Mission part 1

Mission part 1

The way back to X mansion was a long one. Well, it was only a ten-minute walk, but it was the longest ten minutes of my life.

I reflected on a lot of things, my previous life, my current life as Peter Parker. I thought about my uncle and aunt, I thought about my superpowers, I thought about Spider-Man.

I thought about all kinds of things and then some more.

The problems that keep coming into my life and the ones that I quickly resolved.

I thought about Faith. I thought about Curtis the pimp. I thought about Will, Pierre and the rest of the basketball club. I thought about my friendship with Harry and my budding romance with Jessica.

Like I said it was the longest walk I've ever had in my life.

One of the biggest problems in my life was solved. I no longer had to worry about medical bills anymore. I couldn't express my gratitude to the coach enough. I almost cried after the second 'thank you.'

If it weren't for the fact that I had to leave, I would have stayed there thanking him until the next day.

This made things so much easier.

I could pause the cement thing for a few more months until I uncovered the truth about the massacre. Until I bring the people responsible for that day to justice.

The coach unknowingly helped me in bringing the real culprits who killed his son to light.

'That's the first thing I'm doing after we recover Theo…all else can wait until then.'

Suddenly my senses tingled… it wasn't the kind of tingling I got when I was in danger though. It was closer to the feeling you get when you forget your keys back home.

Something was amiss, like I was staring at the answer but still couldn't figure it out.

I turned to look at the TV that the nearby appliance showroom displayed behind the glass,

"New reports show that Obadiah Stane, COO of Stark industries, has fled from the United States. His current location is yet to be determined. Stane reportedly stands accused of dealing high-tech Stark industries weapons to a terrorist organization operating out of Afghanistan. We've reached out to Anthony Stark for a comment, he has not responded yet."

"Hey, move outta the way kid." One of the pedestrians from behind yelled at me, I was too busy staring at the TV while I was thinking.


I grabbed him by the collar and said in a low voice, "Shut the fuck up, can't you see that I'm thinking."

I must have used too much of my strength because he immediately backed off.

He muttered an apology and walked off looking scared.

My mind went back to watching the TV…suddenly random ideas started coming into my head.

"Obadiah Stane…. isn't that the guy that betrays Tony Stark in the end of the first Iron man movie." I say out loud.

My superhuman memory kicked into action, remembering every detail of that movie.

'Wait a minute…'

A disruptive thought enters into my mind.

'That's right! He does deal with the ten rings organization. He does get caught eventually but that's not until 2008… it's December of 2002 now. So that's like 6 whole years before he gets outed.'

My gut instincts told me that it couldn't be a random event. There's no way that-

"Shang fucking CHI" I shouted at the top of my lungs in the middle of the street, attracting a couple of looks. Thankfully I was in New York where crazy people shouted randomly all the time.

It makes sense…yeah it absolutely makes sense…now is about the time when…. Xu Wenwu's wife passed. The men in the masks were extremely well trained and if Stane's involved with the ten rings…. the real Ten Rings then it's probable that he had something to do with the massacre.

The gears in my mind shifted at an incredible pace.

'That still doesn't explain why he would want to attack the school though? The men clearly weren't equipped to handle Magneto, so it can't be that…. wait a minute…didn't one of the mercs say something about not finding 'something'.'

My mind worked overtime, looking for a potential reason for why Stane or Xu Wenwu sent those men.

'That's right…I remember him holding a receiver…. what were they looking for?'

After five more minutes I understood that I wasn't getting any closer. I had hit a wall.

There were still too many gaps in information before I concluded anything.

But now I had something to go off and hopefully I don't have to break into the police station again.

[Peter, can you hear me?] Dr. Hank spoke using radio comms.

I adjusted my earpiece and said, "Roger."

Saying that oddly gave me a sense of deja vu. It had been so long since I used a tactical radio comm, it brought some memories.

[Where are you? We got the green signal for the Satellite just now.]

"I'll be there in a few minutes…go ahead with the search."

[Oh alright, we'll go ahead.]

I didn't dilly dally anymore as I swung my way back to the mansion, I was there in a minute.

It was late afternoon now and I was already late for home. But I had to make sure that Theo was located and saved before I went home.

'Sorry Aunt May but this is just too important!'

I entered the gate and saw some kids running around on the lawn. I didn't care as I made my way towards the professor's office.

I knocked twice before I enter,

"Ah…you're here Peter…the professor is already using the machine." Dr. Hank Mccoy said with a huge grin.

The professor had the helmet on and everything.

I asked,

"And? Does it actually work?"

"It does much more than that." The professor was smirking with his eyes closed.

"With this I can see everyone clearly. I can read their thoughts and what they're currently feeling like and so much more."

"Including Theo?" I asked,

"Including Theo." He confirmed with a smile.

I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Where is he?"

Prof. Xavier opened his eyes and removed the helmet,

"Exactly where he suspected. Guadalajara, in an abandoned warehouse. I've sent the team the coordinates, they're on the way as we speak." The professor sounded very confident.

"That's good but I don't see why you're so happy about this…. they still have to rescue Theo and that means fighting Magneto! Easier said than done."

"Yes, you are right in normal situations, but I have this, remember?" He tapped the modified Cerebro helmet.

"I don't understand?"

Dr. Hank clarified for the professor,

"With the newly modified Cerebro. The professor can actively control the subject without straining himself."

It took a couple of seconds to register what he had been saying…

"So, if he wanted to, he could...take control of everyone in the brotherhood and free Theo right now?"

Dr. Mccoy smiled and elaborated,

"Everyone other than Magneto of course."

I let out another deep breath.

This was good. No, this was fantastic news. This basically guaranteed our victory!

Magento is going to be in a world of hurt now.

Firstly, he doesn't know that the X-Men is heading his way, so the surprise element is completely with us.

Secondly, Magneto doesn't know about the professor's enhanced abilities. So in other words we're going to completely catch him with his pants down. His men would not be able to move the second the X-Men make their move. Magneto will have to take on the entire X-Men by himself.

Theo's rescue is practically guaranteed if that was the case!

I exhaled and relaxed my shoulders. It was like a huge weight off my shoulders. The sooner I put this entire thing to rest the better I would feel.

Dr. Mccoy placed his hand on my shoulder and massaged it, "Kid...don't worry so much. We've been doing this for about two decades now, leave it to the pros!"

"Right, I hope so! God, I feel like this mission is going to give me heart problems." I joked

He guffawed when saw my tense smile.

"Don't worry Peter, he's good as saved. We've won against Magneto under far less advantageous situations. With Moe's new invention our success is basically guaranteed." The professor calmed my rising anxiety.

"When will the X-Men make contact?"

"In about thirty minutes or so."

I exhaled again.

"Man, I wish I was with them…this is nerve wracking sitting in the bleachers."

"Welcome to the club, kid." Dr. Hank elbowed me.

"Yes, welcome indeed!" The professor said with a grin.


POV - Scott Summer Aka Cyclops

They were getting close to the coordinates that the professor sent them.

"We'll be reaching there in about 10 minutes." Bobby said from the pilot's seat.

He got up from his seat and walked to where Jean was standing.

She was standing near the Blackwing's entry. Looking through the window nearby, watching the clouds move.

He sneakily walked up to her, making sure to not make any noise. He got closer and closer to her. She still hadn't noticed him.

'Oooh I'm gonna get you so good!'

A mischievous smile was on his face, he was about to yell at her but then he heard a feral growl right behind him. He jumped to the other side, his hands on his visor ready to obliterate the animal.

"Didn't they teach you to not sneak up on the ladies? Bub."

He could hear Jean laughing out loud along with the rest of the crew.

'That damn dog, I'm going to kill him one of these days!' He thought as his veins almost burst.

"ETA in 8 minutes, Scott." He heard Bobby say from the cockpit. Bobby was probably trying to change the topic to something less embarrassing.

"Alright, got it." He said back while looking at the dog, who was grinning from ear to ear.

The others were laughing under their breaths.

'Man, I'm really going to kill that son of a bitch one of these days!'

"I'd like to go to Mexico; it seems like a paradise when you look from here." He heard his lovely girlfriend say.

"Yeah, you can't see all the cartels and thieves from here." He said sarcastically.

She frowned when she heard him say that.

'Oh shit...not me and my big mouth again.'

"I'm sorry babe, what I meant was, 'Sure I'd love to take you here on vacation sometime soon!"

"That's more like it, mister." Thankfully she cheered up quickly.

Lately things between them have been a little rocky. He didn't want to exacerbate their issues with his wiseass comments.

"I think I'm going to take my sweet time vacationing after this mission." Jean rubbed the window with her finger.

"Mind if I tag along?" He asked her, touching her free hand gently.

She smiled and grabbed his hand, pressing it tightly,

"Of course, not but you think the Professor is going to let go of his pet student that easily."

This earned some more laughs from everyone. Including Bobby, who didn't bother to hide his laughter.

'She's making me look really bad as the team leader, I might as well start teasing her!'

"Screw the professor!" He said with a huge grin as he got closer to her, their faces almost touching.

"Then why do you have me as your girlfriend?" She fired back rapidly.

He couldn't help but join in with the others' this time.

'Damn where did my shy Jean go? Not that I'm complaining or anything.'

After a few minutes of joking around everybody calmed. They were on a mission after all.

"I'm serious though…I don't know how long I want to keep doing this for?"

He took her hand in his and said, "Babe, take all the time you need. We'll hold it down until you come back."

"And what about you? When will you take your much needed vacation?" She asked with a gentle smile.

He wanted to say he would come with her but in the end, you could never know when the professor needed him.

He was the team leader of the X-Men, he couldn't just take leaves willy-nilly.

There might be another crisis, for which the professor might need his help, he couldn't abandon his duties. Even for Jean.

"Don't think too hard, my dear boyfriend, I was just playing with you." She said while playing with his hair.

Jean was always so understanding and kind despite his irritable nature.

A part of him always thought if he even deserved such a beautiful person.

Then that mongrel spoke up again,

"Yeah, that's right, glasses, keep working until you die, me and Jeanie will go on a world tour. I'll show her all kinds of places."

"Don't listen to Logan, Scott. He's just messing around-"

"After the mission is done. I know a place in Paris, we'll take the Blackwing and head there as soon as we're done here."

Jean was surprised at that, she even blushed just for a second.

"Oh, my, what a romantic." Storm said from her seat.

"Romantic, my ass…. he's just insecure that I'll steal his gal when he's not looking." Logan said, whining like a pup.

He flashed him his smile, earning a growl from the dog.

"ETA in five, Scott."

'Okay no more playing around. Time to be the leader!'

He issued their respective orders,

"Got it Bobby…. When we reach the warehouse, hover directly above it. Warren, you'll fly around the premises and do recon. Storm and Jean, you'll be the cover for the mele group."

All of them nodded.

He turned back to Jean, who said,

"You're all worked up when we're on a mission."

"I have to be babe, I'm responsible for your life."

"Yeah, no he's just a cunt." Logan said from the back,

Everyone giggled.

He ignored him and thankfully Jean didn't laugh at that crass joke.

"I hope everything goes right; I can't wait to see this place in Paris." She said, as she caressed his cheek gently.

"Don't worry babe, you saw what the professor could do now. Magneto has no clue what he's in for."


Wolverine's claws came out.

"You got that right!"

"God, I hope so," Jean sounded nervous.

He knew the only remedy to calm her,

"Here let me make it better."

He leaned over and kissed her passionately. At first, she was surprised. He wasn't the type to kiss publicly but then when she realized that he was only trying to calm her. She gave in to it completely.

He heard a few indecent whistling and a couple of laughs from the cockpit. He also heard the dog grumbling.

That really made him happy. One could argue that it might have brought more joy than the kiss itself.