Group hugs and Cigarettes

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Group hugs and Cigarettes

"-Lung cancer."

My light head became heavy. Gravity increased tenfold and time slowed down

"What." was the only thing I could muster up.

"Pete, I have cancer."

The words sunk into me.


Lung cancer.

My uncle has lung cancer!

The man who adopted his brother's orphaned son.

The man who was the most faithful husband.

The man who followed every single law in the book.

The man who pays taxes on time and never ran a red light.

The man who would save a person regardless of who she was or what she did.

That man of all people is cursed with cancer while evil men get away with all kinds of crimes again and again….

Where's the justice in this? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!!!!

The thought of him dying on the street was replaced with him slowly withering away in his bed.

Losing his strength and dying all the while Aunt May looked after him as he suffered.

'I don't know which is worse.'

No, that can't be his fate. Not now. Not when I just got him back again.

I could feel Aunt May's embrace get tighter.

'NO!!!!!! Now is not the time to think about such things. He's alive, we'll find some way. I'll find some way!'

"Okay." I said simply, which surprised not only Uncle Ben but also Adrian who was nearby.

"Woah kid, you're something else." he added

I kept consoling Aunt May. I need to be strong. Stronger than I ever was in canon, than I ever was in my previous life.

"Don't worry May, we'll find him the best doctor. We'll make sure Uncle Ben gets the best treatment in this world. Nothing's gonna happen to him." I said with a small smile.

It was a facade as usual but a necessary one. Perhaps the most necessary front I've ever done.

She didn't say anything but I knew she found solace in my words. Even if it was just cheap talk, she needed to be reassured, to be comforted that reality wasn't this cruel.

"What did the doctor say exactly, When do we start the treatment, Uncle Ben."


"Uncle ben."

Aunt May removed herself from my embrace, wiped her tears and answered in Uncle Ben's stead.

"The doctor said we could start chemotherapy this monday."

"'Good that's good!" I said, trying to spark optimism and bring light to a dark situation.

"You're a tough one, kid! If I were in your situation I would be bawlin" Adrian said with a wide smile.

"Well I have to be! No point in crying about the situation. We just have to deal with this like anything else."

Adrian's smile only widened.

"Umm Adrian excuse me, can you give us some time." Uncle Ben said

"Oh.. of course, I'm sorry I'll give you all some much needed privacy!" saying that Adrian used his crutches and left the room.

"Pete….May…I have something else to tell you two." he said with a grim face.

My heart began pounding again, 'What now? What's worse than Cancer!'

"I don't know how else to say this...."

"Just say it you big oaf!" Aunt May interrupted angrily.

"I got laid off from my job." he closed his eyes and said quickly.

I heaved a sigh of relief, 'This man sure knows how to give me a heart attack.'

Aunt May had the exact same reaction. In fact she smacked his leg like he was a child or something and said,

"Benjamin Parker….don't you ever scare me and Pete like that. We thought something major happened." She even used his given name, that's when you know she means business.

Uncle Ben was in complete shock.

"I…you aren't...angry..... disappointed in me." he stuttered

"Of course not, It's just a job!"

"But what about Pete's college and our mortgage? My health insurance isn't gonna be enough to cover the treatment." He said with uncertainty in his eyes.

This time I was the one who answered, "Actually I got a job. My grades are really good and scholarships are a thing." I lied about the job thing but I knew I could easily get one if I tried. More importantly what Uncle Ben needed was a little bit of reassurance. Everything was going to be alright.

Uncle Ben's jaw dropped.

"Also I'll try to get a job too. Remember I was Secretary before I met you." Aunt May coaxed Uncle ben.

She winked at me.

'That's right May. We can handle this, we can kick this cancer's fucking ass!'

"You two….I'm sorry. I'm….I should be doing…..better..I…got…provide for you-" Uncle Ben couldn't control his emotions. He choked up with tears.

Aunt May smiled. "We're Family Ben. We help each other out! You don't have to carry it all on your own"

She took me by the hand and led me to Uncle Ben, where we hugged him.

He tried to hold it in but he gave up the instant we hugged him. The wetworks came out. We all began crying out loud. Together as a family.

"I'm sorry May, I'm sorry Pete."

"It's alright Ben. We're here for you now."

'Sometimes all a person needs is a hug.' I remembered Shreya telling me that. She might have been a crazy party girl but damn was she right!

"That's right Uncle Ben. We're here for you." I said with rejuvenated confidence.

'We'll find a way. I'll find a way if it's the last thing I do."

Us three remained like that for some time, saying nothing and just letting it all out. It would end up being one of my most cherished memories.


POV - Adrian Toomes

'Well ain't that peachy!'

Looking at the Parker family group hug like they were some hippies almost put a tear in Adrian Toomes eyes. Key word being Almost.

Adrian Toomes.

Mechanical engineer, Inventor, Criminal. The Vulture.

'Still good for them I guess. Ben seems like an alright guy. His wife's a bit crabby but hey it's not like I was all sunshine and rainbows. His nephew on the other hand though…something about him rubbed me the wrong way.'

Perhaps it was his dislike of teenagers. The only teenager he could stand was his daughter and even she was acting a little cold to him these days .

However this was different, something about young Peter Parker gave him the chills.

'Something ain't right with that kid but then again I dress up as a vulture to steal shit. I can't point fingers at anyone.'

No longer invested in the Parker family soap drama. Adrian Toomes walked out using his crutches.

'God I hate using these fucking things, I can't wait till I heal up.'

"I need a smoke, '' he said out loud. He couldn't say that in front of Ben for obvious reasons.

One of the nurses who took good care noticed him and looked at him funny,

'Oh great!'

"What are you doing outside Mr Toomes, shouldn't you be resting up in your room?" she said with concern.

"What can I say sweetheart, I missed you too much!" he tried to deflect.

Unfortunately it didn't have an effect on the nurse.

"Mr Toomes, I'm serious. You shouldn't be moving around too much."

"I know I know but Ben and his family needed some space. Besides, I need some fresh air as well."

"Oh…..I see." she said. It seemed everyone knew about Ben's case. He was the big hero after all. Everyone knew about his diagnosis and felt bad for him.

'Ah some people really are popular and others not so much. Guess that's just the way it is!' he sighed

"Anyways, Care for some coffee with me sweetheart. It's on me." he finished

The nurse smiled brightly to his light flirting,

"Ah I would love Mr Toomes but I'm just a little busy now."

"Too busy for an old man, I see." he pouted

"Ah if only I was twenty years younger maybe then I would have a shot!"

"Nothing like that Mr Toomes. Oh and don't smoke too much. It's not good for you." she smiled mischievously.

Adrian smacked his forehead and hid his face in embarrassment.

"Ah you got me, was I too loud before."

"Suzy, I need you here." One of the doctors called out to her and she left immediately.

"Stay out of trouble." she said before disappearing

'I try to sweetheart but trouble has a weird way of finding me!

From there Adrian went outside the hospital to the nearby bench to sit down. He took out the carton of cigarettes that he pickpocketed from one of the shrinks in the psych ward.

He put it to his mouth and was about to light it up when he remembered that he forgot to steal a lighter.

'Oh great I don't have a lighter. Great job idiot!'

As he was about to give up and head back to his room, a hand holding a lighter hovered around his cigarette.

"Oh thank you so much. I was about to leave. You're a lifesaver buddy."

"No problem." A deep voice replied.

'Wait a minute, i know that…' he turned his head up to see who it was.

The cigarette fell out of his mouth and his blood ran cold.

"You're a tough man to find Mr Toomes," said the huge bald man in the white suit.

Adrian straightened his back and looked directly into the man's eyes.

"I try to be discreet."

"An admirable trait." his deep voice deepened. From his frame to his voice, everything about the man took up space.

"One that I'm constantly on the lookout for! You can never have enough competent help and I just so happened to have a vacancy."

"And what If i told you I'm not interested?"

The man didn't respond. Fear coursed through Adrian.

"I have a job only for discreet people. It involves Tech. I wouldn't have personally come here if I didn't think you weren't the man for the job."

"And who would be the unfortunate soul that crossed The Kingpin."

Wilson fisk let out a small smile and replied back in his rough deep voice,

"How familiar are you with Anthony Stark?"