Chapter Five

Laying on my bed,my stomach pressed down and my legs up in the air as I read a book by Nora Robert titled 'Visions In White' as Without me by Hesley Plays in the background as I moved my head to the beat,I had the buzzing of my phone,as I kept the novel aside looking for it by following the sound to find it on my bedside table beside my laptop

"Hello?" I answered "who is this?" I asked when I saw it was an unknown number

"Its me" the voice replied

"You? How did you get my number?" I asked quite shocked

"I asked your friend Tiana" he replied breathing heavily

"Are you okay?" I asked in a worried tone

"Yeah am fine ,just working out" he answered

"So...why did you call me?" I asked

"Like i said before i like you" he said "and before you say anything,i know you're not ready yet,so i would like for us to be friends" he finished

"Fine,Friends it is" I replied smiling

"So how are you?" He asked

"You just saw me in the morning,am fine thank you" I replied laughing

"It's good to hear you laughing" he said

"It's good to be laughing " I said blushing,as I hid my face with my pillow 'can't believe am blushing to his words alone' I thought as I let out muffled scream

"Hey,you okay?" he asked worriedly

"Yeah,am fine" I answered clearing my throat "got to go" I said when I heard the banging on the door ,followed by my mum yelling "Dads back", I muttered a quick "Coming"

"Okay,be seeing you tomorrow " he said and hung up,I sprang up from the bed as I ran towards my door and down the stairs breathing heavily and into my Dad's arm

"Dad you're home" I said squeezing tighter

"Yes Pumpkin " he said hugging me back " so how was classes today?"

"It was fine" I said looking up at him "but i miss you"

"I miss you more Pumpkin, Today's work was hectic and your sister Charlotte had to travel to Paris for a business meeting " he said with a sighed

"That must be really stressful" I mumbled with a sign " Come sit,you must be tired" I said dragging him towards the chair,as he relaxed on it with a sign

"Thanks pumpkin" he replied closing his eyes

"I'll go get you your food" Mum said as she hurried towards the kitchen,she came back with plates of fried Chickens, French fries and salad Dad's favourite

"Here you go" she said as she arrange the dishes beautifully in front of him

"Thanks honey" Mr Hernandez said as he quickly kissed his wife as he hurriedly wolfed down the food like a lion to it prey

"Here" she said pouring him a glass of Champagne "you need it" she said as she sat down beside him with a lovely smile on her face

'i love you" he whispered taking the glass from her "I really need that" he continued taking a sip from the glass

"I love you too" she answered softly with a smile "Call your brother downstairs for dinner" she said looking at me

"Sure" I replied running upstairs,and into Freddi's room and on his bed where he slept like an angel "hello kiddo" I said as i gently tapped him

"Hmmmm" he groaned turning away from me

"Wake up,Dad is back and Mum wants you downstairs for dinner" I said shaking him

"Fine,fine am up,stop shaking me" he said sitting up straight as he wiped his eyes

"Well,come up,foods gonna get cold" I said as I moved towards the door with my arm out stretch towards him

"Coming" he said as he wore his slippers,he then walked towards me holding my outstretched arm as we both walked downstairs accompany by our playful banter.

"Tag, you're it." He yelled as he tapped me running towards his seat on the dinning table.

"That was cheating." I yelled back with a pout on my face.

"No it wasn't. " He said smiling cheekily. "Just admit i won"

"Never." I said shaking my head

"Fine ,you both won." Mum said walking towards us. "Now time to eat".

"But i am the main winner." Mumbled Freddi.

"Mummm." I yelled

"Let him have his glory,beside you are the oldest by a lot by the way,in case you must have forgotten." Replied Mum as she dished out the food , giving me side glances.

"It's still not fair." I whispered swallowing a large amount of Chicken

"Well dear,life ain't fair." She muttered sitting down with her plate of cabbage in front of her

"Am taking my food upstairs." I said getting a nod from Mum as i stood up with my plate of chickens and fries steadily on my hands as i walked towards Dad in the parlour watching his regular sport news " going upstairs Dad." I pecked him and got an 'okay' in response before he turned back to his channel as i headed upstairs taking two steps at a time. I walked towards Freddi's room to find him on his bed wide awake

"What's the problem kiddo?" I whispered as i moved nearer but not before carefully putting my plate of fries and chicken on his desk.

"I guess i did spoil your sleep earlier." I said,he sprang up from bed when he heard my voice,looking at me with shocked on his face

"Carly.." He called with a grin on his face

"Yeah i know,sorry for not having time for you kiddo." I muttered hugging him

"It's okay,you are here and that's what matters." He whispered hugging me

"Sometimes with the way you talk i forget you're just six." I said pushing him at arm length

"Mum and dad tells me that a lot." He giggled "lets play game." He pout looking at me

"Sure anything for my cute brother." I smiled grabbing the game pad , we settled for a race car game,i was three cars behind "Hey pity me." I said laughing as i tried to collect his pad from him

"No." He let out a yawn which he covered with a laugh

"Okay boy, time for bed." I said hitting pause on the game as i carried him to his bed

"But am not tired" he mumbled with a sign

"Don't think i didn't see the yawn mister." I said as i place the comforter gently on him,i walked towards the door

"Good night kiddo." I turn off the light as i carried my plate of fries and chicken shutting the door behind me with my leg then headed straight to my room.

I hopped into my bed, carefully placing the plate of food in front of me as i sat crisscross,grabbing a Chicken lap happily munching on it,then towards the fries dipping it in tomato source before chewing it as my face crunch up in it deliciousness,before i knew it my plate was empty and my hands greasy stain,i kept the plate on my bedside table then moved towards my bathroom washing my hands with the handwasher which was on the sink grabbed a towel and walked towards my bed jumping on it with a sign as i cleaned my hands then lay on the bed angel like dozing off to sleep.