Chapter Ten

I stirred when i felt gentle taps on my body,i groaned loudly before i finally opened my eyes to see Charlotte with a sly smirk on her face.

"Five more minutes." I groaned turning away.

"Then i guess i will have to go." Mumbled Charlotte.

"No.... You promised." I yelled as i sprang up from the bed.

"Got you." She said with a laugh. "Come downstairs." She said then left.

I walked over to the bathroom where I rinsed the remaining sleep from my eyes. I was about going out before i remember i haven't changed my outfit. I took a quick shower before wearing blue top and short.

I got downstairs to see Mum,Dad,Freddi and Charlotte all on the couch.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Take a seat." Mum motion to the couch beside them. I plopped down staring at them confused as to what was happening.

"Well...since we are all here. Your Mum decided that we should celebrate." Dad glanced at me before looking back at the screen.

"And i baked cookies." Chipped Charlotte.

"Not only cookies." Mum Said with a nudge to Charlotte.

"And cakes." Charlotte finished.

"No wonder you were covered in flour." I said with a laugh.

"Yes!!" Freddi cheered loudly at the sound of cakes.

And that was how the night went, we played chess,cards and even Charade as laughters filled the house. Freddi ate a lot of cakes and cookies and was sent to bed by Mum. The night ended when Charlotte got a call from work and had to go, not before apologizing and promising to make it up to us.

My alarm woke me up from bed , well this was the fifth time it rang because i stopped the last four. With a groan i got up from bed, brush and had a quick shower.

"Today's date." I gasped loudly before making my way to the closet . Clothes were lying around everywhere as i search for what to wear.

"The bags!!" I yelled as j ran towards the bag, i brought out the matching outfit that caught my eyes in the mall.

"Yes!!" I yelled,finally deciding on what to wear. 'Need to look good for my date.' I thought as i wore my clothe,even did light makeup , I decided to leave my hair down before spraying my exotic perfume,grabbed my Gucci hand bag then left the room.

"Morning dear." Mum yelled as she ate her pancake with coffee on her hand. "Come eat." She motioned.

"Sorry Mum,I am already late." I rushed out.

"And whose fault is it?" Question Mum as she gave me full look. "And where are you going all dressed up?".

"College Mum." I sassed.

"Don't sass me young lady." Mum glared at me.

"Bye Mum." I ran outside and towards the garage as i got in my car zooming off.

I Came to a halt at the entrance of the school,after finding a empty lot to park my car. And that was another reason why i hated driving car.

I made my way inside to see both Tiana and Zina already waiting for me.

"Your late." Grumbled Tiana.

"Again like always." Stated Zina as she stared at her wrist watch.

"I know,am sorry." I said as i walked to them.

"Come on,lets go in." Tiana said as she swung her arm around me. "You look different." She stated giving me a once over.

"Different? You mean in a good way?." I asked facing her.

"Yes. But strange." She replied. "This is so unlike you." She continued as I kept quiet.

"Lets go guys, We are having a new professor." Zina said at my right her arm also going round me as we walked into the already filled hall.

Zack waved at us from his seat when he saw us enter. We walked towards him. I mouthed a 'Thanks' before sitting down.

"Late again." He said with a smirk. "It never ends.You look different" He said.

"Exactly what i told her." Tiana whisper yelled just as Mr Fredinard (Mr Gabriel's replacement) the new professor walked in. Glasses in hand and suitcase in the other as he made his way to the podium.

"Good morning class." His voice boomed into the microphone. He got a whooping cheer from the student as cries of happiness filled the hall. "I can see you are all happy to see me." He stated as the looked round the hall.

"Yes!." Came the response.

"Guess there's no need for introduction." He stated before wearing his glasses." Today i will be talking about the human anatomy." He said facing towards the projector, he explained briefly showing them pictures on the projector. The lectures ended after much questions from the student. He bade us goodbye as he grabbed his suitcase leaving the hall.

After lectures was over,i got a text saying i should meet him outside,I quickly bade my friends goodbye as i rushed outside just to see Lucas waiting for me with roses in his hands.

"For you." He handed the flowers to me immediately i got near.

"Thanks." I replied taking it,I took a big sniff. "Its beautiful." I smiled at him.

"Lets go..i promise you're going to have the best time of your life." He said holding my hand as he led me towards his car, A black Maserati .

We stopped in front of a very fancy restaurants.

"Where is this place?" I asked as I stared at him,my head tinted back.

"Just the beginning." He replied with a grin, as he helped me out of the car.

"Thanks." I mumbled my face red. We made our way to the front where a man with a book was waiting.

"I made a reservation." Lucas replied his tone serious as he placed his hand on my waist and draws me close.