Chapter 187 : I Can’t Handle This


I couldn't get a grip on my emotions. Everything I’d just learned was swirling inside me like an unpredictable storm. My hands shook as I ran them through my hair, my stomach rolling with disbelief.

"Please tell me this is just some strange coincidence, Michael." My hands trembled as I brought them to my face, my fingers brushing against the skin that felt hot and clammy. A strange laughter threatened to escape my throat, but I held it back.

"I'm afraid not, Shelby," he sighed heavily

"But why?" I asked, my voice trembling. "Why would she do something like this? And how did she even manage to tamper with our IVF process?" My voice trailed off as he looked away like he didn't want to answer the question himself.

Michael's jaw clenched as he searched for the right words. I felt the color drain from my face.