
The beauty of the Lowrief forest is undoubted— known as a tiny paradise for the people nearby, a border of the Grithda and Barlow territory, large forest with fertile soil blessed with a variety of animals and diverse flora, two young men riding horses, leisurely enjoying the distinctive aroma of grass and flowers, the view soon filled with thick walls of trees, the weather was so perfectly warm, Adam thought today might be the perfect day for hunting, but what a pity as he was now on his way to the kingdom of Barlow.

The scorching sun shone through the lush foliage in the Lowrief forest, the beauty of the dense trees surrounding the trail and the beautiful plants that would spoil the eye, the sound of the flowing river water and the singing of birds creating a serene atmosphere, it had been a long time since he visited this forest, maybe it had been about several months, this forest was his favorite place. Anyone was allowed to hunt, be it the people from Barlow or Grithda.

Harris came to Barlow right after he finished lunch with Queen Yelan and Merlyn, the queen offered Harris to eat first but Harris looked like he was in a hurry so Adam without a long wait got out his horse, bidding farewell to Queen Yelan. As Prince Jacob promised at the time, only Harris came to pick him up.

"You only brought that much stuff?"

Harris asked, Adam who was following behind answered as if it was a natural thing, "Yeah, besides I don't have much stuff in the first place so I just brought clothes, and my sword."

After that they did not speak much, the silence was filled by the sound of the wind rustling the leaves, ah, really, the day was so bright and beautiful, Adam felt like going hunting or fishing.

Their journey did not take long, after about 30 minutes of passing through the Lowrief forest, the rural scenery of Barlow town came closer and closer.

Until he finally arrived in front of the Barlow territory's entrance, several knights on guard gave Adam suspicious looks, however they gave permission to enter when they saw that it was Harris who had brought him here on orders from Prince Jacob.

They walked past the gate and for the first time Adam could not control his facial expression, he stopped his horse pace abruptly, and the man Harris, who noticed that also stopped, Harris look back at him, making a questioning face asking if he was okay, or if he forgot about something.

His thoughts was empty, he could not hear Harris who was calling him.

The incredible view in front of him made his jaw almost drop. After he stepped into the main city of Barlow, Adam observed how different the design of residential buildings in this city was, how the people dressed, and Adam could not take his eyes off the desire to take a look around this city, of course Grithda was also beautiful, but this was the first time for him take a leisurely walk enjoying views of the other region besides Grithda.

Admiring the view, he heard Harris called him again, "Adam? Is there something wrong?"

"No, sorry it's my first time being here."

Harris nodded in understanding, the two of them got back on their horses until they finally arrived at the gates of Barlow's palace and again Adam was filled with amazement.

The palace surrounded by black carved gate with the symbol of an eagle, standing tall but what made him even more amazed was the palace that stood behind the gate.

Barlow Palace was huge, in fact you could see how big the palace building was from afar.

--Will he be well received here?

The uneasiness returned, and Adam took a deep breath, reassuring himself that he could do this.

They went inside without difficulty, when Harris's horse stopped, Adam also stopped. The two of them dismounted and stood in front of the entrance hall of the large building that Adam assumed was the main building of the palace, many guards were standing around, Adam took a glance at Harris who was standing quietly as if he was waiting for someone, without even saying it, Adam knew who he was waiting for.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

The hall was quiet and moments later a pair of boots hitting the marble floor could be heard. Closer and closer. Until a figure appeared right in front of the entrance and he could not help taking a look.

There he was, the man himself, Crown Prince of Barlow, Prince Jacob.

That platinum blond hair looked as healthy and smooth as the first time he saw him, smooth pale white skin without any blemish, and those two blue eyes— Prince Jacob still looked the same as the first time they met, cold face without any expression. His eyes landed on Harris before they finally fell on Adam.

He only realized he had been staring when the prince turned and smiled faintly. Yeah, that cold simple smile, how can he forgot about this statuesque man! Adam felt his whole face burn.

He abruptly lowered his body, as the prince walked closer to him.

"So you agreed to come." A soft voice like a whisper but there was still a stern masculine laced into it, Adam lifted his face, though still feeling nervous, he tried to answer, hoping that his voice would not falter.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Right after he answered, there was silence, Prince Jacob just stared motionlessly at him. Adam lowered his face again, occasionally glancing up but the prince's blue eyes were still intently on him.

--What's this? is there something on my face?

Muttering inwardly, he wished someone would speak up, mentally begging for whoever it was to stop this awkwardness. Not long after that there was the sound of footsteps approaching, Adam looked to the side. Harris bowed down, Prince Jacob's gaze finally turned to Harris. Adam breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where should I take him, Your Highness?"

Giving Adam a small look, "Main building, guest room." He answered shortly.

Adam did not miss how Harris's eyes widened for a moment, as if he misheard something, "Excuse me? Ah, okay, I—" he stuttered, Adam did not have any idea why, and he would probably ask that later.

"Adam," the Prince calling his name, and he looked up, unable to know what kind of expression he was having right now, whether maybe his nervousness was obviously written on his face, or if his eyebrows were furrowed, Adam's face felt numb.

"Welcome." Shortly greeting him with a faint smile, Adam silently stared at that smile, it was not an obvious smile, but somehow Adam liked this one because it seemed like his eyes were also smiling.

It would be a lie if he did not feel nervous the first time he stepped foot in this place, even at this moment Adam still felt this was unreal, but he was standing here, right now— in front of the prince himself.

He recalled Queen Yelan's words when she said that his safety would be guaranteed here, did the prince sincerely promise her that? A kingdom as big as Barlow that only summoned a single male to come as the symbol of the alliance. Wasn't his request too frivolous? Why didn't he ask for some of the great doctors from the Grithda kingdom? He could have asked Queen Yelan for land considering forming an alliance with Barlow was an enormous advantage for a small kingdom.

He had not discussed this matter directly with Prince Jacob that was why he did not know exactly what he was going to do here.

In the meantime he thought about the possibilities of what big role he would play to benefit Barlow, three beautiful women walked through the entrance, just by seeing the three of them for the first time, Adam easily knew that they were Prince Jacob's family.

An older lady caught Adam's attention because her face was very similar to Prince Jacob, very much like twins compared to the other two women next to her, she was about Queen Yelan's age, it must be Prince Jacob's mother.

"Mother." As if confirming Adam's guess, Prince Jacob greeted her— his mother, smiling but Adam could feel the confusion from the mother's unhidden expression.

Another young woman with ash blonde hair stared straight at Adam, not knowing whether those sharp eyes were the natural shape of her eyes or perhaps she did not like Adam—that look made Adam self conscious, as if she was analyzing every side of his face and clothes, so he then lowered his face to avoid that gaze.

"Are you a man named Adam?" Unaware of her presence because Adam's eyes stared straight at the tiles for too long, a woman approached him, this time a woman with platinum blonde hair, her blue eyes had a friendly light, Adam lifted his face, before he bowed again. "Yes, Your Highness."

"But I heard you're a werewolf?"

Adam nodded again, this situation was a bit awkward, this woman was too close. Circling his body, checking every side.

"Julia, you're making Adam uncomfortable."

Prince Jacob's voice made the woman who turned out to be Princess Julia stopped, she tucked her long hair behind her ear, Adam secretly took a glance to all of them, the three ladies and prince Jacob stood before him.

--What the hell is this family?! they all have a perfect beautiful faces? Did God give all his visual gifts to this family? That is not fair.

Clack, clack, clack, the sound of heels approaching, and Adam grew even more nervous, cold sweat on his hands, surrounded by the Barlow royal family, a situation he had never imagined to happen in his life— not even in his dream.

"You must be the man my son asked to come. Welcome to Barlow." A warm and sincere smile appeared on her beautiful face, Adam bowed, then raised his head to return the greeting from Her Majesty.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He admired the fact that their faces were so similar, no, they almost looked the same, the difference was that Her Majesty's face was older and more feminine, and Prince Jacob's was more masculine with a defined jawline.

The tension in his shoulders slowly dissipated after seeing the warm kind face of Prince Jacob's mother, it kinda reminded him of Queen Yelan.


He felt a stinging gaze from the side, it was a woman with ash blonde hair, Adam bowed down to her, her lips curved into a pout, looking at Adam as if she wanted to ask something but preferred to keep her mouth closed.

"You must be very tired." The voice of the prince's mother filled the temporary silence, "Or maybe you are hungry? The maid will bring you food if you are hungry."

"He needs to see his room first, Harris— take him to the guest room."

Yeah, Prince Jacob was right, he was psychologically exhausted, he needed to tidy up his things first before processing what was going to happen next.

Harris nodded, Adam walked following Harris in tow, when walking through the building, Adam's eyes were always greeted by a carved eagle statue, a large magnificently displayed painting with a frame that looked like gold—or maybe it was indeed made of gold, sturdy pillars towering high, and the shining clean marble floor which he was currently walking on made Adam fully aware of the extreme wealth of this kingdom. He of course had heard of how rich and magnificent the Barlow Palace was, however seeing the building in person filled Adam with utter awe.