Killing Monsters in Rage

"What's going on? Someone in your department got arrested for hiring a prostitute and sent to the police station. Is this true?"

When the Head of the company's research Institute heard the news from the company, he naturally wanted to confirm it immediately and deal with it seriously. After all, the impact of such a matter was really too bad.

But the real reason was because of fear. The company couldn't fire an employee for prostitution because it was an administrative punishment. If they were forced to fire someone, they would have to pay compensation later. Generally, only employees involved in criminal responsibility could be terminated by the employer.

Of course, the employer also had the power to formulate internal rules and regulations based on the actual situation of the unit. If the company's rules and regulations clearly stated that an illegal administrative act was a severe violation of the company's rules and regulations, then the company would have a systematic basis for terminating the employee's contract. It would be considered a legal termination.

In other words, if a company wants to fire an employee, there can be as many reasons as possible.

When Tian Cheng found out about this, he was utterly stunned. He really didn't expect Lin Shu to make such a mistake.

Although it might not be a mistake that all men would make, an employee shouldn't have been caught for making such a mistake or let the company find out even if he was caught.

After Tian Cheng communicated with the company's higher-ups, he naturally had to find Lin Shu to understand the situation and what was happening.

After Tian Cheng left the Head office, Tian Cheng called Lin Shu to confirm this matter.

"Lin Shu, where are you now?" Tian Cheng asked.

"I'm outside right now. What is it? Something happened?" said Lin Shu.

'Outside? He's not at the police station?' Tian Cheng thought.

"Aren't you recording a statement at the police station?" Tian Cheng asked with a frown.

"I've already finished recording my statement. I just went to look for a house and secured one," said Lin Shu.

"Then, are you recording a statement at the police station because of getting caught for hiring a prostitute?" Tian Cheng asked.

Lin Shu did not expect to hear such ridiculous words. That was simply ruining his innocence. Lin Shu was recording a statement at the police station. Still, it turned into him being arrested by the police for hiring a prostitute, and the news was spread as if it was true.

The company was planning to fire Lin Shu.

Lin Shu didn't know why such malicious slanderous words would spread and many would believe it. That made him very angry.

"I didn't. That's not what happened at all," said Lin Shu.

Lin Shu explained to Tian Cheng why he was at the police station. Still, to Tian Cheng, it sounded more like a joke and unbelievable than Lin Shu being arrested for hiring a prostitute.

"You said you caught a thief on the bus and went to the police station to record your statement?" said Tian Cheng.

Tian Cheng felt that it was ridiculous and thought it was not possible. He was a little suspicious. No, he was very suspicious.

However, since Lin Shu had said so clearly that he had gone to the police station because he had done a good deed, there was a slight possibility that this matter was true.

Tian Cheng felt Lin Shu would probably not tell such a ridiculous lie. After all, it would be quickly exposed. Even if he wanted to lie, he should have devised a better one.

"Alright, I know what to do," said Tian Cheng.

'Is it true that Lin Shu caught a thief for a just cause?' Tian Cheng thought.

After Tian Cheng confirmed with Lin Shu, he naturally had to report the situation to the higher-ups. If Lin Shu was lying, then it would be his fault for taking on this matter.

Lin Shu had not expected such a thing to spread around him, and he was extremely furious.

Lin Shu immediately gave Huang Wen a call.

"Lin Shu, are you alright?" Huang Wen asked.

Lin Shu was rather unhappy and said, "Why would I not be alright? I only went to the police station to assist in recording a statement. Why did you say I got arrested for hiring a prostitute?"

Lin Shu knew from the start that the workplace was a small world. In this world, the good and the bad were mixed together. Naturally, there were all kinds of people. Some people liked to gossip, and some villains made things up from nothing. However, he didn't expect Huang Wen to be such a villain.

"Lin Shu, it really wasn't me. I just found out about it. I called you to ask about it. Mr. Zhao heard it too. He wanted me to contact you to ask about your project. The two of us didn't tell anyone, but for some reason, the office group chat is spreading the news that you're in the police station, and because of…

Lin Shu was furious. It was obvious that these people were spreading rumors.

'To everyone's eyes, it was bad to go to the police station for no reason.' Lin Shu thought.

Huang Wen was naturally furious. He didn't know why such rumors started spreading. It was really inexplicable. Huang Wen thought It must have been someone in the office who spread it, and he didn't know why the rumors were so nasty.

In fact, the people initially discussing in the group didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. They were just casually saying it and joking around. They didn't expect that the other departments would know about it.

Lin Shu was very unhappy. When he returned to the company, he naturally met some colleagues from other departments. Everyone looked at Lin Shu with strange gazes.

However, most of them were confused.

'That was fast for someone who hired a prostitute.'

'Could it be that he didn't manage to hire one?'

Naturally, Lin Shu could feel the complicated gazes on him. For some reason, he was wronged and framed. That made him quite angry. Furthermore, it was such an embarrassing matter, which made him even more unhappy. He didn't know why these people were so excited. It was as if they would benefit if he wasn't well. Was there a need for them to be so happy?

Some people were also staring at Lin Shu, and their eyes were filled with curiosity and inquiry about Lin Shu's arrest.

Someone directly came forward and asked teasingly, "Lin Shu, you're out of the police station so soon?"

Lin Shu looked at the people from the department next door and saw a line of words above their heads—

Level 2 Blabbermouth

Skill: Create rumors to hurt others, using the great art of gossip.

Lin Shu's heart was instantly filled with anger. Regardless of whether this monster was the one who had injured him or not, he immediately opened fire and asked in anger, "What does it have to do with you?"

The man's face stiffened for a moment. He didn't expect Lin Shu to have such a big reaction. He was very embarrassed and said coldly, "Oh. You're still so righteous when you're caught as a prostitute?"

"Which of your eyes saw that?" Lin Shu asked furiously.

The Blabbermouth was speechless.


Congratulations! Your words are as sharp as a knife, and you have dealt a certain amount of damage to the Level 2 Blabbermouth. You gained 1,200 Exp. Points and 155 Gold Coins.

The man was a little angry after being scolded. He had only heard it from others, but he didn't expect Lin Shu to be so impulsive. That man thought, 'Could it be that the rumor was false? But that was what others said.'

"So? Which eyes of yours saw it?" Lin Shu asked even more furiously.

Double kill!


Congratulations! You have attacked in rage, one slash after another. You have killed the Level 2 Blabbermouth again and again. You gained 1,809 Exp. Points and 208 Gold Coins. 1. Experience +1809.2. Gold Coins +208.

Lin Shu had killed the monster very cleanly and neatly!