
The Blue moon turned red that night. "The Brok flies" said Adriella to Hurin. As the Brok flies, the ghosts of Wilmir dance, said Hurin. Adriella looked back to the south of the forest. To the furthest corners of Wilmir. The White dead awake, she Whispered. Yes, said Hurin. When the new Brok flies for the fist time, the White dead awake. "The warriors who cannot be killed" said Hurin." The warriors who only march at night" added Adriella. And once they step away down from their horses, they go back to their death, said Seronn. How do you know this ? asked Hurin. I have read about them when I was young, said Seronn. I never thought they were real, I thought it was a story created by the elders to scare the young. They are very real, said Adreilla. I know, said Seronn. More real than you or me, said Hurin. Talk about yourself, joked Seronn. " There are more things that are real than that can be imagined, said Adreilla looking at the moon turn blue back from red. Hurin and Adriella said somthing to each other and walked away from their home into the dark wilderness. Where are you going? asked Seronn. Somethings are best left in the imagiantion, replied Adriella and continued to walk into the darkness with her brother!

Seronn stood there under the moonlight, and heard the thumps of a dozen horses approach where he stood. "Urkin the dead" was the first to enter the area. He got down from the horse and approached Seronn. " Im Urkin" the dead man introduced himself. Seronn tried to punch and him and all he could punch was air." The myth is real " said Seronn. Urkin was surprised by the demeanour of Seronn. Normally people were scared of Urkin the first time they saw him. " Are you not afraid of the evil I possess" he asked Seronn. I have read about you, said Seronn. You have my respect and you shall be uselful for the war. " When you fight n our side" said Seronn as he looked at the army of Urkin. They made a growling yet sneering sound that would have treeified anyone, but not Seronn. He stood there watching the restless army move around and only when Urkin glanced did they come to a standstill. " Who do we fight" asked Urkin. We fight the army of Archimedes, replied Seronn. Archimedes, that doe snot sound like a name of a warrior, he said and laughed out aloud. His laughter caused even the trees to tremble. We shall crush his bones and offer the blood to the dark lord, said the ghost. Urkin looked at his dead men and rallied them, they shouted awaiting their time at war! My men thirst for blood and flesh, he said to Seronn. Good, said Seronn and looked at the moon. It was completely blue, back to its normal state. The next fortnight! will be your turn at war, said Seronn and walked back into the house. The army of Urkin went back to where they came from!

A Dream.....

Reya woke up from the middle of a dream that night. The moon was bright and blue when shae woke up. It was Artemis again that called out to her in her dreams. Reya walked out of her house and considered going to the same tree again, where she last met Artemis. Is she really my mother? she wondered. She cannot be, thought Reya who was caught up in two minds. But whatever it may be, the presence of Artemis both in her real life and her dreams did not cause her any worry. Artemis was always welcoming to her. What is there to lose? wondered Reya and walked towards the same tree. She climbed it up and there was she was again Artemis! Reya , is that you? she called the young girl. Yes, this is Reya, she replied. Did you want me to come here? asked Reya. Artemis remained silent. Oh! did you? she asked Reya. Yes, replied Reya. I would like you to go to a place for me? would you be able to do that? she asked Reya. This time reya remained silent. I have not ventured away from my home, she said to herself. There is a cave in those mountains said Artemis, pointing at the furthest hill from where they sat. The hills there are hollow. The insides of the Mountians are empty, said Artemis. What would you like me to do? she asked Artemis. You will see my child, said Artemis to Reya. Here, take these arrows from me, said Artemis and handed over to her the bow and arrow. This shall now always be yours! said Artemis. Thank you! said Reya. But i already have a sword with me, she said to Artemis. These are not normal arrows my child! said Artemis. This is an arrow of light, an arrow of fire, she said. Can you shoot one in the sky, said Artemis. Reya shot on eup high in the skies and there was a trial of fire that followed the arrows as it blazed up to the skies. Reya was surprised and happy at the same time. Her face was glowing and she said thank you , at least a couple of times to Artemis. Artemis looked at her and was smiling. She said " Sometimes I can forget that you are just a young girl" The weight of your destiny makes me forget that, she said. Reya did not listen to Artemis. She was still in awe of the spectacle before her. Reya, I need you to go to the hills there and fire the arrows deep into the caves, until it reached the corner of it, said Artemis. I shall, said Reya as she she kept the bow and arrows safely with her and took leave!