Chapter 326 : A Different Kind of Storm


The wind howled like a banshee as I fumbled with the keys, the deluge nearly drowning out the sound of Lucas' voice urging me to hurry. Our hands, cold and slippery, failed us repeatedly until at last the lock clicked open. We tumbled through the doorway, an ungraceful heap of limbs and soaked clothing. The storm had been relentless in its pursuit of us, and we were drenched to the bone, our bodies shivering uncontrollably.

"Close it! Close it!" I yelled over the pounding of the wind and rain outside, my teeth chattering as much from fear as from the chill.

Lucas' firm hand shoved the door shut, and the noise lowered to a dull roar. Panting, I leaned against the wall, my heart drumming a quick beat. I glanced over at him, his dark hair plastered to his forehead, his chest heaving.

For a second, we just stood there, staring at each other, the silence in the bungalow marked only by the fast rhythm of rain assaulting the windows and roof.