Chapter Four


"Hernandez resident please." I said as I got into the back seat of the cab.

"Right away ma'am." The driver of maybe thirty replied as he input the address on his map and then zoomed off filling his GPS.

'what's wrong with him,deciding today of all days to confess,and we barely talk much' my eyes closed thinking about the conversation in the music room.

"No no no I can't think about this now." I quietly said shaking my head.

"We are here ma'am." The driver said after some time.

"Thank you." I said coming out of the cab ." Here you go." I handed him fifty dollars.

"No ma'am it's too much." He replied shaking his head.

"Just take it as your tip." I said my hand still stretched out to him.

" Thank you ma'am." He replied collecting the money zooming off.

I walked over to our gate , inputting the code as the gate slide open then hurried inside passing several beautiful flower bed which consist of tulip,rose and beautiful purple habiscus all thanks to my mum.I swung the door opened

"Am home." I yelled as I walked over to the fridge grabbed a chocolate ice cream and walked over to the kitchen counter as I took big scoop of ice cream.

"This is what i need." I thought as I savour the taste humming in delight.

"Where is everybody?" I asked as I looked around the empty home.

"Mom....Freddi." I yelled toward the parlour with my ice cream on my hand.

"'re back." A young boy with auburn hair and golden eyes said as he ran towards me.

"Freddi." I said happily as I hugged him. "Where is mum?and let me guess you just finished playing video games?"

"Yes and Mum went groceries shopping. " He said moving away from me with a cheeky grin on his face.

" how was school?" I asked as I sat down looking at him as I scooped my ice cream.

"School was fine,Mara said she likes me." He said with a blush as he sat beside me.Miara a year younger than Freddi with black curly hair and brown eyes and also Freddi's best friend.

"So what did you say or do?" I asked already imagining what my sweet little brother must have done.

"I yelled and ran away." He replied looking away from me with his hands covering his face. "Stop laughing." He reprimanded when he saw me laughing.

"I am.sorry,that.was.the.most.adorable.response." I said in-between laughter as I scoop the last ice cream.

"I'm going to my room." He yelled and ran upstairs.

"Now i have to make peace offering. " I said with a sign as I stood up from my chair throwing the finished ice cream cup away then went upstairs taking one step at a time until I got in front of a door written 'Freddi's room.Keep away'.

'Freddi open up." I said with a knock.

"Freddi am sorry for laughing" I said after I had gotten no response "please open up". The door creak as it sprang open revealing Freddi with a grim look on his face

"Thanks" I said as I got in,I made my way to his sporty bed

"Am sorry for laughing at you" I said looking at him at the far end with a pout on my face "forgive me?"

"You promise you won't laugh at me again?" He asked his doe eyes staring up at me

"Cross my heart and hope to die" I replied as I did the sign of the cross "come here" I motion,my arms open as he crawl on the bed towards me.

"As i was saying ,after she told me she liked me i ran,and since then i have been avoiding her" He said sitting up straight "I don't know what to do,I need my best friend back" he continued crying softly.

"Am sure if you explain how you feel she will understand after all she is your best friend and should know you more" I answered with a smile on my face.

"Thanks sis,i will tell her what you told me tomorrow " he said "you're the best" he yelled with a smile on his cute little face.

"I try my best" I said my face heating up "okay,time to do your homework" I said standing up from the bed and towards the door "I'll come check on you later" I continued shutting the door behind me as I made my way to the kitchen. I heard the door creak as it swung open revealing my Mum and two of her bodyguards carrying grocery bags

"Mum. you're back" I got up from the kitchen counter as I ran towards her,taking the bags from her

"Thanks sweetie" Mrs Hernandez said smiling "So how was College,and when are you going to move away?" She asked with a playful grin on her face

"Never,that was why i choose a college closer to home" I answered shaking my head as I checked what was inside the bags

"Thank you ,you can go back to your duties" Said my mum to the guards who bowed and left " stop scattering and arrange" she yelled hitting me with a spatula

"Ouch...The yelling was enough" I yelled with a pout on my face

"For you it wasn't " she said "where us your brother?"

"In his room doing his homework" I answered as i went about removing the yogurts,ice creams, tomatoes,milk,

"Arrange those things, don't just keep them in the fridge" she yelled looking at me

"Gotcha" I replied as i carefully kept them where they were suppose to be

"I need to get started on dinner" she said already taking out the pan

"And i need to go check on my baby bro" I said as I snuck in three wraps of Orios and two cartoon of orange juice and headed upstairs

"Hey bro" I said walking over to his desk where he was seated. "here you go,you deserved a break" I said handing him two wraps of Orios and an orange juice

"Thanks sis" he said with smiles on his face

"Let me see what you have done so far" I said and flip through his assignment book "nice" I replied

"I don't go to the most sort out grade school for nothing you know?" He asked with a smirk.

"Why ,you?" I whispered yelled ruffling his hair "Gotta go help mum in cooking okay?" I asked

"Sure,go on ahead" he replied as he tore through his second wraps of Orios

"Thanks" I said kissing him on the head then made my way to his door then downstair and finally towards the kitchen where Mum was already frying the Chicken

"Mum,i came to help" I said walking towards her

"Good, help me grab the source on the top shelf" She said turning the Chicken the other side

"Sure" I said, grabbing the source and giving her "anything?" I asked

"Just help me cut the Cabbage" she said as she sprinkled the source on the Chicken

"Done" I said after some minutes "when is Dad coming back?"

"Oh Darling your Dad's gonna be late" she replied wiping her greasy hands on her Apron

"Okay,i will wait for him" I said and headed upstairs, straight towards my room,banging the door shut.