
Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want to support me; I have 15 chapters ahead there.

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Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


After I killed all nine monsters, I started to descend the dungeon.

And at that moment, I heard the system's voice in my head.

I heard Iris asking me.

'Yes, I think it would be better if you explain since I can't always examine the quest tab in the dungeon.'

I said to Iris and kept descending.

I heard Iris answer me, and I will check the rewards and the choices later.

Right now, it is better for me to kill these eleven monsters in front of me.

The moment they noticed me, with a sound screech, all of them attacked me.

At that moment, I drew my swords and got ready as well.

I didn't back off and rushed into them while swinging my swords left to right.

I dodged the tail attack of the lizard by jumping and slashing the kobold with a horizontal crescent swing, severing its head from its body.

After that, I didn't stop attacking, and the moment I landed, I instantly twisted my body and kicked the nearby goblin, and slashed the other one.

At that moment, I dodged the attack coming to my neck with a breath and stabbed the tail of the lizard attacked me.

The moment I locked its tail to the ground, I instantly jumped and dodged another attack coming from the side.

With another dodging and slashing, I killed all of the rest.

But albeit with difficulty, since I am starting to show signs of exhaustion, the dungeon doesn't help either.

Although I want to greed and reach the fifth floor, if miss dungeon keeps spawning this many monsters, I don't think I will reach there anytime close.

And it is not like I have to reach there right now.

With those thoughts, I kept descending and kept killing monsters.

And it looks like my assumption is correct.

It would be better for me to update my status before I try to reach the fifth floor.

Since miss dungeon is not showing any signs of exhaustion or something and keeps spawning more and more monsters.

The last group I fought had another eleven monsters, and they were a bit stronger than the general too.

Even though I skillfully evaded all of their attacks and killed them, it started getting on my nerves, and I am really getting exhausted right now.

Approximately three or four hours passed after I started diving into the dungeon, and I think it would be better if I started retreating from there.

Since the road to the surface will also take quite an amount time, I think I won't be able to reach the surface without working for another hour or something.

Tomorrow I will reach the fifth floor with my new equipment as well.

With that, I started walking towards the way I came here and started killing all the monsters there.

I think this time, I killed around 70 monsters or something, and it will be a good idea to exchange all of them before the rush hour for the guild starts.

And while I was walking to the surface, the spawn rate of the monsters started decreasing, and I encountered fewer monsters on the way.

Therefore, I found an opportunity to observe the nearby adventurers and how they fought.

In the first place, I think I am doing a good job fighting all those monsters by myself since almost all the other adventurers I saw are always fighting with groups.

But I wouldn't say their technique is good.

Most of them can't even utilize their strength, and I now understand why adventurers get tired this easily.

It is because almost all of them are learning how to fight on their own, which causes a high rate of death in newbies since almost all of them don't have any prior combat experience.

And, if some of them die, they die. This is also the reason why it keeps getting harder to reach higher levels in the dungeon.

If the said adventurer is not skilled in the field of fighting until they hone their skills, they will be dead. But even if they don't die, they will increase their statuses, and with the taste of increased strength, they will focus on their statuses rather than their techniques.

This eventually leads to the difference in strength in high-class adventurers.

Although in the case of low-level adventurers, most of them are not honed their skills to some extent, in high-level cases, it is different.

Since almost all of the high-level adventurers have at least 6 or 7 years of experience in adventuring, they all have some sort of fighting style they use.

And in this time, the difference in status before they level up becomes crucial.

Since one can level up even without maximizing their stats to the S, all of the adventurers have different stats at the same level.

Let's take two level 3 adventurers as an example.

One of them maximized their stats, and the other one leveled up quite fast without trying to maximize his or her stats.

Even if they have the same stats on their status sheet at their falna, their strength will differ by a huge margin because of the stat difference in their prior levels, and this is a very detrimental thing for an adventurer.

That is the reason why I will maximize all the stats I have before I level up.

And seeing all those adventurers struggling with the first-floor monsters, I kind of understood why Hestia was that serious at that time.

It looks like I should have been struggling to fight with those monsters as well, but I wasn't, and I hope this is a good thing.

With those thoughts in my head, I kept going to the surface.

However, it looks like I am not alone.

There are some adventurers tailing me, and they are not even skilled with that.

Even though they are trying to hide, it would be pretty obvious if someone tails you from the third floor to the first floor.

At that time, I thought not carrying a bag with me would be a bit suspicious, so I bought a bag and put some magic stones in it.

However, I had never thought some greedy adventurers would tail me just for a tiny bit of money.

And since I have been tailed quite a number of times in my life, I am pretty familiar with the concept of escaping.

Although I would like to confront those bastards, I won't do it right now, not before I update my status.

I think I grew a good amount today, and I don't want to risk anything by being arrogant.

The last time, if there wasn't Ais Wallenstein passing nearby, I would have been in a very dangerous situation, and I don't want to repeat that process again.

But fret not. I will remember those people's faces.

With that in my mind, I started increasing my speed while looking for a crowd to blend with.

Since those people were only observing me from afar, I think they are looking for an opportunity to strike, and I didn't want to give them the opportunity to strike by being careless.

The moment I increased my speed, those three increased their speed as well.

However, before they could even try something, we had already reached the entrance of the dungeon.

And the moment I got out of the dungeon, I blended into the crowd and headed to the guild building…