Chapter 263 : The Truth Will Come Out


I bent down to scoop up the last of the toddler's sand toys, the warm sand clinging to my fingers, slipping each one into my oversized beach bag.

“I’m getting sleepy,” Amelia said with a yawn. I smiled and started brushing some of the sand off her chubby toddler feet, before scoping her up in my arms.

Thomas reached up to me and I bent down and grabbed him in my other arm. I couldn't help but marvel at my own strength. Balancing one toddler in each arm, their small bodies squirming and wriggling against me, I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me. A few years ago, I would have never imagined that I could carry two toddlers at once, let alone manage to keep them entertained on a beach day like today.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Thomas whined, his voice muffled against my shoulder as he clung to me.

"Yeah, me too," Amelia chimed in, her chubby fingers tugging at my hair as she nestled against my other arm.