Chapter Seven

"Please Let it not be me." Mumble Mina with her eyes closed.

"Richard." We all yelled as the bottle stopped,facing him.

"Darn it." He exclaimed.

"Yes!!" Yelled Mina happily .

"Wowww i have always wanted to do this." Seth said rubbing his hands together " truth or dare?."

"Truth." Richard said with a shrugged after much speculation.

"Your most embarrassing moment?" Asked Seth with a glint in his eyes.

"I had a feeling you would asked that." Richards said with a scoffed, we all turned towards him with interested looks.

"Fine." He mumbled with a sign. " I jerked off in front of my cousin." He muttered his hands covering his face.

"What?" Asked Seth with a laugh as we all joined in " details please."

"Okay,we were having a family dinner so of course my cousin and aunt were around , while they were busy conversing among themselves,i brought out my phone and was watching porn silently." He muttered with a blush looking down.

"Respect man." Seth said with a thumbs up.

"Bold." Sarah chipped in.

"Wowww." Tiana said with a laugh,as Zack and i watched at him our mouth wide open.

"So what happened?" Asked Seth with both his hands to his jaw.

"It got too intense that i had to excuse myself,i got upstairs and into the first room i could find,my trouser down and so was my boxer as i began to palm my raging hard on.." He breathe out. " I was about cumin when i heard a clapping sound,at first i ignored it cause i seriously needed to cum,but then i heard it again and this time i looked up to see my cousin with her phone pointed at me." He signed then looked up.

"Wowww... Bro." Seth commented with a laugh.

"Wait , when you found the room,you did not bother to check if you were alone?" Mina asked looking at Richard.

"No i did not,and beside i thought they were all downstairs." Richard said with a shrugged.

"I feel your pain bro" Zack muttered as we all turned towards him. " I meant the urgent need to release" he said with a hand to his chest as Seth nod in response while we the girls just stared at each other with smiles on our faces.

"Enough about me." Richard said his hands in the air. " I guess it my turn to spin the bottle." He carefully place it back in the middle as he spin it,it turned and turned until it finally stopped in front of Sarah.

"Truth or dare." Richard asked with a smirk.

"Dare,i ain't afraid of nobody." Sarah said with a laugh.

"Well then , Dare it is." Richard said with a thoughtful look on his face. "Got it. I dare you to make out with Mina for thirty seconds." He said with a grin on his face.

"kinky.i love it." Seth said with a smile.

"Why me?." Mina asked with a pout on her face. "Can i refuse?."

"Hell No.." Yelled both Seth and Richard as they stared at themselves with a smirk.

"I always knew you were a pervert." Sarah said as she cross towards Mina,her lips almost touching Mina whose eyes were already close,she then smashed her lips to Mina's soft red lips as they kissed,just as Richard started the count.

"...28,29,30." Richard yelled "alright break it lovebirds" he teased as Sarah crossed over to her seat with a wink at him,while Seth was busy rearranging his trouser from the thirty seconds steaming scene he witness.

"Guess am next" Sarah said before spinning the bottle.

"Tiana" we all yelled with smiles on our faces.

"Truth or Dare" Sarah asked as she took in her lips.

"Dare" Tiana answered seating straight as we let out "oohhhhh."

"Now this is what i am talking about" muttered Sarah. " I dare you to lap dance."

"Easy" Tiana said with a smirk as she walked towards Seth and slowly got down on him giving him a wink as she put her two hands on his shoulder while Seth just lean back with his hands on both side .

"Damn,i was hoping you would choose me" Sarah said with a pout.

Zack grind his teeth with folded fist as he watched Tiana on Seth as she slowly rubbed her butt to his crotch earning a groaned from Seth,she turned around shaking her butt sexily as she began twerking for him.

"Woww,am so turned on right now" Richard said adjusting his budging hard on.

"Okay..enough before you make me wet" yelled Sarah with a grin,as Tiana went back to her seat .

"Wow that was intense." I whispered to Tiana who just grin at me before she grabbed the bottle spinning it.

"Lets play another game" Zack said taking in his lip.

"I think he is right" Mina Chipped in.

"So....what do you suggest we play" Seth asked with raise eyebrows deep in thought.

"Never have i ever " Mina yelled out after some time.

"Yes!,i go grabbed drinks" Sarah said getting up as she ran out of the room.

"Great idea" Seth said with a grin towards Mina as She blushed looking away. The door opened as Sarah walked in with six bottles of beer and six cups which she placed in the middle.

"Mina please do us the honour" Seth said with a slight bow as he poured the drinks into six cups ,he kept the cups in front of us,as we all grabbed our cup.

"Fine" Mina said with a laugh "Never have i ever had a three some."

I watched as Seth down his drink followed by Sarah with a smirk as i stared at them mouth open in shock.

"What? It was fun" Said Sarah when she noticed my stared earning a fist bum from Seth.

"That's my girl" he winked.

"I don't even want to ask" said Tiana with her hands up as we all laughed.

"Good" mumbled Seth with a smirk.

"Okay my turn" Tiana said " Never have i ever faked an id" she drank from her cup.

"Wait, have?" Zack rushed out surprised.

"Why are you so surprised?" She asked with a shrugged.

"Well how did it happened" i asked quite shocked.

"It happened in high school, i was invited to a bar party,and you must be 18 and above before you can enter,so yeah...i had to faked an id" Snort Tiana "Wait...does this means i am the only one that have faked an id?."

"Yes!!" We all answered.

"I was expecting Sarah to drink as well" Tiana said looking at Sarah.

"Sorry to burst your bubble" laughed Sarah.

" next." I said and looked at the time on my wrist watch " Never have I ever kissed a guy." with a blushed on my face I drank from the cup.