Chapter 188 : Help From a Friend


A week had passed since I arrived at our beach house, seeking relief and distance from the turmoil that had taken over our lives. As I lay in bed, the waves crashing outside the window, I couldn't shake the persistent feeling of sickness that had taken hold of me. I clutched my stomach, my body aching, and my mind clouded with a whirlwind of emotions.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand, indicating a new message from Michael. I sighed and glanced at the screen but made no move to read it. The weight of our situation pressed down on me, and I couldn't find the strength to engage in a conversation, even with him.

I knew it was just my pregnancy hormones amplifying my mood, but I needed this time alone to reflect and sort through the mess of emotions that ate at me.

With a deep breath, I let my mind wander, allowing my thoughts to drift to the heart of the matter. What did this mean for our babies? Would I have to give one of the twins away if the baby was indeed Katie's?