
Back in the castle, Vanessa walked hurriedly. Her footsteps sounding almost like she was running.

She quickly made her way to her room to grab a clean dress and bathing accessories before hurrying to the servants' bathroom.

Vanessa gave a polite bow to the guards stationed at the entrance while they looked at her muddy hands and torn dress before letting her in.

As the water ran down her petite frame, she scrubbed her body with her fingers. Feeling that her body was clean enough, she rinsed off, dried her body with a towel, and threw her clean dress on.

Stacking her stuffs into her basket, she carried it, and hurried out of the bathroom. Once she was back in her room, she tried to find the flute, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Deciding to find it once she returned from the library, Vanessa stepped out of her room and made her way to find the library.

"Where are you going?" Ralph, who was making rounds in the house, asked in a serious tone.