Vengeance 2

The moment I left the house, I started walking to the house of James.

Since James has a family of four, with one brother, one sister, and one father, they can be at home right now.

Therefore, I decided to be patient and walk around the street carefully not to be recognized by other people on the streets.

I put the hood of my cloak on, and since it was nighttime, people would have a hard time recognizing my face.

And this attire of mine is nothing unusual in Daedalus Street since it is quite normal for people to put hoods on or try to hide their identities while coming to this place.

With that, I reached James' House and started looking around to see if there were people out there.

After checking it for quite a time and making sure there weren't any people at the entrance of the house, I decided to go in.

Since I had the keys to his house, I didn't have a hard time going inside the house.

I opened the door and started walking into the house very slowly, not to leave any tracks or make any sound.

After reaching the end of the floor, I heard some voices coming from the floor below.



"Haaaaah, James, calm down. We should finish drinking first. We are still celebrating, you know."

"Okay, okay. That bastard is finally gone."

The moment I heard the voices, I felt a great deal of anger inside me rising. I almost couldn't hold myself and barge into the basement.

My eyes were bloodshot, and my hands were clenching very tightly.

The moment I heard James saying that I immediately understood he was talking about me.

However, I needed to keep my calm. I needed to understand why he did all of this.

So, I kept my emotions under control and started towards the basement slower than before.

After ascending the stairs, I leaned on the wall near the door of the room they were staying in and started to listen to their conversation.

And they didn't keep me waiting for too long and started talking about everything.

"Hey, the haul we got today looks super tasty. The last adventurer bastard gave us quite a lot of money, you know. If it weren't for Wayne, we would miss the opportunity to make 10000 Valis. Ahahahaaha, that bastard for sure liked to play the leader. He must have been killed by that angry adventurer right now, and since the adventurer didn't see our faces, he couldn't reach us either. That bastard was getting on my nerves for quite an amount of time."

The moment I heard him saying that something inside me snapped.

Did this bastard betray me just for that amount of money?

Does he really think that without me being in the group, they can keep getting this much haul every day?

Is he really delusional?

It looks like greed and envy really blinded his eyes. What a pity.

Huh, why did I feel nothing when he did all this right now?

Shouldn't I be angry?

Something is affecting my mind, that is for sure. Is it my other self from the parallel world?

While I had identity crises at that time, my thoughts suddenly came back to normal, and I felt rage building inside me again.

I need to think about it later. Right now, I need to focus on the thing in front of me.

"Yes, he liked to play leader. You know I let him with his bossy attitude since he was good at deducing targets and commanding. But he was getting on my nerves too. If it weren't for his brother being best friends with my older brother, I would have asked my brother to kill him long before today."

While I thought that, I heard Alicia's voice.

That bitch too, thought about me like that, huh.

What the fuck is wrong with these guys?

Wasn't I a good friend to you?

Have I ever treated you badly?

Have I ever been unfair?

Did I ever put my interest over yours?

Was the reason for you to betray me just that fucking one attitude?

If that's so, why didn't you ever say that to me? How could I fucking know that you didn't like my attitude if you hadn't said it to me?

"If I didn't know that adventurer, I wouldn't ask him to be the bait. But I knew that guy. He is a recently leveled-up adventurer, but he is good at hiding his strength. I heard him at the bar my brother visits, so I recommended him as a target. I knew Wayne would be seen by him, and since he was a level two, his haul must be good as well. And I was right. With that, we hit two birds with one stone. We can finally rent a house and live with just two of us, you know."

The moment I heard that, all the pieces fell into place.

Why did we get caught while stealing?

Why couldn't we escape from that adventurer even though we knew many escape routes?

Why couldn't Alicia keep up with our tempo, although we have been doing this for a long time?

I understood everything. They were deliberately pretending to be slowed to make me caught.

The moment I understood that I couldn't keep my emotions under control anymore and bolted toward them.

When I revealed myself, Alicia recognized me immediately and started talking.

"Huh, Wayne, what are, UGHHHH!"

But I didn't let her finish the sentence and punched her in the stomach.

After I punched her, she fell from James' lap.

Seeing Alicia being punched, James immediately became enraged and started shouting.


What is with these people trying to talk while fighting? Are they really stupid?

With that thought, I punched James in his head before he could even finish the sentence he was shouting.

The moment my punch connected with his face, he got blasted and fell from the couch and hit the back of his head on the floor.

I instantly followed him and sat on his stomach.

After that, I started punching him left and right while pouring all the emotions I felt into my punches.

However, that wasn't enough. I needed to know why he did all these things and started shouting at him while punching.

"JAMES! You motherfucker, why did you betray me? Weren't we best buddies? Have I ever treated you badly, huh? Answer me, you fucker, didn't we share the haul between us every time we earned? What did I do to make you hate me, huh? Why, just WHY, YOU FUCKER?"

While I was beating him while shouting, he was not staying idle either.

He was trying his best to defend himself, sometimes by attacking, sometimes by raising his arms to defend his face.

But I wasn't in my right mind at that moment and ignored most of the hits he threw at my body.

However, I forgot one crucial thing in the heat of the moment.

Alicia was in that room too.

I remembered that after I got hit on the back of my head by Alicia. However, it was a bit late since I had already staggered and lost control of James.

Seeing my control over him decrease, James instantly got back up and put a distance between us.

And with that, our second round began.


Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want. I have 15 chapters ahead there.

You can vote for the potential heroines on my Pat reon as well.

Help me, buy a new laptop, this one is really slow.

Here is the link __< >__ change the @ with a, or you can also search the name 'Darkness_enjoyer'.