Chapter 325 : Get Inside


The pounding rain came down catching me off guard, drenching my clothes, and sticking my hair to my face. Panic crept in as I realized this storm was much worse than any of us had expected. The wind roared in my ears, tugging at my jacket as if it was trying to tear me apart.

Walking along toward my house along the beach wasn’t my best idea, and I regretted my decision to leave the safety, warmth, and dryness of Dad and Shelby’s bungalow. The temperature had dropped significantly since the wind and rain picked up, and I was beginning to shiver.

Through the heavy rain, I noticed someone on the beach, fighting against the wind, rain, and waves to secure the boats to the dock. My heart skipped a beat when a bolt of lightning revealed his figure against the dark sky—it was Lucas. It wasn't just his outline that gave him away, but the determined look, even from a distance.

I couldn’t believe he was being so reckless!

"Lucas!" I called out, but the wind swallowed my voice.