
Everyone was asleep in the mountains when Arakanese had his sword on the throat of Wily! She was startled and was about to scream. Mordin had caught her mouth and stopped her from waking the rest of them. They carried her out the hanger where the crafts were kept. When they dropped her on the tarmac she fumed. What do you want? she asked them. We need you to fly this thing for us, said Arakanese. Fly this where, she asked still rubbing her eyes. Beyond the north! said Mordin. Where? asked Wily as she did not understand the location.We will tell you were to fly us. We just need you to fly the craft, said Arakanese. If I resist? asked Wily. Then we will kill you, said Mordin without any hesitation. Arakanese stood there surprised by the answer of Mordin. Wily looked at Arakanese thinking that he might be more gentle with his answer. Arakanese knew that moment had long gone. He took his sword out and pressed it against the throat of Wily. " That is the way it goes"! he said to her.

" The craft opened and in went the men of Zoreus. The wolf himself , Mordin and Arakanese. Fly us out of here! said Arakanese to wily. The craft flew that night, and this time again like it did 400 hundred years ago, much to the worries of many people there. The people might think that i conspired against them with you, said Wily. Let them think whatever they want about you or me, said Arakanese. I do not care!. Mordin grinned. " I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself young lady" said Mordin or we shall see your head roll the next time, he warned. Wily knew better not to speak. So she flew the craft in the direction Arakanese pointed towards. Klick again watched a craft fly by over to the wilderness. A craft again! he uttered in annoyance. I need to tell Angela about this, he said and went back inside. The craft flew well in into the wilderness. Right there in the center was a huge mansion and Arakanese spoke " There, land the craft there, he said to Wily". Wily did as she was told.

So you are the one? asked Arakanese to Seronn. The one? asked Seronn back. The one who speaks the tongue of evil, said Arakanese. The one who came in the dreams of Mordin asking us to come here! I'm not aware of any such thing, said Seronn. Mordin from a distance was looking at Seronn and he did not speak a word at all. Seronn ignored the glances of the giant and went and spoke a few words to Adriella. Mordin had one hand firmly grasping Wily on her neck as he approached them. Here, lock her up, he said to Adriella. Adriella held on her and was a little sympathetic towards Wily. It reminded her of her days when she was a Marakese. " I used to look a lot like you" said Adriella to Wily. Wily was far too disgusted to speak anything. She just looked at Adriella and her eyes and was even more scared. Do not kill me, she said to her. Adriella laughed. That made Wily even more scared as she was locked away in the basement. Hurin and Derinn were engaged in some serious talk with Zoreus. The man there, they spoke to him. He has only one hand and he expects to rule the kingdom? they asked him. That is his desire, he replied. Desire alone is not enough, there needs to be strength and skill along with it, replied Hurin. There need to be thousands who follow his command, added Derinn. Hurin laughed " There need to be a thousand people who rally to his sword" and clearly this man can hardly hold one! Arakanese heard his missing hand being discussed. He knew better than to walk over to them and confront them. Murks! he uttered. Seronn looked at both his hands and that irked the wits of Arakanese. He was fuming now. " Hands do not matter, having none or both. It is the heart that matters" he said. And Arakanese you have a lot of it! Arakanese looked at Seronn. And it is you, who is going to lead us to battle? he asked him. I just do what is asked of me. I do not concern myself with battles, victories and as they were speaking Adriella came towards them. " " Nor the affairs of people" he said. Do not let that wretch out in any case, said Mordin. She can upset our cause singlehandedly, said Mordin. " If it was not a women, I would have crushed that small skull, he grunted in anger". Adriella was offended by the words of Mordin but she kept it to herself. Arakanese lifted his sword " Enough of petty words, now is the time for us to take back what is ours". Indeed, agreed Adriella. Hurin and Derinn too agreed to the rally of Arakanese. Seronn stood there in the midst of all this wondering what it all meant. To death! he chanted and Mordin agreed to him. To Death Indeed! said the giant. Mordin distanced himself from the crowd and looked at the moon. " The Brok again". This time I wipe out the Harakans in their entirety. The trace of their existence I shall take away from this planet. With these very hands! he said and folded them in anger.