Chapter Eight

Tiana had on a shock look on her face as she looked at me with her mouth open,her face asking me a question to which i just shrugged. Mina also took so gulp from her cup.

"Including you?" Asked a surprise Sarah

"Yeah" Mina draw "just haven't found the right guy" she mumbled shyly as everywhere became quiet.

" Lets go down stairs and have some fun " Seth said breaking the silence earning a whoop from the group as they ran downstairs with me following slowly behind and into a fist full of bodies, Ed Sheeran 'perfect' was on as everyone was swaying with their partners.

"Would you please do me the honours?" I turned to see Zack asking Tiana for a dance as he held out his hands towards her which she happily accepted as they joined in the dance but not before giving me the 'we have to talk' look.

"Mind if i danced with you?" Asked Richard with a blushed to his face.

"Sure" why the hell not ,i held his hands as we began to dance,my hands round his neck,and his hands on my waist as we sway to the slow music. As you must have known ,this was a Rich class type of party and not the average kind.

After for what felt like eternity,the music came to an end as we disengage with the boys bowing as we the girls cutesy.

"You know what?" I said checking the time "its late,i have to start heading home." I bade them goodbye as i dragged Tiana with me.

"Why? The party is just getting started" Tiana whine.

"Why because you're my driver and it's late." I said walking towards the door "and i don't want you getting drunk." I added with a smirk.

"Fine." Tiana tugged her hand from me and folded it hugging her boobs "on one condition." she smirked.

"What?" I asked my head tinted back as I glanced up at her.

"You go shopping with me tomorrow, and no 'but.'" She answered looking at me as a smile tug at her lips.

"Fine." I said as she let out a happy yelp. Anything to leave this party,i knew if it were up to Tiana ,we would be here till the next day.

"Lets go." She said snapping me from my thought. She turned to Zack who was standing beside Richard as he laughed at what Richard told him. " Ain't you coming?" She asked him.

"No,Richard will take me home" he yelled with a wave "bye guys" he said as we walked to where Tiana's Ferrari was parked.

"Guess they hit it off." I said with a nod to Zack direction.

"Guess they did" Tiana mumbled as she got into the driver's seat.

"Am home." I yelled as i ran to my room. I slumped on the bed quite tired not bothering to remove my clothe as i dozed off.

Standing infront of "Galaxy spring mall" the most expensive sort out mall on a Sunday morning all thanks to Tiana who dragged me out of my bed and out of the house for a 'Sunday shopping' as she called it . We hurriedly made our way inside as we went towards different sections,Tiana chose the gowns sections and i chose trousers and top section as i picked out different clothes, there was this clothe on a mannequin that caught my attention, its was a glittery blue strip top with matching trouser,before i knew it i was three bags full. I walked over to the Cashier where i waited for Tiana ,who after some minutes walked towards me,six bags full,three on both arms and a smile on her face.

"You bought little" she stated looking at my three bags,as i let out a sign before bringing out my black card which i gave to the Cashier who had on a shock look on her face.

"Thanks for shopping with Galaxy spring mall" she said giving me my card as she properly package the clothes "come back again" she waved towards us as we left the mall.

"Where to next?" I asked looking at Tiana.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked her head tinted to get a better look.

"Church." I stated earning a laugh from Tiana

"Funny" she said laughing "you know you still own me an answer."

"To what question?" My eyebrow raise as i tried to recalled.

"Seth's party" she simply said.

"Yea,yea." I said looking around " wait a minute. Isn't that Zina?" I asked pointing in her direction.

"Don't know, Don't care " Tiana replied with a shrugged.

"Come on." I said dragging her .

"Hey..if you want to meet her,go yourself, stop dragging me" she yelled trying to free her hand.

"No. She is our friend." I said with a glare " now shut up and lets go."

"Hi Zina." I waved ,she had on a shock look on her face as she mumbled a quiet " hi."

"Come on, don't be like that." I patted her back earning a grin from her "that's it,we are till friends."

"Speak for yourself." Tiana glared at me with her hands folded as she stump her foot on the ground.

"Don't mind her." I whispered to Zina " she is playing hard to get."

"I understand,i was at fault." She mumbled looking down as she kicked an invisible stone. I nudge Tiana who after some staring contest finally yield,she walked over to Zina,pulling her into a hug " am sorry for being a bitch."

"And i am sorry for being a bad friend" Zina mumbled as she nestled into the hug.

"And i am sorry for you guys fighting." I wrapped my hands around them making it a group hug.

"Okay .. enough of this mushy stuff" Tiana moved away from the hug after some minutes.

"Come on,i know you love it." I tease with a nudge earning another glare from her while Zina was busy laughing. " I have missed this." I motion to us three with a smile on my face.

"Let's go sit and discuss." I said to them and motioned towards the twenty four hour Diner that was across from us as Tiana and Zina gave a nod.