Chapter Six

I woke up to the sun from The window shinning brightly at my face,i groaned going back to sleep,when my eyes were finally closing,my phone rang,i got up angrily with a grunt

"Yes." I yelled into the phone

"Whoooo,i knew you were not a morning person but never to this extent." The voice replied back teasily.

"Tiana." I whispered yelled checking my time. "This is just after six."

"Well,then i am right on time." She said on the other end

"Right on time for what?" I asked as i got up from bed and towards my bathroom

"Better start getting dressed." She singsong

"Getting dressed for what?" I asked as i grabbed my brush "and isn't too early?" I spitted out the water from my mouth

"Zack and i are on our way to pick you." She continued

"I feel like you are intentionally dogging my questions." Already removing my cloth as i wrapped myself in towel "okay I'll bite." I said after some silence and hung up , entering the shower.

After showering,i walked over to my wardrobe thinking of what to wear as my hands roomed all my exquisite clothing,it wasn't easy since Tiana refused to tell me where we were going,after much speculations,i finally decided on a tight jean skirt which hang just below my knees and a one hand mini pink top. I tied my black hair ponytail as i did light makeup on my face with a bit of red lipstick,i wore my vintage high wedge shoe,grabbing my coat as i headed downstairs. My dad was already downstairs drinking coffee.

"Morning pumpkin,where are you headed to all dressed up." He said pecking me as i walked towards him.

"Morning Dad,i don't know, Tiana just called me. " I said as i took a coffee from him. "Thanks i really needed this."

"Did she say anything?" He asked as he sat beside me

"Just that they will be here to pick me." I said

"They?" He asked shocked just as the doorbell rang

"Speak of the devils." I said as i ran towards the door opening it to see Tiana and Zack with huge grin on there face "wowww guys,you both look hot." I commented looking at them from head to toe

"You don't look bad yourself." Tiana said,she was dressed in a tight red sleeveless flair gown,her ginger hair down

"You look stunning Carly." Zack said,he was wearing all black making him even more cute as his blonde hair glittered "Good morning Mr Hernandez" he said turning towards my Dad

"Morning, better take care of my pumpkin." He said with a stern look on his face

"Dadddd,am not a child anymore." I yelled blushing furiously as i dragged Tiana and Zack out of the house

"Can't believe you're a college girl." Teased Tiana

"Stop it." I said climbing a red Ferrari which belongs to Tiana,am sure by now you know how much she loves the color red. "By the way,where are we going." I turned to Zack who was sitting at the back and me in the Passengers seat while Tiana you know? driver's seat 'she hates people driving her "baby"' according to her

"You'll soon know" Tiana said with a smirk as she drove away from the compound "Thanks" she greeted towards the security guard who opened the gate.

We arrived at a huge luxurious mansion were a party was being held,you could tell by the loud noise coming from inside and also the disco light decorating the outside of the mansion.

I turned towards Tiana and Zack as we alighted from the Car.

"Whose party is this?" I asked.

"Stop asking questions,and lets go in." Muttered Tiana as she dragged me inside with Zack slowly walking behind us.

The inside was filled with different teenage bodies as they swayed to the musics while some were busy making out and others drunk. We walked over to a table fill with red cups grabbing one each as we fetch from a red mixed alcoholic drinks.

"Hey Seth." Yelled Tiana over the loud music as she waved to a dark hair tan boy.

"Hey T, you made it." Seth yelled running towards us with a grin on his face. "You brought a friend. Nice." He said looking towards me.

"Yeah this is Carmen but you can call her Carly." Tiana said as she motioned towards me.

"Nice to meet you,am Seth." Seth said shaking my hand.

"Cool party." I mumbled looking around.

"Thanks." He said with a smile then turned toward Zack "sup Zack." He said his hand raised.

"Hey man." Zack said as he joined his hand in a high five " nice party." Zack replied looking around.

"Come with me to a more quiet place." Seth gesture as he turned , moving upstairs and into a blue door room "Mi casa su casa." He exclaimed opening the door for us to enter,we got inside to find out that they were also three people inside,a boy and two girls who were seated on a soft pillow.

"Meet the groups." He motion towards the guy" this is Richard , and the girls are Sarah and Mina." He said sitting in between Sarah and Mina.

"I know you." Sarah pointed towards me.

"I know you too." I replied looking at her,she was one of the girls who stood up in class concerning Mr Gabriel .

"You're one bold girl,kudos." She said with a thumb up.

"I didn't do anything. " I mutter shyly.

"Are you kidding me,all thanks to you we got rid of a useless professor." She said with a grin on her face.

"I don't have anything to do with that." i whispered yelled as i landed on the seat beside Richard with a sign.

"Enough of this,we came here for fun." Seth yelled looking around. "No College nonsense,okay?" He asked looking at Sarah.

"Fine." She mumbled looking down.

"So....we are gonna play truth or Dare." Seth said with a smirk "who's in?."

"Whooo...count me in. " Tiana said with a smile as she sat down beside me.

"Same here." Zack muttered sitting down next to Tiana as we all formed a circle.

"Am in." Richard said beside Mina.

"Me too." Mina said her hand in the air.

"Let's fucking do this." Sarah yelled.

"What of you? " Seth asked,as they all looked towards me.

"Fine. Am in." I whispered earning a cheers and some ."Hell yeah." From the group.

"We are not gonna choose randomly,we have to spin the bottle." Seth said as he held out an empty beer bottle towards us.

"Fine by me." Tiana said as we all nod our heads in agreement just as Seth place the bottle in our midst spinning it.

"Please Let it not be me." Mumble Mina with her eyes closed.