Ian's scrapyard

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Ian's scrapyard. Pt 1

We walked for some time. I kept looking at my watch, 'damn it's already five'.

It was weird to follow ten people, especially all of them giving me hostile looks.

The girl kept on pleading with Flash, "Gene please....Dammit don't be so boneheaded listen to me. What will dad say?"

This only managed to piss him off even more! I didn't think that was possible at this point.

'Oh he has daddy issues, good to know, could be useful in the fight!'

After his initial surge of rage subsided, he simply said to her, "What kind of brother would I be If i let some fucker talk..."

'Oh they must be related.' it suddenly clicked.

Maybe if I wasn't so sleep deprived I would have caught hold of that fact sooner!

His feelings were understandable.

If I was a meathead and some nerd was inappropriate with my sister then I would fight him too.

I would have tried to explain what really happened if I knew he would listen.

I had a feeling that no matter what he wanted this fight.

Especially given the fact that he had ten cronies with him to gang up on me. I could give him video evidence at this point and he still would find a way to provoke a fight. Today or tomorrow. That is simply the nature of bullies!

Besides, I don't have time to do all that explaining.

I need to finish this as soon as possible and get to Uncle Ben at the hospital, then hit home for sweet sweet sleep.

When her pleas didn't work, she kept shooting me worried looks.

'Oh it's not me you need to be worried about, sweetheart.'

We reached the dusty scrapyard at 5:02 PM. Like a typical scrapyard there were a lot of abandoned cars and other metal garbage. A Rusty iron sign that read Ian's Scarp.

"Last chance to back out Parker." he stopped calling me Puny Parker after I kicked his boy's ass.

I didn't even respond to him as I removed my shirt, the watch uncle ben gave me and stored them in my bag.

I cracked my neck and relaxed my shoulders.

"Alright let's get this party started, Oh and don't forget you're the one who asked for this!"

POV - Brian "Tiny" McKeever

That couldn't be Peter Parker, he looked like he could be a D1 athlete.

Lean but muscled. Always how Brian fantasized his body would look.

'When did that nerd get that ripped?' Brian thought

Brian had a potbelly and he wasn't in the best shape himself.

Genetics was always a constant bane in Brian McKeever life.

His father always had high hopes for him as a kid but gave up when he realized Brian wouldn't grow taller anymore. He remembered his father telling him in a drunken stupor he wished for a son like Flash! It hurt at the time but as with everything in his life he learned to accept his place.

Brian nervously turned to look at Jess.

'Will she reject me too?'

She was still pleading with Flash, he sighed in relief.

Brian was always surprised at how independent Jess was.

She was a loner despite making it as the head cheerleader.

However It was her cold icy exterior that enamored him and the rest of the boys in his school.

That iciness was nowhere to be found now.

Instead she was a hot mess. Looking distressed and tired.

"Don't worry Jess! We'll just kick him around for sometime and let him go. Flash won't get in trouble!" Brian tried to assure his crush. She however ignored his assurances!

Jessica Thompson never did give him the time of the day. However this might be a moment where he could find a way inside her heart. Maybe here he could finally shine in her eyes.

Helping her brother set this punk straight might just be the thing that could make them an item.

Jess didn't answer back, instead simply looking to Flash, "Eugene...I don't even know if it was him. Listen to me for christ sake!"

"Parker has it coming for him for some time now. Step back Jess. This won't take long."

This calmed her down for a moment. Maybe it was his assurance that Parker wouldn't get too hurt or it was his commanding presence. Whatever it was it seemed to do the trick as she became quiet.

Flash always knew how to be cool.

Something that brian had always struggled with on more than one occasion. Brian just couldn't get her attention but maybe with this he could prove her his love-

"Are we just going to stand here all day or are we gonna fight?" Who does the punk think he was?

He's outnumbered 10 to 1 and he thinks having that mouth on him is gonna help him.

'Yeah that's right he's probably never been in a real fight, lifting dumb bells didn't mean you could fight.'

"Step back Jess." Flash said in a low voice, almost whispering.

"So how do we do this? Do you all attack me or we go one by one." Parker said with a smile.

'How could he be so confident? He had to have something in his sleeve? We outnumber 10 to 1 for christ sake'

"Shut your mouth, I'm so sick of hearing you talk." Seymour O'Reilly lunged at Parker before they could decide on the rules.

"No he's mine!" Flash yelled out but it was too late, Seymour was already there.

Brian expected Seymour's meaty hands to smash Peter Parker's face in. He expected when that happened Peter to beg and apologize for being so arrogant.

To try to hit on Jess, his jess. Once Seymour was done with Parker, brian thought he would have some Parker to himself.

He expected the entire thing to be done in seconds and it was; just not the way he thought.

Seymour slumped over unconsciously.

"What in hell?" he couldn't help shouting.

"That's one down, nine more to go!"

POV - Peter



"What did you do...?" Flash looked at his friend's unconscious body.

'Oh, just a standard uppercut' I thought to myself. The idiot landed right into my fist, seriously who taught these bozos to fight. Even the guy I fought before did the same thing.

There was pin drop silence for a few seconds but then behind me, two of Flash's goons rushed forward.

"Ooooh dirty." I said without turning which must scared the crap out of them.

Evade Swing [ Success ]

I turned around to face the first goon.

Jab his throat [ Success ]

The guy fell down to his knees, holding his throat. The second guy took a fistful of sand and tried to throw it into my eyes.

Sidestep dirty tactic [ Success ]

Kick him in the balls [ Success ]

Holding his nuts, his legs went limp and he crawled away. He even began sobbing a little because of the pain.

'Yeah that's right dumbass, I can play dirty too! In fact playing dirty benefited me more'

I went over to the other guy who was still on his knees and punched him in the sternum. He too went down like a sack of potatoes.

"Three down, seven to go."

This left the little crowd speechless, even the girl had her jaw open.

"Everyone together lets go at him all at once." It was the little guy who showed the most resilience.

'His name was Mckiver? Macgyver? Milton? I don't know but he had heart though.' I'll give him that much. He rallied the other seven goons and led them directly to me.

'Wow that Macgyver guy must really hate me!' but the closer he came the slower he got. Hiding behind the taller stronger men, he showed none of the balls he displayed initially.

Evade Punch [ Success ]

Evade Punch [ Success ]

Evade Kick [ Success ]

Evade Jab [ Success ]

It felt like I was dancing.

My senses were working overtime.

Evading each blow at the very last second as to not give any time for a counter.

My spidey senses kept on going on and off like a broken switch. It was a rollercoaster of evasions, one after another.

I would trade punches but I had to hold back and hit them lightly

if I actually swung really hard I could shatter a skull easily. I had to be careful. So instead I hit and ran, it was hard running away from seven people but Superhuman reflexes helped.

After some time though, I could feel my energy running out. I made the mistake massively underestimating my fatigue and my opponents. My superpowers were still untrained so there's that. It was like a muscle I hadn't used too much I didn't need to, I wasn't out there fighting crime everyday.

If I was fresh though, I think it would be a different story altogether but I wasn't.

I had a very long day and was far from being in what you called perfect fighting condition but that was how life was. Unfair.

You just have to roll with the punches, quite literally in my case.

"Dammit, stop darting and face me like a man!'' said one Flash Thompson despite having six extra goons on his side.

"Oh what was that 'Gene', you need more help than you brought!" I taunted the meathead

The mocking cost me though. In that second I took to get a word in, the little guy tripped me up. That one mistake led to a series of events that would hurt me.

Evade Liver Punch [ Fail ]

"Aghh" that hurt.

Evade kick to shin [ Fail ]

"Agggh fuck" Pain shot through my leg like current. It slowed my mobility momentarily and my opponents took advantage of that.

"That's right boys fuck him up." said that tiny fuck.

'That's it I'm leaving that bastard for the last, god I'm gonna smash his face in.'

They encircled me and took turns kicking the living shit out of me. It felt like I was trapped in a mosh pit of death.

Kicks coming from all directions to my head, abdomen, legs and of course my crotch. I covered all of my vital spots and went to the fetal position.

POV - Brian McKeever

'We finally got the little shit.'

Kicking him felt really good. It was a frenzy.

When he turned to see Jess, she had a horrified look on her face. At this point though it didn't matter, none of it mattered. All that he cared for was that this little shit be put down.

He kicked for what felt like an eternity. When one foot got exhausted he used the other in its stead.

One by one they all stopped their assault.

He could hear the heavy breathes of his friends, they were all tired. Some of them even leaned forward to catch their breaths.

'Damn we must have done a ton of damage.' brian thought

Flash began speaking, "See what happens when you-"

He couldn't finish the sentence as Parker literally got up in a second and did a roundhouse kick to Flash's head.

Brian didn't recognize the boy anymore, he had a vicious smile on his roughed up face.

He looked like a Demon.

"You were saying Gene."

Ian's Scrapyard Pt. 2

I spit out some of the blood in my mouth. They kicked like a mule, I'm not sure how my Uncle and Aunt would react to seeing my bruises.

'Goddammit! I'm so pissed now!'

Looking at Flash who was flatly laid out on the ground thanks to my timed kick.

He should be knocked out cold for sometime.

I mentally noted, 'Six more to go'.

"Alright let's finish this up shall we?"

They looked horrified, all of them exhausted and dead tired so this should be easy.

'No more taking it easy! I won't make that mistake again.'

The remaining six tensed up and tried to get into a defensive position. I could feel their fear rise, their leader got taken out so naturally they weren't as confident as before.

I decided to change my tactics!

This time instead of running away from them, I went straight into the crowd.

A battle of attrition would end badly for me so even if i have to take some heavy shots here and there that's alright!

The faster this ends the better.

Right overhand [ Success ]

The guy tried to dodge it at first but then I closed the distance. He tried to block it haphazardly but it was too late.

The punch smashed his face in.

'Five left.'

Right then the closest guy next to him hit me with a punch to my ribs, It didn't hurt as much as i thought it would.

They must be really exhausted at this point.

The one major problem throughout the fight was that I had to pull my punches while simultaneously avoiding their attacks. Which didn't hurt me that much but when you get punched many times it could be very dangerous!

So in other words I had to make sure to control my offense while prioritizing defense.

If they were all used up though then I could completely throw my defense out and finish this fight ASAP.

Elbow to forehead [ Success ]

The guy who hit me, held his head. I was playing with fire here but I couldn't let my feelings get in the way anymore.

Punch to the sternum [ Success ]

He had trouble standing up after that and fell down.

Seeing this, two of the goons paled and fled.

Only three remaining! Still I had to give it to flash, he had good friends overall, I wondered if harry would stay by me if I was in Flash's position.

"Why don't you run away too? You know how this is gonna end."

"Fuck you Freak!" the tallest said.

"Yeah we ain't backing down that easily." the guy in the middle said

I expected the smallest to chirp too but he didn't. Not to worry I was saving him for the last, I remember him leading the charge before.

Not giving them time to heal up I ran up to them like a crazy person. Their confident looks turned to panic.

I hit the tallest with a standard one two combo and he fell.

'All that talk and he fell that easily. Disappointing!'

The other guy snuck up from behind and got hold of my back.

While the small macgyver fucker was cocking his right shoulder for a mean right.

'Nice Teamwork.....But it won't work one me'

With ease I overpowered his hold on me, moved to the side as Macgyver punched his friend in the dick. He tried to stop at the last second but he put enough force into the punch it ultimately didn't matter.

The guy slumped, holding his family jewels with drool coming out of his mouth.

It physically hurt me to watch him process the pain.

The small dude then started profusely apologizing to him, I waited until he finished.

"One Left." I said out loud.

He had none of the fierceness he showed before, no more taller stronger guys to hide behind anymore I guess.

I opened my palm and slapped him.

He doesn't deserve a punch. A slap will do!

"Aghh." he cried out

"Jesus what a wimp." I mocked much to his chagrin.

"Shut up." he grew angrier and began swinging wildly at me. I dodged all of his swings quite easily.

One by one. So predictable.

It was so boring at this point but I didn't make the mistake of underestimating my opponent again.

'What an idiot! He's already tired and he's wasting even more of his precious energy. If I was him I would either accept my fate or try to run away.'

I stopped one of his weak punches with one hand and applied pressure to his fist. He cried out in pain and fell to his knees.

Still holding his fist and pressing it tightly,

"Listen here Macgyver, you're gonna go and fetch me every single wallet out of everyone here. After bringing them to me, you'll count every single dollar right before me!"

He seemed to understand me through the pain. I continued

"And if I find even a dollar short....."

I paused for effect and added a bit more strength to my grip, he cried out once more.

"Do you understand?"

He quickly nodded his head. I let go of his hand and he began scurrying to his friends laying on the ground. He thoroughly searched through their belongings.

'Good!' I thought

The adrenaline from this fight kept my sleep at bay temporarily but I'm sure once it wears off I was a goner.

I took out my untouched shirt and the wristwatch from my bag. Only my jeans were a little bit dusty but after a few smacks the dust went away.

Some water over my face and after cleaning my busted lip, I looked fine.

Most of my bruises would be covered under my clothes so I didn't have to worry about Uncle Ben and Aunt May finding out!

After all, I wanted to look like a visitor and not a patient admitted alongside Uncle Ben.

The time was 5:08, the entire fight lasted no more than four minutes. It's almost scary how time slows down when you're in a fight. It must be the adrenaline at play.

While the small prick was searching his friends pockets I looked at the girl, Flash's sister.

' What was her name again Tess....no it wasn't that!.'

She was tending to her brother while softly scolding him. If it wasn't for their shared blonde hair it would be extremely difficult to tell that they were related. They're personalities couldn't be farther apart.

I walked up to her and she covered her unconscious brother with a defensive stance.

"What do you want?" she shot at me.

I take it back, you can definitely see the resemblance.

"Don't snap at me, you and your brother were the one who started this, I was just minding my own business."

"And so what....you beat him up right. What else do you want?"

"Nothing in particular."

She ignored me and went back to looking after her brother.

"Don't wake him up immediately. Wait at least five minutes."

Her eyes panicked.

"Why do you think he has a concussion! Is he gonna be alright?"

"No, I just don't want to fight him again, wait till I leave before waking him up." I said with a gentle smile

She looked at me blankly for a second and then burst out in laughter.

"You scared the crap out of me. Geez I thought you were gonna say how he has brain damage or something."

Right then the little guy came up to me with a couple of wallets and gave them to me without looking me in the eye.

"Aren't you forgetting about someone, Macgyver-kun."

"Macgyver....kun?....Oh yeah here's my wallet." Oh right, anime isn't that popular here at the moment.

"Don't forget the big man's wallet too." I motioned to Flash.

He began to move to him but then the girl got angry.

"Oh so not only do you beat people up, you steal their money too huh?"

'Funny how she didn't say anything until I told him to take Flash's money. Guess everyone else was fair game.'

"That was the agreed deal." I said with none of the previous gentleness.

Making it very clear to her that I wasn't playing here.

"Besides, your brother decided to pick a fight with ten of his cronies backing him. He's not the good guy here and neither are you for that matter. Just be glad that I'm kind enough to let you guys go because if the roles were reversed, your brother wouldn't show me the same mercy."

The previous rapport that we built with that friendly exchange crumbled.

There was only a bitterness in her eyes now.

"It's alright Jess." Macgyver comforted her much to her disdain. She turned to him and began laying the smack down on him

'Jess.' I made a mental note of her name, I didn't want to forget it again.

"You people just keep pulling Gene down. I told him to not to make friends with-"

"I don't care. Get me my money now, I have places to be!" I said with firmness.

'I have had enough drama to last a lifetime today, so please hurry up.'

The sleepy feeling was creeping back on me.

I have to get to the Queens Hospital before six at least.

Jess looked scorned but I didn't particularly care as long as she kept quiet.

When it was all said and done, they had about 700 dollars in total. Most of it was taken by extorting weaker students! There were more tens and twenties than hundreds, my wallet couldn't hold the entire stash.

I stuck some in my pocket and kept the remaining in my bag.

I did a complete U-turn and was about to leave when.

"You'll pay for this. In one way or another!" the girl proclaimed.

"Jess don't-"

"Shut up Brian. I know your name Peter Parker."

"I'll say this once and only once so better listen to it like your life depends on it. Forget that I even exist and continue living your miserable lives. If not then I'll make your brother's life hell. Don't fuck with me ever again. I won't go easy on you the next time. You can count on that Jessica Thompson."

The little dude looked like he was gonna piss himself any moment. The girl, to her credit, looked unfazed. Her blue eyes blazing with fire.

'Well whatever, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.'

I went outside the abandoned scrapyard and hailed a cab to the hospital .

It was much easier to get one within the city than I thought.

The cab driver was not Indian, he was a latino. Well close enough!

I was sleepy throughout the entire ride and the Cab driver understood I wasn't in a conversational mood. So thankfully decided to spare me from any small talk. We reached there quite fast at 5:45.

'For once in my life I wasn't late to something. Hurray!'

I gave him the fare and then the change. He appreciated it a ton. It wasn't my money anyways so I really didn't care.

I used the mens restroom inside the Hospital to check for any bruises and clean up again.

The bathroom was surprisingly clean for a General hospital and not to mention not too crowded either.

My bloody lip had already dried out and began to heal. Man, my healing factor is incredible.

Satisfied with my appearance I went to the patients quarters.

On opening the door and entering.

The first thing I should have seen was Uncle Ben's figure or the doctor standing beside him or the obnoxious 'Adrian'.

What caught my attention though was Aunt May. One of my deepest fears came to reality, it was the sight of watching my dear aunt with tears in her eyes.

My world began spinning.

'What's happening?'

The doctor looked at me once and then looked down. He then excused himself from the room.

Aunt May was still crying.

There was a pit in my stomach. I looked to the doctor for any answers but he just passed by me with a polite nod.

I couldn't move an inch. My body couldn't. My senses were going haywire.

Aunt May saw me and called out to me with both of her hands stretched out like a small child and in a weak voice, "Oh peter.."

That shattered the hold on my mind. My body began moving on its own.

I ran up to her and embraced her tightly.

"May, what happened?" I asked as I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"As...ask...him." She looked to Uncle Ben who looked pained.

"Uncle ben...?" I asked fearfully

"Uhh....Pete...I didn't want you to find out like this.....God.... Jesus give me strength! Pete....I... I have cancer. Lung cancer."