Anxiety (2)

Arriving at the main building, Jacob walked straight away towards the library, Harris was still following him, for some reason he wanted to know what was going on inside this man's head right now, the man who usually did not like to walk around the palace all of a sudden doing something insistently, Jacob usually spent his time either in the training room or in his room.

Jacob checked the shelves, looking for something with an expressionless face, Harris sat in one of the available chairs. Waiting for Jacob to say something but Jacob's mouth seemed to be tightly shut.

"You went to check out the bookstore yesterday and came back feeling disappointed, and today too.."

"That's because what I was looking for was not found."

Harris took a glance, still watching Jacob who walked around checking all the books on each side of the shelf with strange eyes, "Didn't you also check this library yesterday?"

"Jeanette, her hobby is reading and buying rare books so sometimes she will put the books she bought here, almost everyday she comes to the library to check and tidy up the books."

Yeah, his older sister Princess Jeanette did have a passion for books, Harris knew that since he was little, always paying attention to Princess Jeanette who smiled sweetly when she brought a new book to read, her smile made Harris's eyes unable to look away. Harris felt his face heat up a bit, shaking his head to stop thinking about the beautiful woman Princess Jeanette who suddenly entered his mind, now wasn't the time to think about that.

"Then, you can ask Princess Jeanette what book you're looking for... right?"

It was a normal and valid solution from Harris, Jacob should have nodded in agreement and stopped his search, then started looking for Princess Jeanette and asked something that had been bothering him for days, Jacob should have done that from the beginning, but what he heard later were words he never imagined would come out of the mouth of a human named Jacob Hunt.

Jacob stopped his activities, he stared at Harris with hesitation, as if thinking of the right words to speak but in the end, tsk, he clicked his tongue.

"Do not laugh at me."


At that Harris really taken aback. There was no way someone like Harris would laugh at a prince, an alpha prime, he loved his life.

"I don't know .."

Prince Jacob's voice was very low, fortunately they were in a quiet library so Harris could hear the sound as low as an ant.

"I don't know about omega." He added.

Oh. Harris could roughly guess what things had recently been bothering this emotionless man's mind.

So prince Jacob wanted to find information about omega. How could Harris humiliate him just for this reason. Yeah, it made Harris a bit surprised because someone like Prince Jacob suddenly had an interest in learning new things, a man who always looked lifeless and uninterested finally showing a passionate interest about something.

"I want to open my palace for omegas, but I do not know about them and any information books about omegas... I could not find even a single book about them in Barlow so..."

He continued, his tone was still as calm as usual even though it was slightly lower, and at his every words Harris nodded in understanding, — wait what?

Opening Barlow palace for omegas?


Harris made a puzzled face. Noticing the change in Harris's face, Jacob stared at him as if questioning him without words.

"Sorry, I did not mean to— just, i did not expect to hear that, that's —"

"That wolf Adam.." Jacob opened his mouth again, Harris shut his mouth. "I want him to be the commander of the omega knights in my kingdom so I will accept more omegas as knights after the succession ceremony. In Barlow."

Wait what. So that was the plan all along, to be more open about omegas, to give omegas equal chances. Harris never thought that Jacob would be this kind, well Jacob wasn't cruel— maybe a little, but he never did something unreasonable. His face brightened and he smiled broadly at Prince Jacob, seeing Harris' smile the prince made a disgusted face.

"Why are you laughing? Is it weird?"

"No! Not at all Jacob, I'm— I'm not laughing! I'm smiling, smiling! that means I'm happy."

He huffed, still with a disgusted expression looking at Harris who was smiling as if questioning 'why is this idiot happy? he's not right in the head.'

So all along Prince Jacob been thinking about this alone, looking for a reference to know more about omegas, walking around every parts of Barlow's markets to search for a book that explained the information about omegas. Harris suddenly had an idea.

"You can ask me! I mean to be honest, I didn't really know about omegas either but I think you can use me as your informant."

Jacob widened his eyes as if realizing something, then his face turned expressionless again. "Hah .." he let out a loud sigh, and rubbed his forehead.

"Are you embarrassed that you dont know about omega, and was too shy to ask me?"

"I wasn't shy, I dont want people to laugh at me for being ignorant."

"No, I won't. Trust me."

There were noticeable red on his cheeks then he looked away, oh, so Prince Jacob had his own cute side. This was the first time in his life to see Prince Jacob being anxious, he looked more human somehow.

"My mother's restaurant..., there is an omega working there, well he is actually my friend, I will ask about his condition and I won't tell that it's you who's curious, I will write all the important details about omegas."

Jacob turned his head back briefly to look at Harris, then his eyes returned to the bookshelf. He nodded. Then—

"Also can you buy something for me, maybe the book is available in other areas."

Harris gladly said yes, he stood up and was ready to obey the prince's command.

"How to court an omega .. that kind of book .."

At that he saw the tip of his ears getting red, somehow Harris face also turned red.

He did not know what happened today whether it was a dream or a reality he did not know anymore, however Harris who heard that was sure there was something implied in the request.

--Is Prince Jacob interested in an omega?


Harris pondered to himself, but when he tried to remember whoever was close to Prince Jacob, his brain was blank. Empty. Nothing. Prince Jacob had always been someone who was emotionless and did not like humans interaction. Sometimes Harris himself wondered whether Prince Jacob had something like anxiety, fear, or a feeling of liking other people. He had grown up with Prince Jacob, watching his antics from a young age and Harris had never seen Prince Jacob talk about anyone or be interested in anyone else.

Considering that he was an alpha, of course many other alphas and omegas would be attracted to him, not to mention that even though Harris liked women, he could not deny Prince Jacob's beauty. That face was a whole different level, mixed with perfect amount of masculine and feminine features.

Who is it, then?

Dont tell me ...

Shaking his head trying to push away his thoughts that suddenly thinking of a man from Grithda's territory. Impossible. Prince Jacob had said that the man would become the knight commander for his kingdom, so there was no way he was someone Prince Jacob would want to propose to.

And come to think of it, the Hunt family, had never in their history married an omega, since their blood ancestry was pure alpha. Maybe Prince Jacob was just curious, as a king he might want to learn about the dynamics of his citizens.

"O-okay .." Harris replied, he hated that his voice was a bit shaky.

Then later, those blue eyes looked sternly at Harris, the Prince who was anxious earlier was no longer visible, this moment the prince's usual face staring right at him. "Don't let other people know."

He gulped, a chill ran down his spine, and nodded slowly, lowering his head, "Yes, Your Highness."

A frown was then seen whenever Jacob called him 'Your Highness', but it couldn't be helped, he was only a knight, and the man in front of him would become a king.

"My apology, I will go look for that book—, you, you dont need to worry ... Jacob ..."

"Harris, I trust you."

Hearing that Harris smiled faintly, he knew it, Jacob indeed looked scary but he never treated other people arbitrarily, as long as they were respectful and did not irritate him, then Jacob would never get mad. However hearing firsthand how Jacob believed him somehow Harris felt proud, realizing he got the biggest compliment from the soon to be king.

"It's a shame my father forbade all information about omega from spreading in Barlow, tsk."

Clicking his tongue, he then walked to the exit, Harris as always, followed him from behind. Until Jacob stood in front of his chambers, then he stopped.