Chapter 4 : New Begining

" Leah just come out now. " A second went by before she could've sworn he got closer just hoping to hear her voice. " Where are you? " 

" Marco? " Another second went by before she realized he wasn't necessarily trying to lose it. " You're supposed to say polo. This girl" He whined as it took everything to not laugh at him and how he played hide and see, at least that was what she was doing he just didn't know. " This isn't even fun. I'm out. she ain't here."  She thought he walked out of the door before she let out the breath she was trying to hold before hands went around me pulling me from my hiding spot. She shrieked as his arms still laid around her waist holding her before he looked her up and then at her lips. 

" You're it sexy."  He only ran off after laughing at her pouty face. 

She scowled starting to count to 20, but instead of waiting for a minute before yelling Ready or not she ran out into the hall. She used her wolf's hearing and quickly snuck into his office where she smelled him the most. Getting on all fours she looked underneath the couch before a body went around her running fast as she yelled out before the door was slammed shut. She growled before chasing him around the house.  " Ryan." She whined as he only laughed; using her alpha blood she ran into him pinning him to the ground as she slammed his hands above his head putting her legs on either side of his torso. She growled showing her fangs. " Babe, it's just a game." 

He laughed again and she was playfully thrown off before running away yet again. " Ryan stop running from me."  She suddenly had an idea before she accidentally ran into the wall but on purpose before faking a yell that sounded like she was in pain. " Leah, are you alright?"  He bent to her level trying to inspect her and although he saw it coming he only acted as if he were upset. Leah pushed Ryan laughing as she ran like her life depended on it before yelling behind her that he was it.  She heard his growl along with the so-called angry footsteps, it only resulted in her running faster as laughter escaped her.  " Leah get back here right now, so help me I won't regret anything I do to you." 

He yelled as she yelped out turning her head only to see the look of distress on his face before she made the mistake of running to the back door; however, she was roughly pushed to the ground as Ryan hovered over her. " Ryan it was a joke. I'm fine; I was just playing."  She whined as he held her small frame against his. He snuggled her body against his face before he stuffed it in her neck breathing in her scent. " You're suffocating me."  He shifted her face to look at her smirking down at her before she knew what the look behind it meant. She smacked his chest hard getting up and moving away from him swaying her hips as she walked out the door more growling came from her.  She didn't get to walk another step before she was thrown over his shoulder as she shrieked smacking his back with her small fists. " Leah don't make me." It was a warning and she knew that and that's what made her stop the tone in his voice before his hand smacks her butt, but playfully. 

" Watch it, boy."  She was dropped to the ground but she didn't give it a second thought as she ran still laughing and although an angry Alpha ran after her. She shook the images out of her head before she realized he gained speed. She used her speed as it only seemed more like a chase as she loved the wind in her face before circling back towards the back of the house. She thought she lost him at least that is what she thought. She smiled before she heard a different growl turning back around she stared out at the pure black wolf that eye-raped her before she mentally cringed.  She felt weirded out before her breathing became heavy, she wanted to scream and run but if anything she stood more in shock. He changed but what she saw was only a nightmare as the figure ran at her before she yelped.

A dark brown wolf ran out of the woods with boxers in his mouth, dropping them he snarled before growling. They apparently had an understanding that confused her greatly but even when he changed back into human form he still admired her.  Ryan walked back and then tossed her over his shoulder like a bag of wheat. Put me down you overgrown hog. She beat on his back as he only laughed meanwhile she struck up a conversation with the one who admired her in mindlink.  " Leah met Aaron.  Thanks for that now if you'll excuse me I've got to teach my mate a lesson." He stated as he turned away from him marching into the house with a smirk on his face.  She only froze as she didn't know what he had meant. She became tense when they got back into his room as he didn't seem to let go.  She didn't want to whimper but a noise escaped as he wouldn't let go. " Alpha, I'm sorry." It got his attention. He signed before his eyes glazed over.  After he came to he stared hard at her. " There would've been rogues out there, they could have hurt you don't run from me; not out there!"  He yelled as she flinched.

He felt bad as she backed away when he stepped forward but he grabbed her when she tried he used his Alpha tone and even though she couldn't bear the witness to him striking her it never happened he wasn't like that. " Just don't scare me like that, please, don't ever do that again." 

" Leah tell me. Did I hurt you?"  She only shook her head but when she moved to get comfortable she only wrapped her arms around him as he lifted her onto him before he sat on the bed. " I'm not a kid and I can defend myself, but I understand because you don't want to lose me. " She hugged him tighter. " Maybe I'll go play with the kids instead. You're no fun." 

" Leah, I'm almost 20 and you want to play with kids. " He laughed as she frowned. " But you're my mate and you're supposed to make me happy." 

" Leah, I know every one of them and when you take your position as Luna of your pack then you can play with all the kids; Maybe even ours." 

" You're the Alpha aren't you supposed to make me happy and try to play with them? You're supposed to be considerate and at least play sometimes, even if it's in wolf form. You have to get to know the kids not just the adults. " She tried to ignore the last part of what he said even though her face said otherwise. 

" Leah, I know every one of them and when you take your position as Luna of your pack then you will need a lot of help, trust me on that." 

" I do believe you."  She growled at his words as he growled from the back of his throat and his hand that sat at her hip tightened. 

" Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't take responsibility for a pack by myself. If you can't help then I'll ask Ricard or Ben." She said it in a rude way but it had come out wrong she growled out but mainly at herself even though Ryan thought it was directed at him. He pushed his knee upward as if she were a kid on his knee but her face said a different story.  " Stop growling at me. You know you can't do it on your own, but maybe we can put our packs together. " She looked up at him as if it were possible. " What?" When he tried to repeat himself she only threw her arms around him smiling before she grabbed his face and kissed him. " We can. If we really have to." 

Kissing him on his cheek and getting up from his lap he only pulled her back. " You missed princess."  She didn't get it in time until his lips brushed against hers before fully kissing him back. He didn't want her to move and she understood that right away as she tried to call his name through the kiss but he only deepened the kiss. She heard a groan before pulling back as he looked upset about it.  It wasn't long till his eyes turned gold and she nearly fainted from his fingers digging into her sides. It reminded her of when she met Ben. That was the last thought before everything went dark yet again.

Ryan's Pov: 

His wolf was already on edge with some news before she giggled and pulled away from his touch, and although his wolf was upset and mad even he took over quickly. Tain his wolf growled out and came out he pushed Ryan to the back of his mind, that was when he knew something bad was going to happen but Tain already had control. 

Ryan only resurfaced when he noticed his mate go limp in his arms and fall deeper into his chest; Immediately he mindlinked the doctor. Making sure she was dressed he took her bridal style down that hallway as he tried to not overthink. He knew her parents and if they saw her like this and more than likely kill him. He wanted to laugh but looking down he went serious again.

They couldn't overpower him, but thinking about her pack and his and what she had said earlier that day he sighed knocking on the door. " Come in." 

What happened to the Luna?" 

" She passed out when my wolf came out." He only pointed to the blood as he couldn't really bear to say anything else about it, he felt too ashamed.

" Alright, just place her on that bed, and if you would please step out." 

He meant no disrespect but Ryan growled anyway. " I'm not leaving my mate." 

" Alpha please just in case she wakes and freaks out, for her would you please?"  It wasn't meant to be a question but considering what the Alpha could do he only surrendered by placing his arms and hands upward. 

He waited patiently, maybe not, sitting on the floor of their room thinking maybe she was right. He needed to be there for his pack. He knew they cared for him but he couldn't remember the last time he actually helped in general besides the rouges.  The door opened breaking him from his thought as he shot up fast. 

" Alpha she's awake but do not scare her." 

He ran through the halls using his speed before trying to not throw the doors open. He saw his mate sitting up as she only tried to get up out of the bed. He only admired her for her strength. He chuckled at her reaction.  Letting go of the end of the bed railing she only began to fall but he was faster and took her in his arms picking her up bridal style again. " Are you feeling alright?" 

"Yeah, just dizzy." 

He only looked at the doc who walked in as he mindlinked him again, but only in disappointment as Leah made it go away in a second as she put her face in the crook of his neck.  Entering back into his room he laid her into the bed carefully. 

" Get some sleep. Doc said you're on bed rest. Said that you needed it. " He looked at her drowsy face as he brushed some of her back onto the pillow. " Leah, I know I really like you, but I don't ever want you to ever leave for another; You're too special to me." She smiled before getting comfortable as best she could closing her eyes. So beautiful.

He sighed leaving her when he didn't want to get some pack business done and dealt with as he left Patrick mindlinked him before running into the pack's popular girl Kenzie. Before she could show herself off he growled using every one of his ALpha tones as she stared gapping like a fish. " Alpha there's more rogues."  He didn't like that word nor was he fond of finding a fight already had broken out. Shifting into his Dark Brown Wolf he heard snarls and scratching along with growls. He couldn't tell what the fight was about but he could hear it from where he was.  Seeing 3 on 3  he came to a halt turning back into human form as he yelled enough; Immediately the 3 rogues broke off showing their necks in submission.

" What is the meaning of this?" 

He growled out as someone grabbed him. 

" Jack, go to your wife." He yelled out before he stared hard at the 3 with an intimidating glare. 

He didn't want this to happen again but something said it was fine as he only wanted to be with Leah so fixing it and then throwing Mark he started it in the prison he went back to be with her all the while Anthony ran up to him before he could walk up the stairs to his mate. " There's more trouble." 

He only groaned in his mind before stalking behind Anthony towards a huddled group.  When he got closer he was almost shocked. He saw Crew with a knife standing in front of a 12-year-old. Crew shielded her from a blond wolf as the wolf growled out in the girl's direction. " Shift!" 

He could tell everyone wanted to shift because of his scream but it was directed at the blond wolf who immediately shifted as her leg looked like it was bitten into. Blood ran down the ankle as he immediately mindlinked the doctor while the guy went into the woods shifting back into human form. Ryan growled when he didn't recognize him but when he gave the letter to Anthony he immediately turned and ran into the woods at full speed.

" Rain Get him now!" He yelled with his Alpha's voice before looking down at the letter Anthony handed him as he growled loudly seeing Leah's name on it. What was the wolf playing at? Ryan wanted to punch something as he stalked back inside walking up the stairs to make sure Leah was okay.

He felt his wolf almost resurfacing just thinking of the worse but noticing his mate walking out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her body. He growled and she jumped smirking before looking down at herself as her face flushed. " Leah."  She didn't like the attention and he could tell before running back into the bathroom locking the door. "  Leah. Come on." He knocked on the door.

" No, go get me some clothes." 

" Why. I'd rather you unlock the door." 

" No." He heard the way she said it as well as the giggle that was heard.

This woman was going to be the death of him.  He rummaged through some of her things before knocking on the door again and shortly after she finally walked out trying to dry her hair as he couldn't stop staring at her. She wore dark gray sweatpants with a navy crop top that didn't even go passed her belly button. He groaned before her attention went to him as she swayed her hips in a different direction away from him. He used his speed to grab her as she didn't expect it. He scooped her in her arms as she tried to get away from him but even as she did he could tell her body cried out for him.

He knew she felt secure in his arms but she didn't want to let him know that.  He chuckled hearing her thoughts as she stopped moving in his arms but he only picked her up putting her back into the bed as he climbed in right beside her pulling her against his chest. " Get some sleep princess. Doctor's orders."  She moved getting more comfortable. Her body lay right beside him as her leg lay on top of his. He watched as her hair moved against her face and her eyes met his before she blushed more hiding her face.  He sighed before she pressed herself against his side grabbing his hand and putting it around her waist. 

" Goodnight Ryan, and you too tain." She said it before closing her eyes as eventually her breathing became even. He only remembered her letter suddenly at the moment before he too fell asleep. 

Leah's POV:

When she awoke she looked up at Ryan to see his sleepy face. She smiled staring at him as she also tried to get up before his arm went around her holding onto her. With his fingers on her skin, it only made her want to jump on him but she refrained. Ryan knew not to touch her or she'd run but even she knew she wouldn't possibly run from him. Ryan was too over protective  over her and she wouldn't just go behind his back and do any of that stuff, but she was worried about him. She only remembered the other day when she had asked if he had done any other girl before him. Angie only had a look on her face that she knew all to well and that was when she realized that she really didn't know him. 

" Babe."

She looked up into his eyes before he glared across at Angie as the memory must've played out for him too. When he turned back towards her his eyes softened before handing her the letter that was given to him just a few days before. She questioned him then but only in his mind before mindlinking someone else however she wanted privacy as she went to the bathroom shutting the door and locking it  before sitting cris cross on the floor. 

Dear leah,

How have you been? It's Kari also your ex Tran, but anyways I over heard  you were the Alpha Ryan's mate. I'm sorry you might be liking it because  I miss you like crazy and wish you were still here with us.

I also heard that some Black Shadow wants a war between Blood Moon and them so please be careful, me and Tran and a few others are on our way to you. Please don't run like last time.

You're like a sister to me and I love you. tran said the same thing but knowhe doesn't like you like that anymore, he found his mate but she can't come with because she's busy, shes really nice.

I need to stop or I won't be able to stop. We will be there in 4 1\2 days. Please let your mate know we don't want to cause any more drama on everything. 

Love, Kari and Tran.

She reread the entire letter 5 times but she didn't know Kari or Tran and more importantly who was Black Shadow, that name seemed familiar. She only thought to herself before hearing a knock on the door. 

" Leah, you okay in there?" 

It was Ryan and he sounded worried. She got up from the floor unlocking the door as she swung it open meanwhile Ryan being himself only saw the look on her face as he pulled her into another hug. 

" Ryan."

" The way you were feeling I could feel and it scared me. We have another Rogue problem and I was thinking of the worse. Anyone who comes on our lands gets punished, it's the law." 

" No. Was it Tran or Kari. Don't hurt them. Their coming with a few people. She said Black Shadow pack wants to go to war, I don't know why but we need to let them in. " 

She knew she might have said it a little fast but she felt in a rush somehow as he put on a gray shirt that hugged him. Pulling the letter out of her hands he read the letter but as he did his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

" war? Why? Leah i thought you didn't know anyone." She didn't know what to say as her face flushed before snatching the letter from him flipping it over but nothing was there. She found herself pacing the room as Ryan only watched interested in what she was doing. Ryan tried to talk to her but she wasn't really paying much attention. She couldn't let him hurt them but as she paced and Ryan tried to really talk to her she only thought of if she saw them before anything happened. 

" Leah, I got to go. Stay in the room. I'll be back." 

She only rolled her eyes before he popped his jaw. She only gulped looked at his jaw and the flesh she saw before he pulled the rest of his shirt down. She only told herlsef to keep it together. Blushing  She tried to not stare as he only stared right back at her walking towards the door. 

" Ryan, He is my friend and as future Luna I command you to not do anything harmful!" 

She yelled which made him changed his demenour before stalking towards her  forcing her backwards towards the bed. 

" Ryan." 

He laid against her forcing her up against his face before talking in a low voice but she understood he wanted to get his point across.

" Here's the thing little mate, you can't command me to do anything. I'm the Alpha and you aren't the Luna till you have the ceremony next week. If I were you I'd shut that pretty mouth of yours and obey your mate. "

He traced his fingers across her bottom lip before gulping and althoughhe watched her every move he pushed his face aganist her jaw kissing against her cheek and then brushing her lips  before tracing his lips towards where he had marked her.  She gulped again before a whimper escaped her lips at the contact. Hearing her whimper as he got closer he only growled hearing it. 

Before she could process she felt his mouth against her mark she moaned pushing her neck more to the side to give him more axcess her sunk his teeth into where he marked her before this time she didn't just moan but he was fully his now. She felt pleasure rise in her  before feeling weak after the pressure she felt belt up into her chest as she cried out in pain. He made the mistake of letting her go before her eyes rolled up into her head and although Ryan became worried he knew it was bound to happen. It just meant that they were one. 

Ryan pulled her against him holding her in his arms as she felt lifeless as he wondered what she dreamed of.


A laugh was heard before turning her head but she felt a throbbing pain in her neck as she moved towards the laugh. Seeing two kids running around playing  looking towards the home of where the woman who looked just like her stepped out. " Leah, Kari! Come on it's time to eat." 

Watching she saw Kari and her younger self run into the home as she followed behind. She saw her father ( her actual father) She was shook. She saw her younger self eating food as Kari threw french fries at her. She wanted to laugh seeing it till her mother walked in laughing at the mess before picking on of it up from the floor. " ya'll go play when you get done. Don't stray to far." 

" Yes Ma'am."

They both said it even though Kari wasn't really her sister. She called her that only because she was the only one who really knew her and it said a lot considering how she didn't remember her.

A Couple Years Later:

They were both at the house when a knock from the front door was heard. Leah seemed excited as she opened the door. A boy teller than her stood with a bouquet of flowers and Mcdonalds. She hugged him before he laughed at her reaction before she grabbed the flowers from him and getting a vase from the kitchen and then placing them into the vase the way she liked. Leah's mother walked in greeting her before greeting Tran.

" You be careful and no lolly gagging, you hear me Tran Jacky?"

" Yes Ma'am."

"Good. i'm going to work now your father should be home in about an hour or so. Don't leave Kari by herself Leah Grace."

" Yes mama."

As she left they both walked into the living room but Kari wasn't there as she walked upstairs they both heard her scream. Fear swept inside of Leah before running into her roof where it was heard. She only sighed in relief when she saw the phone by her ear as she fummed in anger.

" Yeah, well bye." 

Leah only looked at her in confusion and worry before she stalked towards her but she only got up grabbing several things stalking towards the stairs as she immediately followed suit. 

" Tran can you give me a ride home please." 

Leah only watched as Tran drove out of the drive way  with her in the passengar seat with worry filling her very being.

What happened?

She waited for a week for one of them to text, finally after a couple more she got a text from Tran but it only resulted in her crying and holding her knees to her chest.

T: We have to break up. I'm sorry, I won't be able to see you for a while but I still love you. Next time I do see you we might have mates and be happy with them. Don't hate me, but that won't get in the way of our friendship. I love you as a brother. If you need me just say the word."
