Chapter 32 - Giovanni (2)


"I can't believe you get to see this view every day. It must be so nice waking up or going to bed with this just beyond the window." Malia stands before the tall window in my living room, just a few feet away from the glass because she's too afraid to go closer, but also can't help admiring the cityscape.

She hasn't shut up about how nice my place is since we arrived twenty minutes ago. She's like a little child in a toy store, gushing about whatever she fancies in the penthouse. The lights, the decor, the view, the comfortable sofa, the view again. All of which I had not given a second glance when I bought the place—except for the view, which is a favorite of mine too. It's strange how I've gotten so used to seeing this luxury that I forget how privileged I've been growing up.

And seeing her so happy being here makes me want to make her stay here forever so I can see that smile on her face every single day.