Fair-weather friends

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Fair-weather friends

𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝘆

I sat on the chair beside Harry; we were reviewing lessons he had missed.

"So what's the answer to this...?"



"Hey, don't blame me! I'm not the one making me do math problems first thing in the morning!"

"Hmm, fair enough, but... I only taught you these things a week ago! You should remember them."

He looked at me with surprise and said, "Really?"

"Maybe the doctors should have you checked for stupidity before clearing you!"

"They said there's no cure for it!" He snickered at his own joke.

"Fine! We'll solve these questions later. I've got basketball practice, so I'll see you after school!" I stuffed my books into my bag.

"Wow, you're really taking this whole sports thing seriously! I thought you would have had it by now."

"Yeah… I was thinking of quitting, but I made a promise to a guy! So I'll stick around the team for now."

"Look at you, Peter Parker! Making some new friends, eh! Get some hot cheerleader's numbers for me, won't you."

"I never said he was my friend, and you already have enough girls around you." I stated flatly.

"You know, Pete. One of these days, you gotta stop being so shy and get a girlfriend. Ooh, I know, you could try to get with Sarah! You two make such a good couple."

"How many times do I have to tell you there's nothing between us?"

When I came here today, the first thing he asked me was if Sarah and I were a thing now. He mistook Sarah's unusual familiarity with me yesterday as a sign of a budding romance.

I wonder how Sarah would react to that idea? probably slash my tires... Oh wait, I don't have a car, so I guess she'll settle for my throat then!

"Like I said, see ya later; I'll come after school."

"No need for that."

I raised my eyebrow. I looked at him from top to bottom.

"Excuse me. You got places to be?"

"MJ's coming to visit me today, so I just want some alone time with her. I don't want you stealing my thunder again."


"Well, you did say that the doctor was going to clear you soon, so I guess I'll be seeing you in class soon enough!" I gave him a nod and left his room.

"Yeah, buzz off!" As he reached for the TV remote, he said.

I still don't know how he recovered so fast! Maybe it was because this world was set in Marvel! I guess weirder things have happened!

I didn't want to look a horse in the mouth, so I just accepted it as a fact.

The only thing that mattered was that he was safe and recovering quickly.

I sprinted back with ease and reached the gym in 15 minutes. I said it once, and I'll say it again. The best part of this superpower was that I didn't have to sit through traffic anymore!

I changed into my sportswear and went onto the court, where the team was getting ready for practice.

Almost the entire team avoided looking at me for some reason.

"Coach. Sorry for being late.

"It's alright, Peter. William told me about your friend. As long as you make it to practice and produce results, you'll always have leeway with me!"

"Yes coach. Thank you, coach!"

The coach could be a hardass at times, but he wasn't without heart.

"Now join the other team, you'll be facing off against Will and the rest of the starters!"

'Ooh, so I get to face the best of Midtown High. Sounds Exciting!'

"Yes Coach!" I yelled out, like I said before, you could leave the military but the military doesn't leave you.

One hour later

"Whew, that was quite the game, wasn't it?" Eddy said, completely exhausted.

"Yeah," I replied robotically.

'This is getting boring.' I needed a challenge, this was a walk in the park. Now that my body was getting used to the rhythm of the game, even Will posed no threat to me.

"You're incredible, you know that! You actually managed to beat us starters!" Earl said,

"Even Will was a bit dejected by the way you zip-zapped around us and scored whenever you wanted to! Not to mention your shooting... your shooting is insane! You even make Will look like an amateur." James said with a good natured smile.

"Yeah, it's hard to believe it's your first time playing for a team!" Earl added, slightly suspiciously.

The others remained silent as the starters heaped praise on me.

Some were staring at William for guidance.

Even the very team that I led to victory in practice just now, was looking at our captain.

He was surprisingly calm and looked unbothered by all the praise I was getting.

"It doesn't matter! As long as we can beat Trinity High!" He declared loudly.

'I'm sure there was some truth in that statement, but it's better to be safe than sorry.'

"You heard the captain; we'll be facing them in two days. Winning that game is all that matters! All our personal achievements don't matter if we lose the game on Friday." I echoed his thoughts. Being a leader and managing egos is a very important skill that you need to move up in the army. People who couldn't respect the hierarchy would not last long in the special forces.

I didn't want to be the guy who usurped Will's position as captain or disrespected the established system!

The entire team began nodding, and I even heard a couple of "Hmms" agreeing with my sentiment.

I noticed the coach, in particular, gave me a meaningful look.

'That's right I can't outshine Will too much; I have to defer to him in these situations. Well, it's not like I needed to stay in the club anymore. The spider-cement was coming along nicely; it would be only a matter of time until I could show it off to an investor!'

"That's right," the coach began.

"In two days, we'll have the opportunity to avenge our previous loss. I want you all to stay focused and make sure to not let your petty feelings get in the way of a W! Do I make myself clear?"

We all chorused, "YES SIR!"

"Alright, then you're all dismissed!"

Will came to the center of the huddle and shouted, "Red Hawks in one, two, three!"

"Red hawks!" We followed suit.

The entire team dispersed, and I began walking to class when I felt the presence of two people following me.

I turned back to see—it was Pierre and Kendrick. The conceited second stringers who mocked me on my first day!

'What? Are they picking a fight with me? Seriously, didn't the coach just say not to start fighting with each other just now!'

"What do you two want?"

Pierre was the first to speak up, saying, "We—ugh. We wanted to apologize to you for that day!"

I scanned his face; he wasn't telling any lies.

"Yeah." Kendrick added with a sidelong glance, not looking at me entirely.

"Okay." I replied curtly.

"We're just sick of losing... I'm just sick of losing. So when I saw you join the team, I assumed you were only going to slow us down." Pierre's French accent made it really hard to understand, but I managed somehow.

"That's quite alright, I understand!" Turning back, I say.

"My mother also asked me to invite you to our home for dinner! We're from France but originally from Cameroon, so you know, she makes a killer Ndolé!" The giant spoke with excitement.

It seemed that he was more excited for that dish than I was.

"Um… I'm really busy these days, so...."

Hopefully, he got the hint.

"How about after Friday's game! The entire team's coming to my house anyway!"

Damn, this guy didn't quit.

"Forget making excuses and just accept your fate. He'll drag you to his house regardless! Just accept the invitation." Kendrick said while looking at his feet,


"Okay....Fine… I'll come with the rest of the team." I admitted defeat.

'Well at least I'm getting free food out of this, so there's at least that. Also, I hear African dishes are supposed to be really flavorful!'

"Really?… Oh man, I'm so glad. My mom gave me an earful when I told her about you. She wanted me to apologize when I saw you again! So yeah this means a lot!" He smiled innocently,

'What a weird guy. Who tells their mom who they're bullying at school? Anyway, as long as he respected me and kept things neutral, I wouldn't mind.'

"Alright, then I won't keep you up any longer, little spider!" The dude waved goodbye with a giant smile.

"Little sp-, wait what?" I shouted, my voice echoed throughout the gym.

"Geez....calm down! It's just a nickname!" Kendrick cut in.

"Why did you call me that?" I said with agitation.

'What if someone found out? What if someone knew about my powers!'

"What… Little spider? Yeah, that's the cringe nickname that Pierre made up for you. Apparently, you move like one! At least Pierre thinks you do." Kendrick explained.

"Are you for real?" I looked at Pierre,

"What? That's a cool name. I wish someone would give me a cool nickname!" He defended his choice.

'No matter how much I run from it, this world likes reminding me of my comic counterpart.'

"Well anyway, see ya later, Spider!" Pierre waved goodbye and left.

Kendrick cringed again at the mention of my nickname.

'Yeah, me too buddy!' I thought

After I showered and changed my clothes back, I left for my class.

Football practice was still going on, with cheerleaders practicing their routines.

'Hmm, I wonder if Jessica wasn't hurt, would she be wearing those skimpy skirts..."






What the hell was I even thinking!

Damn these teenage hormones, she's like a year younger than me in this world and eleven in the previous one!

'What the hell is wrong with me!'

For the entire walk back, I kept my head down to hide my red cheeks!

I got my test papers back, and all of them were A+ without even trying.

The teachers made a big deal out of it, telling everyone to model me. Unfortunately, this earned me some hateful looks from everyone.

It was rough sitting in class after that.

If Harry hadn't forbidden me from coming, I would have headed straight to the hospital before the bell even rang!

'Well, his loss!' I thought.

I wanted to work on the enhanced cement anyways!

"Heyya Pete!" I heard a girl calling me from behind.

'Who the hell calls me Pete in this school other than Harry-'

"Oh, it's you." I said blankly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!" The blonde yelled back.

"Yeah!" The quiet girl behind her agreed with her.

"We came here all the way from our class to pick you up. I thought we were going to the hospital together!" Jessica said with a sour look.

"Huh?" I let out a confused sound.

"What… I thought we made up yesterday!" She said in a confused tone.


"I thought we were like friends!" She was shocked.

I did a quick scan of the classroom. 'Whew, no one's here!'

"Yeah, we're friends; it's just that. You know..... we never made any plans!" I admitted with a little hesitation.

"Oh…..we didn't?" It was her turn to be confused now.

"I could swear we agreed on going out together as a group!" With a finger on her chin, she reflected.

"Yeah… When Harry's healed up, I still don't know if I want to talk to that meathead of a brother you have! He did put my best friend's life in danger."

The last sentence killed all of her enthusiasm. She looked sad.

'Oh great Peter, you made a girl feel bad! You're such a smooth operator!'

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about that! I thought… I made a new friend and got all excited. I'm sorry-" She started her apology.

"Oh, for chrissakes, I didn't mean it like that."


"Harry doesn't blame your brother too much! So… I won't either, so don't cry."

Her face regained some of its warmth.

"But that doesn't mean I don't hold him responsible. After all, he was the driver that day! For some reason, Harry believes in your brother. He might look like an idiot on the outside, but when it comes to people, he has a good eye. More importantly, I trust Harry! In other words, I'll give your brother another chance." I was winded saying all that in one breath.

"So... in other words, you'll come with us to visit my brother and Harry!" She said with puppy eyes.

"Not today! I'm busy with some other things today."

She pouted this time instead of looking depressed,

"Busy with what?"

'Get a hint, girl!'

"You know with…like stuff." I said struggling to come up with an excuse,

She looked unconvinced and said, "Okay, but what about tomorrow?"

God, why is everyone so tenacious today.

I wanted to make up another excuse but her giant, innocent blue eyes did the trick.

'Ah Dammit!'

"Fine!... I'll come with you guys tomorrow."

"Yay!" Jessica celebrated.

I really don't get how she got the name Ice queen of Midtown High. She was as bubbly as they came!

"I'll be heading home then."

"Alright see ya." She waved with her free hand.

'Geez what is up people today? They're all so cheery, or maybe I'm the miserable one.'

I kept walking for some time until A thought popped into my head.

'Oh, hold on a second. I think Aunt May and Uncle Ben had to go to the bank or something. Yeah, I remember May telling me they'd be late!'

She tried to give me the keys today, but... I told her that I would be with Harry in the hospital today.

I slowly turned to see if Jessica was nearby. She wasn't!


Well…shit. I just put on that whole horse and pony show for nothing.

"Hmm. I could always go to the library. They're open until eight.'

Then my thoughts drifted to Moe and his café, and I said out loud,

"Yeah, you know what? I'm in the mood for some coffee."


POV - Jessica Thompson.

'YEEES!' She celebrated inside.

'I have him right in my palms.' She thought with a mischievous grin,

'Soon enough, he'll become my friend!' She thought with comical villany

Sarah said, "I don't know why you want to bring that boy! He's not a good person."

This made her frown.

"C'mon, Peter isn't all that bad!" She playfully chided her friend.

"He even carried my bag for me yesterday, remember."

"He was probably trying his luck with you. You're incredibly beautiful, you do know that right?" Sarah said it with certainty.

Despite the compliment, she could only feel her frown get deeper.

"He's not like that, Sarah... I think you got the wrong impression of him." She defended him.

Why wouldn't she?

He was kind and strong. He was also quick to apologize, something that most people didn't do.

He was also handsome, in his own way.

"Why was he acting so high and mighty? It was to make you feel indebted to him. I know how manipulators like him work. My father's like that."

A manipulator? Peter Parker. She didn't get that feeling at all.

Sure, she might have agreed with that assessment a few days ago, but not now... She just couldn't view him that way!

"Sarah.... He forgave me that day when I told him it was my fault, remember! He's a nice guy." She complained.

"And why do you need his forgiveness? You're not the one who drank beer that night. It was your brother! Even that Osborn boy was more responsible for that accident than you. Didn't you warn them before? Who is he to say anything to you!" Sarah Fumed.

It was so unusual for her to do that.

'She really did have the wrong impression of him...like I did before!'

She wanted to defend Peter, though. At a time when she thought she was a coward for not standing up to her brother, he was the one who absolved her guilt!

She didn't want to see the truth about her brother and his bullying, so she blindly despised the boy!

He didn't reveal the fact that her brother used to bully him until recently. She wanted to say all this but couldn't.

'If I talk bad about Eugene to her, then she'll think less of him!'

She had never seen her brother interested in a person as much as he was in Sarah.

The first thing he asked after regaining consciousness was, "Is Sarah alright?"

The idiot didn't even remember that they had dropped her off earlier. Still, she had never seen her brother like that.

She didn't want to ruin their chances of getting together by babbling about who he used to be.

All the while, Sarah was slandering Peter, her new friend.

She knew he was reluctant to be hers, but she really wanted to be his.

He could be a great help in teaching her brother.

Sure, that was one side, but...

'Be truthful to yourself!' A thought crept into her head.

'Truthful about what? I'm not sure,' she tried to persuade her unconscious.

'You like him.'

She could feel her cheeks heating up.

'No I don't! I just want to make friends with him for the sake of my brother's education. He seems to be very smart, that's all! I'm the one using him!' She argued back.

'Since yesterday, all you could think about was him. How he looked nice, how he was strong, and how smart he was. How he's funny and the kindest person you've ever met in your life'

Her breaths became longer, and she had a tight feeling in her chest.

'But what will they say? … What will my brother think? What about his friends? They'll all take the opportunity to call me a disloyal slut.'

She thought about the boy's face again, and she could feel her heart beating faster,

'See you can't wait to meet him again.' A part of her mind accused her

"Shut up." She said out loud, oblivious to what Sarah was saying.

"Oh, sorry, Jess. I was rambling again, wasn't I?" Her friend apologized

"What no.... I was thinking about something else! Oh, we're getting late. Let's go; dad said he'll drop us there if we reach home on time."

She deflected.

'You too, Ms. Thompson' She remembered the boy joking with her, smiling with that a cute smile!

"Let's hurry up, Sarah. We're getting late!" She huffed.

Badass Peter Parker