Welcome (2)

After walking leisurely and climbing the stairs to the second floor, Harris stopped in front of a large door made of sturdy and beautifully carved mahogany wood.

Harris opened the door to reveal a room with a large bed, several sofas in the middle, windows showing the beautiful view outside, the room was so big to the point Adam thought he could run around freely.

"You will sleep here for a while."

"Here?" Still unable to believe what he was hearing, Adam looked carefully at Harris, looking for any sign that perhaps this man was lying, Harris, who knew that Adam was still confused, sighed— he looked just as confused as Adam.

"Prince Jacob wants you to sleep in the guest room in the main building, so you will be sleeping here for a while."

"So this is a room for royal guests?! Why do I have to sleep here? This doesn't make any sense"

"Trust me, I don't know the reason either... I mean maybe he wants you to be here so he can easily come to discuss something."

Yeah, that reasoning made quite a bit of sense, prince Jacob's chambers must be not far from here, and they hadn't officially spoken about what kind of work Adam would do for Barlow.

All he knew that he wanted an omega knight.

But he sure didn't see any omega around the palace. Even the guards, he couldn't find any traces of omega scent.

"If you want anything Prince Jacob has provided special service for you, someone will come to your room later so don't hesitate to tell him what you need."

There were many things he wanted to ask, but the eye bags and tiredness that radiated from his face kept Adam from asking, perhaps he could ask all the confusion that was in his mind tomorrow, after they had rested their bodies.

Stepping inside and closing the door tightly, Adam looked in awe as he scanned the room. The room was really spacious, the carpet he stepped on felt very soft on his heels, Adam walked to the bed and sat down, his face immediately lit up feeling how soft the mattress was.

Perhaps this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to stay here, after this he would become a knight commander and move to the annex.

Muttering, Adam imagined what the annex for the knights would look like, maybe the building was large and imposing considering that the Barlow knights had the privilege of gaining wealth, so it wouldn't be surprising if he would see something that would make his mouth gape at the magnificence of the Barlow building.

Placing his bags on the floor, he only brought two backpacks full of clothes, after all, he couldn't bring anything other than clothes. He would be in this room for probably two days until the coronation.

Back to checking his luggage, his hand took out some necessary clothes so he wouldn't have a hard time changing clothes the next day, a strangely hard object touched his hand. Adam tilted his head in surprise, pulling the object which turned out to be a fake pheromone spray.

Wait, when did he put this thing in here? He already had a complete set of medicines from doctor Leika, and of course he had the fake pheromone spray but Adam chose not to take it with him, he'd seen this before, this thing was somehow familiar.

It was Merlyn's.

When did that idiot man put this in his bag? Trying to figure out the sequence of events before he left. Adam was invited to lunch by Queen Yelan along with Merlyn, Angelo, and Merlyn's assistant commander.

Sigh, he remembered before he took the horse out of the stable, Merlyn came up to him with a genuine thoughtfulness face, annoying as ever. Handing a fake pheromone spray right in his face.

'Adam take this!' His long hand thrust the thing almost hitting Adam's face, Adam stopped to glare at him and gritted his teeth. Shaking his head in annoyance.

'No need.'

'Hey! You will be in a place filled with alphas, you need to take this with you, if any alpha tries to get close to you spray this! the aroma is bitter and the smell stings their noses.'

Scratching his head, his ears hurt everytime this guy babbling unnecessary stuff, he knew Barlow was full of alpha but he was strong enough to take care of himself. Adam knew the gift came from a sincere heart but he took it as a mockery that Merlyn saw himself as weak, Adam could beat the alphas easily if they annoyed him so the stupid thing was unnecessary.

--When did he sneak this into my bag?

Grumbling, Adam took it and put it in a small drawer.

Pulling at his hair in frustration, he thought about his knights in Grithda. The commander knight for omega would be vacant due to his absence, could Angelo take care of them? Ah, what was he thinking. He didn't even know if Angelo would officially become the commander, before he became his assistant Angelo was truly a brute.

Despite the skills and his strong abilities, Angelo was known for his violent tendencies, he still remembered when Angelo beat the knights and squires to a pulp, seeing Angelo smiling innocently at him while saying that he did a good job in helping Adam. Therefore Adam tried his best to stop Angelo's behavior and said that he would be the one to take care of the knights and squires who broke the rules, and Angelo would only do light duty as an assistant.

"I don't know who can fill the commander in the right wing. But most likely it is Angelo, I feel sorry for the other knights there. I hope no one dies." Chuckling at the thought of the scenario at the Grithda training grounds, Adam yawned, feeling sleepy for some reason.

The empty mattress with white sheets and red blankets looked remarkably comfy, throwing his body right on the bed, he breathed a sigh of relief feeling all his joints begin to get lighter, and Adam closed his eyes.



"Sir Adam?"

Repeated knocks on the door made Adam open his eyes, the sight of a pure white ceiling made Adam awake, remembering where he was right now. He rolled over, then stretched the side of his shoulder joint that felt cramped due to sleeping in a strange position earlier.

A series of banging and calling his name filled the empty space again, and Adam clicked his tongue, he wasn't fully awake yet, grumbling because he was still sleepy he opened the door, revealing someone he didn't know at all.

--Who is this short man.

"Ah! Sorry if I woke you up!" He said without any guilt, that wide smile pissed him a bit.

No shit, even a hibernating bear would wake up to that kind of constant banging and calling.

"It's time to eat, I will be your assistant in Barlow from now on, well I mean after the succession."

Huh, assistant so they already preparing for this, maybe he would trust the prince's words, so this meant that he literally would become a knight after the coronation of prince Jacob, so maybe this guy was also—

"Are you an omega?"

"Yes I am!" He answered cheerfully, damn, Adam squinted his eyes, the voice was too high pitched for his liking and his ears were ringing.

"I'm unfortunately not hungry."

"No, you can't refused because Prince Jacob himself ask me to bring you to the restaurant."


"Ah, in the east side, there's a place for anyone who works and lives here to eat whenever they want and we call that place a restaurant even though the food there is free, you can eat as much as you want. Isn't that amazing?"

The fact that this guy was an omega, so Adam was not the first omega here, somehow he felt like he was betrayed, but whatever, it didn't matter. Even though he actually felt too tired to eat plus he was not too hungry, but if the prince himself ordered this little shit to bring him, that meant Adam had no room to refuse. He changed his clothes, then came out of the room greeted by omega who smiled brightly. This boy was too excited, and Adam always loathed the energy of extroverted people, they exhausted him.

Following the omega who guided him to the east side, apparently the building was called the eagle tower, the majority of important workers were hanging around in that part of building.

The omega guy was humming a melody that scratched Adam's ears, his voice sounded like shit.

"Is there another Omega besides you here?"

"Uh?" He paused, slowing his footsteps.

Thank God the humming of the ugly melody finally stopped. At first this guy looked like he did not know what he was talking about, then as if his brain just lit up, he said, "Ah! I think it's just me and you, omega registration is about to open, I'm so excited! I'm really looking forward to more omega friends here."

So in this palace, there were only the two of them, Adam followed the man with his thoughts running around, if for example there were only two omegas here then how would the other people who lived here respond when they heard about this policy for the first time? Barlow residents were known to have a conservative and traditionalist ideals, would not be surprising if many rejected Prince Jacob's idea of accepting omega knight candidates.

Adam's steps were a bit hesitant after they arrived in front of a building that looked like a bar but fancier, he had not yet received discriminatory behavior from people of the palace, but still Adam did not know exactly how the citizens of Barlow would react after this new policy.

"We are here!"

Opening the door, surprisingly the restaurant was empty with only a few workers, two women approached them, smiling politely, the omega man pointed at the menu of the food he wanted to eat, Adam only ordered a sandwich, after all he wasn't too hungry.

They shared the same table, Adam felt the man's unfailing gaze, "What? Is there something on my face?"

"I heard about you from Harris, you're an amazing omega commander from Grithda."

His face was too bright, full of energy, it made Adam squint. He would never get used to extroverts. The waiter came to their table putting down the glass of water and Adam hurriedly drank it.

"You won't ask my name?" The guy said sullenly, making a puppy face as he tilted his head urging Adam to talk more.

Clicking his tongue while looking at the man with his tired eyes, he gave up. "Okay, your name?"

"I'm Shiloh! And I will be your assistant, commander, sorry I called you with just your name earlier."

"I don't care about that, my previous assistant called me by my name."

"Ah... That's good." Their food came and the omega guy— Shiloh, his face got brighter, his eyes shone to the point that it made Adam think that maybe this man could shoot laser beam from his eyes. "... Because I'm not used to hierarchical, something like that, I'm new to this."

Same, he also disliked that kind of hierarchical ranking. There were still many unanswered questions in his mind. Adam glanced at the man who was smiling brightly at him, perhaps there was no harm in asking this boy.

"Do you know how people around here reacted after hearing that Barlow accepted the omega knight?"

Shiloh shrugged, resting his chin on his palm, "Well, the young people of Barlow don't really care, but it's the old generation that complains the most."

"So the young generation here accept the new policy?"

"Not all of them, most of the youth are more open-minded, but even those who refuse will not dare to openly argue."

The smell of food approached their table, the waiter delivered the food and Adam snorted seeing how much food this tiny man had ordered.

It was a bit of a relief to hear that their reactions weren't too negative, slowly, slowly the citizens would get used to it after seeing first hand the proof of the great abilities of the omega knights.