied sitting down beside me. " Just didn't want to disturb you,and i knew you would be here." He stated looking at me.

"How was it?" I asked.

"It was magnificent,you have such a lovely voice." He answered holding my hands which rested on the guitar.

"Thanks." I said with a blush looking away.

"You don't have to be shy,we are friends." He muttered turning me to him.

"Thanks.its just I think Tiana arguing with Zina was somehow my fault." I said tears polling in my eyes.

"Hey hey hey." He said softly wiping my eyes with his thumb. "What happened wasn't your fault."

"I don't know but it just feels like it." I muttered standing up.

"No.. don't do that to yourself. " He said as he stood up walking towards me.

"Can you go. I need to be alone." I said softly looking at him.

"Sure but if you need everything you have my number." He said as he walked towards the door,gave me a warm smile before going out.

After listening and hearing nothing,I walked over to a chair landing on it with a thud as I cried out with my head bent, I slowly raise my hand to my mouth to muffle my cries as it grew louder.

"I thought i told you to leave?" I yelled immediately I heard the door open.

" sorry I didn't know it was preoccupied." He said.

My head shot up as I heard the strange yet familiar voice. "you?" I whisper yelled as my mouth flung open.

"Me." He replied with a smirk visibly on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I turned away from him wiping my tears.

"Just came here to relaxed." He replied. "Are you okay?" He asked standing in front of me.

"What?" I gasped wondering how he got there.

" I asked if you are okay,and yeah i walked to you." He said with a laugh.

" Duhh i know you walked. " I replied gently pushing him away from me as he laughed. " I'm fine.its nothing stop looking at me like that." I continued when he gave me a knowing smirk.

"Am just worried." He replied with a sigh.

"Why?you don't even know me." I yelled as tears gathered in my eyes.

" Then let me know you." He said coming closer.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"Like i said I'm worried." He replied.

"That's not an answer." I stated giving him a duh face.

"I truly am worried but maybe part of it is because i like you." He said holding my hand.

"What? You know what I can't deal with this i need to go." I replied tugging my hand away from him as I ran to the door.

"I am serious,and i will always be here to prove how serious i am." He yelled as i ran towards the hall way bumping into someone. " Am sorry." I whisper as i got my balance.

"Are you okay?" The voice asked.

"Sorry just need i go." I said as I ran until I was finally outside Campus ground,I hail a cab.

"Hernandez resident please." I said as I got into the back seat of the cab.