Making Money

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Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


In the first place, I had never thought adventurers were this greedy.

Just because I had 10 magic stones or something on me, they decided to attack me, which was quite unexpected.

Although I am trying to keep a low profile, that doesn't mean I will stay passive when someone tries to antagonize me.

However, the repercussions I would face from my actions may be quite detrimental, and this is the main reason I am trying my best to raise my strength since if I am strong, nobody would be able to oppose me.

Well, it is still okay since I was able to lose those adventurers in the crowd, and without waiting, I rushed to the guild.

Since I want to change my gear and I have some ideas about the blade I want to use, I need to find a good blacksmith too.

The moment I thought about blacksmithing, the first person that came into my mind was, of course, a certain red-haired boy.

In the anime, it is shown that Welf Crozzo was a skilled blacksmith since he could create magic weapons because of his bloodline or something.

And there was a relation with his clan's magic swords and elves, if I remember it right.

Anyway, with those thoughts on my mind, I reached the guild headquarters.

Since it is still rather early, there aren't many adventurers trying to exchange magic stones here.

However, there is still a queue of adventurers waiting for an exchange in front of the Eina, and it looks like I will need to wait for her.

With that, I joined the line and started waiting for my turn to come, and it didn't take so long.

After waiting for at most five minutes, my turn came.

"Good afternoon, Eina-san. How are you?"

I greeted her with a smile on my face; however, it looked like that was a bad idea since she looked quite angry right now.

"Haha, so you remembered me, huh? It looks like your first day was quite easy since you didn't even visit me afterward, right Wayne-kun?"

She said with quite an angry tone.

Well, I kind of understand her, so I won't try to justify myself by giving some excuses.

"I am sorry Eina-san. I actually forgot to remind you and directly went to rest yesterday. I heard from Kami-sama that you were worried about me. I am really sorry; I will try to be careful next time."

I said while waiting for her to reply.

"Humph, it would be better if you did that. Next time I won't forgive you this easily, so you better be careful."

"Okay, okay. But can we go into a private room? I want to talk to you in private."

I said to her with a serious tone, and seeing my serious expression, she understood this was something serious, so she immediately arranged a room for us to talk.

"Hmm, okay. Come with me; I will take you to a separate room."

After walking for a bit, we reached a separate empty room. Eina closed the door behind me, and she started listening to what I would say.

"Eina-san, please don't be surprised by the things you will see, okay?"

I said while spilling the magic stones I looted today and yesterday from my bag.

Since I was planning to exchange them by coming here before I entered the guild, I took everything out of my inventory and put them into the bag.




With loud thud sounds, 89 magic stones spilled from the bag, and the moment she saw them, her mouth hung open.

"Wayne-kun, just what is this? Just how many monsters did you kill on your own? Wait, don't tell me you went to the second floor or third floor on your first day, please."

Eina said with a deadpan expression on her face. It looks like she understood what I did, and she is a bit angry right now.

"Didn't I tell you to be careful? Why did you go to the other floors? Don't you know most adventurers die because they overestimate themselves? Here I thought you were smart."

She said, looking a bit skeptical about my descent.

"Sigh, you told me, but the first floor was easy. Although I couldn't overpower the monsters there, I could fight them quite easily. That-"

While I was answering her, she interrupted me suddenly.

"Wait, wait. Something is definitely wrong here. Did you just say it was easy to fight those monsters alone?"

"Yes, I was coming there, actually. I could evade monsters' attacks easily without getting injured; although they are strong and fast, it looks like they don't have a brain to think and they are just fighting with their instincts. And that was the reason I decided to descend more floors. I thought I wouldn't be able to improve myself if I got stuck on the first floor, even though I could easily descend to the second floor."

I said while smiling a bit.

Although I almost died because of my foolishness on my first day, it was not like I didn't have fun. No, it Is in reverse; I actually had fun, so much fun.

"Sigh, Wayne-kun. I don't know what to do with you. It is not like you are stupid. It is just that you are too reckless. Although I can easily see you are talented, at the end of the day, is talent really important when you are in front of danger? Please be careful, and don't overdo it."

Eina said with a long sigh. It looks like she is a bit troubled, but it is okay, isn't it?

"Um, by the way, Eina- san. I actually want to change my equipment, and these swords are not suitable for me, I think. What do you suggest to me?"

I asked Eina since she must be knowledgeable on this topic.

"Hmm, it has just been two days; why do you want to change your equipment?"

"Well, it just felt like using straight-type swords doesn't suit me. I think using curve blades is more suitable for my fighting style."

"I see. You are looking for something like katana, I suppose. You know, there is a country called the Far East, and they use those types of swords there."

"Yes, I have seen some adventurers using it. But, I have never been in a blacksmith before. So, where can I buy those types of swords?"

I asked Eina since I didn't know where to find good blacksmith shops. Although I know Welf Crozzo is in Orario right now from anime, I don't remember where his workshop is.

Also, I don't think I can judge if the swords are good or not, so it would be better if I left the judgment to someone with experience.

"Then, Wayne-kun. Are you free tomorrow?"

Well, although I was planning to go to the dungeon, it can wait. From the looks of it, she will ask me to go shopping together, and since I don't know much about blacksmithing and weapons, it would be better to let her guide me.

"Well, I was planning to go to the dungeon, but aside from that, I don't think I am busy. Why did you ask Eina-san?"

"Well, if you are free then, how about we do some shopping? I can introduce you to some blacksmiths I know, and I can also give you some advice about weapons in general. It looked like you don't have much experience when it comes to these types of things."

Eina asked me while fidgeting a bit.

I certainly won't refuse an offer like that since, as I said, it would be better for me to get familiar with the concept of weapons first.

"Yes, I would gladly go shopping with you, Eina-san. Then, when do you want to meet?"

"Let's meet tomorrow morning since you can use your new equipment later in the dungeon."

And with that, I somehow managed to go on a date with a girl for the first time in my life.

After that, we kept talking for a bit longer, and I exchanged all my magic stones there.

After selling all those 89 magic stones, I made approximately 95k Valis.

I think with this, I can buy some high-quality equipment, at least for beginners, and I can also order some specified blades for my magic.

With that, I exited the guild building and started searching for Kami-sama until I heard another system quest generated…