Chapter Nine

We made our way to the Diner,the door made a ding sound just as we swung it open. A beautiful lady in a short Pink dress overlap by an apron approach us as we made our way to the booth.

"What can i get for you?" she asked with a warn smile, her book in hand ready to write in our order.

I glanced at the menu "i would like your menu specials and a Galato on the side."

"French fries and burger plus ketchup with a cup of coffee " Tiana said as she stared at her menu " make sure you put enough milk in the coffee" she glanced at the lady.

"And for me an Italian brunch with orange juice" Zina continued as the lady wrote in our request,she then muttered "coming right up" and left.

"So.." I drawled "how are you Zina?" Both my hands on my face as i stared at her.

"Not good actually" she glanced at Tiana " ever since that argument I've not been myself. I was planning on calling you guys once i got home,but you saw me instead" she looked at me with a smile " thank you for still talking to me."

"Like i said before we are friends." I placed my hand on hers with a smile " always and forever."

"And i am sorry for the way i acted" muttered Tiana to Zina "forgive?."

"Forgive" Zina replied with a grin just as the lady appeared with our food, she laid them in front of us "enjoy."

"Thank you bella." I said reading her name tag.

"Since you know my name,its only fair that i know yours as well, don't you think?" Bella asked with a smirk.

"Name is Carmen but you can call me Carly" i said with a smile "and this here are Tiana and Zina" they each gave a wave to signify who.

"Hope i will be seeing you guys" she stated.

"Of course,to the extent that you might even get tired of seeing us." I said with a smirk as Tiana snicker while Zina giggle.

"Never" Bella said laughing, She cutesy then left to go serve a couple that just walked in.

"Lets dig in." I clasp my hand together as i looked at the food in front of us. 'I hope it tastes as good as it looks.' I thought as i dug a fork into their special.

"Hmmmm." I moaned enjoying the deliciousness before me, followed by series of moan from Tiana and Zina as they ate their food.

"Delicious" they muttered chewing loudly,i let out a snicker as i watched them.

"This diner is now my favorite" Tiana said enjoying her fries.

"Same here" Zina said as she drank her orange juice,laughters can be heard from our booth.

After some minutes our plate was already empty and our stomach bloated . Bella came back,cleared the tables while i enjoyed my Galato and Tiana her coffee.

"Lets do this again" Tiana sip from her coffee as she glanced at me and Zina " just us girls".

"Yeah" agreed Zina.

"Hell yeah." I agreed " it will be like our thing".

We dropped some cash on the table before making our way outside .

"Can't believe i have been carrying these bags around" Tiana raised her bags as she glared at me.

"Am sorry." I pouted "lets go put it in the boot of my car".

We made our way to where a Mercedes was parked. I pressed my car keys as the boot automatically opened . I hate driving but all because of Tiana's nagging,i was forced to being my car. We kept our shopping bags inside just as the boot automatically closed.

"Talk to you soon." I waved at Zina.

"Will be calling you guys" she yelled as she made her way to where she parked her Toyota.

"Bye" Tiana yelled with a waved as she slide into the passengers seat. I got into the driver's seat as i ignited the car.

I dropped Tiana at her home before driving back home,the security guard Fred opened the gate with a salute,and with a smile i zoomed into the garage where i parked my car, i alighted from the car, made my way to the boot as i grab my bag before strolling inside.

Dad was on the couch reading another one of his newspaper but looked up when he heard the door opening. While Freddi was on the floor playing with his train.

"So how was shopping?" Dad asked,then saw the bags on my hand " guess it went well".

"It did." I said walking over to him as i dropped the bag giving him a big hug. "Hi dad".

"Hi Pumpkin." He looked at me with a smile when the hug was over.

"Hi kiddo." I waved to Freddi who just nod before resuming his train ride, I shook my head with a fond smile on my face as i watched him.

"Your sister is back." Dad announced.

"Charlotte is back?" I ran upstairs when i got a nod.

"She is in the kitchen with your mum." My dad yelled laughing. I stopped on my track then turned back as i raced toward the kitchen. And like he said,she was in the kitchen with mum dressed in a gray suit with apron stained in flour. I guess she came directly from the company.

"Charlotte." I yelled as i ran to her wrapping her in a tight hug. " I have missed you." I mumbled into her back.

"I missed you too." She turned into the hug. "But why did you have to come back have ruin the surprise."

"I am still very much surprise. Thank you." I said as we separated "what are you baking?."

"Surprise." She chuckle before grabbing a spatula ."Now shu" she motioned toward me.

"Fine....i am even tired self." I grumbled "you better not leave when i am sleeping."

"I won't. " She promised making the habit of crossing her heart.

"You is Sunday." I said with a smirk before making my way upstairs and towards my room. " Am forgetting something." I said trying to recall.

"My bags!!" I yelled as i ran out of the room and down the stairs to where Dad was sitting.

"Forgot something?" he smirk.

"Dad..." I pouted as i collected the bags before going upstairs and into my room.

Today was quite stressful ,after yesterday's party i was planning on sleeping through out today,but still i am happy we went shopping,we were finally able to get our friend back. I jumped on the bed ,letting out a girly scream.

'Today couldn't be much better.' I thought with a smile. Just then my phone rang,i jumped up from the bed and towards my bag.

"Hello." I glanced at the number before putting it close to my ear.

"I know you said you want to be friends,and i agreed... But can we go out on a date." He exhaled sharply "just one".

"Fine... You are lucky i am in a happy mood." I plopped back into the bed " tomorrow after lecture." I said as my leg dangled in the air.

"Sure." He replied excited. "You won't regret it".

'i hope so' I thought as i stared at the moon and star dangling above my head.

"See you tomorrow." I said and hung up. To be sincere I was quite excited for the date tomorrow,this would be my first date. Yeah I know for a college girl, I'm supposed to have gone on lots of date, though I have been asked by guys in my high school year ,but i was so fixated on graduating high school and going to college that I turned down each and every guy who had approach me. But this is college and if I don't have fun here, I am not gonna have fun anywhere, I don't want to be like my sister Charlotte a workaholic. With that in mind, I slept off.