Vengeance 3

The moment I got hit from the back of my head, I lost a bit of my strength to control James, so he escaped immediately and put up a distance between us.

And he immediately went near Alicia.

At that moment, I heard Iris' voice inside my head.

It looks like since I heard Alicia talking like that behind me and understood both of them had a part in betraying me, the quest is changed.

Well, whatever. Right now, I don't care anything about that. I just want to kill these two snakes in front of me.

With that, I bolted to them, making it look like I was aiming at James.

"You haven't changed, Wayne. You are still weak. You are still unable to control your emotions."

James said that while grinning at me and sent a punch to my face since I was coming straight to him.

But the thing he didn't know was I wasn't really aiming at him. My goal was to make Alicia lower her guard.

Let's see what he will do once I kill Alicia in front of him; I am really curious about how he will react.

Seeing him falling for my faint, I instantly changed direction and threw a side kick to Alicia's guts.

The moment she saw my incoming kick, she tried he best to defend herself by putting her arms in front of her stomach, but before he could even position, my kick was connected to her guts and blasted her immediately.

After that, I threw a roundhouse kick at James' head, caught him off guard, and blasted him away as well.

Even though physically, James is stronger than me, he is bad at utilizing his strength.

And, since right now I know a lot of martial arts, I am way better than him on the technical side.

My kick was connected to the right ear of his head and made his balance unstable for a long time.

Since he would be out of the fight for a minute or so, I let him be and turned my attention to Alicia.

With that, I saw Alicia trying to stand up, but I didn't let her.

I jumped to her immediately and punched her in the face again.

After that, I started dragging her.

Seeing me dragging her body, Alicia became very scared and started sobbing while screaming at me.



I dragged her to the couch they were sitting on and started pouring the wine on top of her head.

And since she was speaking at that time, some of the wine got her throat, and she started coughing.

As for James, the moment he heard Alicia's shout, he instantly stood up and stared at me with bloodshot eyes.


I heard him pleading but didn't give in.

What did being merciful to others bring to me?

What did being fair to others bring to me?

It brought me a betrayal.

Right now, I understand. Being a good person in the world and being virtuous with good actions is not important.

The important thing is what you want. Living the way you want to live. Because other people don't care about the virtues or the fairness of the world, the only thing they care about is what they want. Nothing more, and nothing less.

And I, too, will only care about what I want from today on.

I will live my life the way I want to. Even though I sold my soul to that god, that doesn't prevent me from doing the things I want; heck, it even encourages me to do them.

With that thought, I answered him.

"Why, though? I don't want to spare her. Why would I, in the first place? Wasn't she the one talking about me from my behind just a minute ago? What are you going to do if I kill her?"

I said with a mocking tone.

Ahhh, seeing the expression of hatred mixed with helplessness on his face brings me huge joy and a feeling of satisfaction in my heart.

I think I might be getting addicted to this feeling.

"Noooo, please. Just don't kill her. Kill me instead. I swear I will give the money we got today as haul. Just don't kill her, please."

I saw him pleading but didn't even budge.

But wait. I just got an idea of how to exact my revenge on this guy.

I once read a manga about a boy who got involved in a game; what was his name?

Ah, his name was '?????'.

Huh, why can't I remember his name?

Well, it doesn't matter.

In the story, at one point, that boy tortures his enemy psychologically with a knife game.

Yes, a knife game.

Some of you may be already familiar with the knife game, which stems from Australia on Earth.

You are trying to stab between your fingers while resetting the position of the knife every time.

And this game has quite a mental toll on the body.

Therefore, I can use this game as a torture mechanism before killing this guy.

Then, without a second thought, I started implementing my plan.

I hit the back of Alicia's head and knocked her over first.

After that, I slowly started approaching James.

"You said you would do anything to save her, right? I will show you a game right now, and if you can complete the game without missing following the rhythm, I will spare both you and her. But if you miss the rhythm, you both will die. How about it?"

I asked him while smiling ear to ear.

Ahhhhh, this will be so much fun. I want to see the expression on his face while cutting his fingers. I want to see it so much.

"A game, you say. Of course, I will play it. I can do everything you want from me to save her."

He answered me.

And with that, the survival game for him and his beloved one began…


Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want. I have 15 chapters ahead there.

You can vote for the potential heroines on my Pat reon as well.

Help me, buy a new laptop, this one is really slow.

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