The mission part 2

The mission part 2


POV - Scott Summers

"Alright people, you know what you have to do. Warren scouted the area and it's clear. Storm and Jean, you'll be our support. Bobby and You will be the mele." He made sure to single out Logan, lest he starts thinking that they're friends or something.

Wolverine huffed once but otherwise remained quiet.

"From now onwards till the end of the mission we will call each other using our alias, to protect our identity-"

"Alright, alright make it quick I'm getting sleepy. Besides we have our costumes so they won't be able to recognize us anywho."

Scott gritted his teeth. 'Does he have to undermine me every single time!'

He felt his girlfriend gently touch his hand.

'I know baby! I know.'

He cleared his breath and said, "The first priority is to save Theodore Wellspring. Everything else comes later, if you see Magneto, do not engage him in any way. We have to save the boy first!" He looked at Wolverine the whole time he was talking.

He didn't object.

"Alright then, the mele group will drop down to the building in 30 seconds; Professor, do you copy?"

[Yes, I'll be guiding you along as I observe through Cerebro.]

"Alright, good. Wolverine, we'll start with you."

Wolverine actually grinned as he gave the order. He stepped near the entrance and grabbed the rope. He recklessly jumped from the plane onto the building.

"Goddammit, why does he always have to make everything so difficult?" He asked in frustration.

[Can I go ham on these fools?]

Storm sighed and said, "No Logan, you may not. Wait for Scott and Bobby before you enter the building."

'Okay calm down. The mongrel is gonna act his nature. You're the team leader, you can't let these kinds of things get in the way.'

He took a deep breath and said to Angel, "Take up that position and snipe from there. Make sure you don't reveal your spot, if you do then fly away and take another vantage point. Only enter the building under the most dire circumstances, you got it."

"Got it Cyclops."

He knew he could always rely on the rest of the team, it's the crazed psychopath that he couldn't trust. Even after several missions, he still couldn't count on Wolverine to behave and follow his orders.

"Alright Bobby, you're next."

"Sure thing boss!"

Bobby Drake Aka Iceman was one of the most powerful mutants that he personally knew. He was a comforting presence. He had offensive capabilities that could rival Magneto's, Scott was glad that he was part of this mission.

He watched the man grab the rope and slide down to the drop spot.

Finally it was his turn now, he took the rope and looped it over the lock around his waist.

"Scott…wait.." It was Jean.

If anyone else had called him by his given name during a mission then he would have been irritated. But since it was Jean, he couldn't get angry with her even if he wanted to.

"Yes, Marvel girl…I mean Jean-"

He couldn't finish the sentence as Jean pecked him once on his cheek.

"For good luck…I'll be watching over you but stay safe." She said with a sweet voice.

"Yes Ma'am." He gave her a nod and dropped down.

He landed gently on top of the terrace as quietly as he could. It was a relatively huge warehouse. Probably some kind of plant for some defunct industry.

"There..give me." He saw Iceman asking Wolverine for something. Wolverine grumbled something and handed Iceman a ten dollar bill.

'What was that all about?'

He snapped out of the distraction and asked the professor for further instructions,

"Professor, where do we go from here?" Jean dropped down from the plane to the ground as he spoke.

[Scott, can you move 200 meters north from where you're standing?]

"Sure thing Professor."

He walked for 200 meters straight. On the way there he could hear Wolverine ask Marvel girl, "Why did you kiss glasses on the cheek? You cost me ten dollars."

'Oh so that's why he was so pissed.'

"Is this good enough, Professor?"

[Yup, that's the spot.]

"Any idea why you want me here?"

[Directly below you is the room where Theodore Wellspring is held.]

"Wow…I really like this new upgrade to Cerebro."

[It's marvelous isn't it? Anyways make sure that you save the boy first before you engage John Allerdyce. He's the one guarding Theodore.]

"John Allerdyce…Pyro? He's there?"

[Yes…he's the one who's responsible for watching Theodore. Please make sure that one of your teammates keeps him busy while you're rescuing the boy.]

"Oh I wouldn't worry too much about that…I know exactly the guy for that." He glanced at Iceman with a smirk.

[Very well then I'll leave you to it, Oh and Scott you can take a week off after the mission.]

"Guess you were listening in on us, eh?" He asked the professor but he didn't respond.

Scott gathered everyone around and explained the change in plans.

"We're not doing it the usual way, bursting through the front door."

"And why the hell not?" Wolverine said irritatedly.

He explained everything the professor told him to the others and made sure that everyone was on board with the new plan.

"I ain't happy about it but as long as I get the first dig at that traitorous punk it's all good." Wolverine seemed to understand the importance of this mission at least, he'll give him that.

"No can do, sir. Pyro's mine! I have had issues with him since my academy days…I'm not letting go of this opportunity." Iceman voiced his issues with letting Wolverine get the first piece of action.

"Hmm..alright fair enough." Wolverine surprisingly conceded to Iceman.

'What world am I in? Bobby looking for a fight and the mongrel, backing out of one.'

"What are you looking at?" Wolverine snapped at him,

"What..uh..nothing. Anyways, Angel you stay on the Blackwing, once we get the boy, you'll head straight to the safe zone and move him there. Come back here only when his condition is stabilized. "

[Roger, Cyclops.]

He grabbed the rope from the ground and tied it around his waist lock again. He touched his visor and amped up the intensity of his beam. ,

"Alright….let's see what the traitor has to say for himself."


POV - Theodore Wellspring

His eyes were closed. His mouth drier than sand and his nose bled. His skin must have shriveled because when it touched the metallic shackles, it hurt.

The piece of shit, Pyro still dangled food in his face.

Unfortunately for the prick, he lost all sensations days ago. He no longer felt hunger or pain.

Not like before anyways.

Everything seemed dull…everything except his need to fuck over Magneto and the rest of this brotherhood.

The only thing that mattered anymore was to take out as many as these pricks out before he died.

'I'm sorry Davi…Jeanie…mom… I'm sorry Hannah. Baby, it never occurred to me that the last time we talked was going to be us fighting.'

"Hey Theo~~" The cunt called out to him melodically.

"You sure you don't want this really cold delicious sprite."


He downed the entire plastic cup, even added a lip smack just for effect. The douche could go to hell for all he cared.

"You sure you don't want this…I know you're really thirsty." He grinned menacingly.

When he didn't respond he changed tactics again.

"Look, dude I can always force it down your throat. Don't think we're impressed by whatever it is you think you're doing." He came closer.

"Just shut up and drink this fucking soda…I can hurt you much more than you think I can."

It's funny how he parroted Magneto's line from before and thinks acting like he's some big bad guy is going to work. In reality, he was only a low level grunt working for the real bad guy. An extra character in the panel that the comic book writers drew to fill out the pages, nothing more.

"Why are you smirking at brat?" He looked pissed by the way his finger twitched.

"N…no…n….not…" He could barely speak anymore, his voice had completely given out.

"Oh you poor thing…here you go, drink some soda through this straw…go ahead, don't be shy. We'll start with this and when you have enough strength we'll give you solid food. Here…"

He offered what looked like a large cup of soda, the bubbles popped and he could smell the sugar in the air.

He opened his mouth.

"Finally…here you go." He held the straw closer to his mouth so he could bite it.

He sucked the drink through the straw and it felt heavenly as it fizzled in his mouth. The first drink in almost four days. It was simply heavenly, there was no other word in the dictionary that could describe it. Heavenly.

His throat felt cool and relieved, while his mouth was wet with saliva again. He almost emptied the entire thing in a second. He didn't want to risk the douche taking it away from him again.

"Ooh careful don't spill any on me. This is my new jacket, really expensive."

He slowed down and when he almost finished it, he held the final portion of the soda in his mouth. His throat demanded that he swallow it. Wanting nothing more than to quench his thirst but…..he remembered. He remembered all the insults, the degradation and inhumanity he was subjugated to by this fucker John Allerdyce.

Right now getting one over him was far more important than even living.

"Oh you done alread-"


"Why don't you go to hell fucker!" He regained his voice back, it still hurt to speak though.

Pyro was drenched in soda, his douche face and expensive jacket covered in his spit and soda. He looked furious much to Theo's delight.

Theo started laughing like a crazy person. Making sure that Pyro knew how it felt to be on the receiving end of the humiliation for once.

His eyes almost flashed red for a second. The sparks of flame that appeared on his palm from time to time, was now one huge fireball. Like one of those fantasy RPG spells.

"I told you before, I can hurt you really really bad. Guess what dipshit, you fucked around and now you're gonna find out!"

'I've made my bed. If this is how I go out then that's fine.' Theodore Wellspring resigned to his fate.

At Least this way he could go out on his own terms.

Pyro held the ball of flame with his right and channeled all of his power to it. In time it grew to twice the size as before. Almost engulfing his entire body.

'Guess this is it. If that thing hits me I'm done!'

"Alright buddy, let's burn off all your skin! Let's see how much you find things funny after that." He spat venomously.

He held the fireball like a baseball, angled it like he was a pitcher.

He closed his eyes once again, the temperature in the room grew, as he felt his skin start sweating.

"Here it comes you fucker…."

He waited for the pain to come.

Theodore still had his eyes closed, he waited for it to burn, for it to eviscerate his body.

He anticipated the kind of searing pain he never felt in his life. He waited and waited for what felt like ages but nothing came.

When he opened his eyes the first thing he noticed was that there was smoke in the room. Then he noticed the circular shaped hole in the roof.

The smoke in the room cleared gently. He saw five people standing in the room right in front of where Pyro had been standing.

They all had a yellow uniform,with a X on the chest area and on their back.

'This can't be real!'

One had a dark red visor, while one woman had white hair almost as beautiful as his.

Another one had red hair and the fellow near her had icy steam coming out of his hands.

'It's them! I thought they wouldn't come but it's really them!'

Then the last guy had the iconic yellow and blue mask. But what really convinced him that it's really them was the shiny metallic claws coming out of his hands.

This was the guy that he role-played since he was a kid in both of his lives.

The bearded man with the claws walked up to him and asked, "You, Theodore Wellspring?"

'The X-Men are here to save me!'