Master plan

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𝗔 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿.

POV - Adrian Toomes

"So all I have to do is get inside Stark Industries HQ and steal some documents! No kidnapping or assassination? You just want me to steal some plans."

"Yes, Mr. Toomes!" The man in the white suit replied in his usual bored baritone voice,

"So…what's in it for me!"

"10 million dollars." he said calmly as he cut into his steak.

He wanted to spit out the champagne when he heard that. He quickly regained his composure.

'If I show any reaction here, that could affect future negotiations! Calm down, Adrian!'

"These plans must have something of incredible value then? 10 million is no joke, Mr. Fisk."

"Please do not state the obvious, Mr. Toomes, are you interested in the job or not?"

"Oh don't get me wrong I would love to get me some of that dough but I also want to know what I'm getting into before I agree."

"You think I would share the details inside the dossier! Do you consider me daft?"

"I don't know what you've heard about me but I don't snitch and I most definitely don't backstab the people I work with. Now if you don't want me to know all the details, that's reasonable! However I need to understand who I'm pissing off before I become your catspaw."

It was risky, trying to strong arm Fisk but he needed more information if he was going to accept the job!

Wilson Fisk let out a grunt and stopped paying attention to his medium rare steak. He looked directly into his eyes for a few seconds. His blue eyes assessed him like a shark did to its prey!

It suddenly hit him that they were completely alone in the restaurant,

'If he wanted to kill me, he could easily do that! This was his restaurant for chrissakes!'

"What?' He muttered, paralysed with fear.

He didn't have his equipment just in case shit went south!

'Goddammit!!' His mind screamed at him for being so foolish.

The kingpin broke his silence,

"Very well, Mr. Toomes! Let us continue this conversation in my car."

He got up completely ignoring his meal and lifted his arm to chauffeur him to his limousine.

His nervousness became more intense! The pit in his stomach only grew.

'Maybe I should back out of this now! Maybe he will let me live if I tell him I'm not interested-'

Adrian's mind hissed at him to stop being indecisive, he couldn't keep the kingpin waiting any longer.

In the end, he decided it would be wise to follow him, at least for now.

' I'd rather not jerk around the most notorious crime boss in all of New York!'

He followed him to his limousine, where one of Fisk's men opened the door for him.

The car was much more spacious than he thought. It looked huge inside.

Fisk sat on the other side, he opened a bottle of whisky and poured it into a glass. Given how little he had drunk of it, the whisky appeared to be of high quality.

Instead of gulping it down like he would, the kingpin instead offered it to him.

For a second he feared being poisoned, his mind immediately dismissed the possibility! This was Wilson Fisk, if he wanted to kill a man, he wouldn't waste good whiskey; his hands were all he needed!

"Like the great Reverend King once said in his famous speech. Like him Mr. Toomes, I too have a dream." he said.

"A dream in which the world isn't a cruel, cold place. A world in which children do not go hungry, and mothers do not sell their bodies to feed their newborns! A world in which a boy doesn't have to kill his father and chop him up with a rusty fucking saw!" His tone switched dangerously low at the last sentence.

He continued,

"I want to build that world, Mr. Toomes! All you need to know is that annoying brat Tony Stark is getting in my way of achieving that dream. The documents you're stealing contain designs for a new ballistic missile that Stark Industries is developing! It also has other things that could be very useful in my endeavour to realise my dreams."

The realization dawned on him,

"Jesus, I thought you wanted me to steal an embarrassing photo of him or something? So you can…you know, blackmail him. This... you're asking me to steal military plans!"

"Is that rejection I hear?"

"No… I can't pass up an opportunity to fuck over Howard Stark's son. It's also an exciting gig, if I must say so myself!"

The kingpin offered him a cigar, but he refused,

"No thanks I live plenty dangerous as is!"

"The job sounds great and all but the pay needs to be better!" he said as he sipped the whiskey.

'Damn this was some good stuff.' he thought.

"Then how much would be an appropriate amount?"

"Triple it and I'll do it."

Adrian knew Fisk had to have someone else backing him. In fact, he was pretty damn sure Fisk was getting paid in the hundreds of millions for this job.

No way he would get that information if that wasn't the case.

'So fork over some of that dough, fatty!'

"You ask for a steep price." He spoke calmly, but his irises showed the hidden animosity that wasn't present on his face.

"And you're asking me to steal some shit that would get all the three-letter agencies on my ass. The FBI, DEA, shit maybe even the CIA would have me dead. My ask is reasonable!"

"I see… Fine. When can I expect you to finish the job?"

"A few weeks, definitely in a month. I know that building very well, like the back of my hand, actually. I did work there for over a decade, which I'm sure you already knew when you tried to recruit me."

"Very well. Does fifteen now and fifteen after the completion of the job sound good to you?" He opened a briefcase containing gold bars.

Adrian Toomes eyes sparkled, with this, his daughter wouldn't want for anything in life.

"I'm assuming you have the necessary contacts to fence this! We don't want to be careless now do we!" Fisk said with an unsettling grin.

"I do. You'll hear from me in a couple of days. I have some reconning to do!"

He picked up the briefcase, but not before he felt the tight grip of Fisk's hands!

"Mr. Toomes, if you ever decide to betray me..."

His grip tightened, Adrian could slightly feel the pain rising.

"I might be trying to build a better world Mr. Toomes but don't doubt the things you've heard about me. They're all true, in fact I could be crueller than some of those stories!" He released his hold and pressed a button near him, which opened the doors to the car.

"Until next time, Mr. Toomes!"

The door shut as he got out. Wilson Fisk's face disappeared into blackness as the tinted windows rolled up.

Adrian Toomes waited until the car was completely out of sight. He waited for another two minutes just in case. When he figured he was all alone again, he said

"Fuck you fatty!"


On that same day, in Wilson Fisk's bedroom.

POV - Wilson Fisk

"Do you like it, Vanessa?"

"Oh, Wilson, it's wonderful!" She kept touching the necklace, the one he gifted her.

"Well, don't just look at it!" He laughed,

It might have unnerved others, but Vanessa enjoyed him in his good mood.

"Help me wear it, Wilson!" She flashed her naked neck.

'So many people feared me snapping their necks and yet this woman couldn't care less!'

He helped her with the jewelry, his large fingers were shaking with fear of harming her.

'What if I hurt her?' He dreaded

He felt her touch his arm and saw the smile on her face.

"I won't bite, just be a good boy and help me with it" She said, tongue in cheek.

His shivering hands became firm.

"Whatever my lady wishes." He did his duty diligently,

"So how do I look?" She asked him excitedly.

"You make it look good on you Vanessa." He said with complete admiration,

'How did I ever manage to end up with this lovely creature! How am I so lucky, What did I ever do to deserve her love?" He thought for a brief fleeting second.

"Well aren't you a smooth talker, Mr. Fisk!" She teased him.

"Only for you, Ms. Marianna." He replied gently.

She beckoned him seductively with her index finger. He walked towards her completely hypnotised and under her spell.

They kissed. Vanessa's lips were soft and wet, her tongue was rolling inside his mouth.

They stood like that for a few more seconds, then he lifted her up and his arm slid inside her nightdress.

Her hands tried to intervene initially, but she gave in to his passion.

Gently, he removed her clothing one by one with one hand as his other hand fondled her breast.

"I love you, Marianna!" He whispered into her ears.

"Oh Wilson, take me." She moaned with pleasure.

That's exactly what he did but it wasn't rough or callous, he did it gently like a woman of her beauty and kindness deserved.

After the fire left their bodies, they looked into each other's eyes in complete silence.

"I've never felt like this in my life, my love." She said, gazing deeply into his blue eyes.

He didn't say anything, he didn't need to! Their eyes did all the speaking, their souls intertwined.

"I've never had this much fun….you're amazing Wilson, You make me feel so special!" She came closer to him.

He gently caressed her cheek, as she came closer to him.

She hugged his bare chest and buried her head deep within his muscles.

"Never let me go. Promise me!" She said, her voice muffled.

"Never!" He said as his hug grew tighter.

An hour later she went into a deep sleep. He covered her naked body with silk sheets.

Gave her cheeks a peck and got up.

He wore his pajamas and went to his wide balcony.

He walked up to the edge and grabbed the cold guardrail with his huge fingers almost bending it!

He looked at the entirety of the city, "One day….It's gonna be all mine!" His thoughts wandered to Vanessa, and then he quickly amended the statement, "It's going to be ours!"

His and Vanessa's and any children they might have in the future.

Before all that though he needed to propose to her, he even had James pick out a ring just for the occasion. It was only a matter of time.

He couldn't lie to himself, he was afraid she would reject him but…that was worth the risk. He could give her his surname and a child when they got married. He was giddy at the thought, like a little child waiting for Christmas.

Before Christmas came, he had to clear out some pests.

Mike Pondsmith would be assassinated by a terrorist bombing in the next few weeks. One of his prominent allies would make sure of that.

If the heist goes right, then Tony Stark's credibility goes out the window. The dossier contained not only plans for the 'Jericho missile' but also evidence linking Stark Industries to a terrorist cell in Afghanistan.

The same terrorist organisation responsible for assassinating that pesky District Attorney

This would lead to national condemnation of Stark Industries and, by extension his political rival, Francis de Blasio.

It wouldn't have mattered if the heist had failed. Tony Stark's leadership would be questioned. Stark Industries' military contracts would be under review by the government.

Keeping Stark busy and unable to fund de Blasio's campaign was his main goal.

It really doesn't matter if this entire part of the plan failed as long as de Blasio gets bad press.

Once the channels crucify him for taking money from a terrorist sympathizer, He would announce his intention to run for public office!

At that point, his allies come out of the woodwork and ensure that he wins in a landslide victory.

That was his master plan: to take out all of his enemies in one fell swoop.

Everything would be relatively easy once he was elected.

He would completely insulate himself from the street operations. Wesley would naturally take over the role of the boss. While he worked as the mayor, to obtain more political capital and build connections.

Once he gets elected governor, he can truly make the changes he wants.

More importantly, he would then propose to Vanessa at that point. From there, they would live out the fairytale ending.

They would have four children, two sons and two daughters. They would all live happily ever after, Maybe one of his sons might even become president. It surely was not beyond the realm of possibility!

He had dreams, huge plans for everyone.

He smiled once more as the wind hit his face. "I can't wait for the future!"