Killing Monsters From a Distance

The atmosphere in the office was agitated. It was obvious that no one had expected Lin Shu to have such a big reaction.

Everyone began to think that the rumor may be fake due to Lin Shu's furious reaction. They weren't sure if the news was trustworthy or if they were just following the rumors.

Just as the atmosphere was tense and awkward, someone called Lin Shu's phone.

"Lin Shu, where are you now?" 

It was a call from Tian Cheng.

Lin Shu picked up the phone and coldly asked, "What do you want? Are you still thinking that I did that?"

"No, it's not that. There are reporters here who wish to interview you. The local police station has also written a letter of commendation to the company." said Tian Cheng.

Lin Shu glanced at the Blabbermouth standing in front of him and said coldly, "I'm at the company's entrance right now."

When Tian Cheng heard that, he told the media reporters and the Head of the research institute that Lin Shu was at the entrance.

Now, a reporter came to interview him, and at the same time, there was a letter of commendation from the police station. It was obvious that what Lin Shu said about catching a thief on the bus was true.

That shocked Tian Cheng.

It was such a good thing to do for justice. It was shocking. More importantly, this good news was spread so badly that it could even be said to be slandering Lin Shu's character.

Tian Cheng and the company's Head couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they didn't deal with Lin Shu because of the false rumor. Otherwise, it would really be a joke.

"Tian Cheng, you mentioned that Lin Shu from your department has already tendered his resignation?" the Head asked Tian Cheng softly.

Tian Cheng nodded.

Obviously, Tian Cheng also realized that the situation was a little awkward. It was good that the company's employees were brave and had brought a positive image to the company. However, the employee had already resigned, which made the company a little awkward.

Will the company publicize the positive or not? Regardless, Star City Media would definitely do it now.

The media that came to interview Lin Shu was the local Star City Media. Not to mention that this incident had already spread on the internet. Even if it hadn't spread on the internet, Star City Media would naturally report such extremely positive news that happened in the city.

Such a courageous young man really needed to be commended and promoted. More importantly, this young man was handsome, and the internet was buzzing with discussion about Lin Shu.

It couldn't be helped. In this era of good looks, good-looking people naturally attracted more attention. Otherwise, there were so many good people and good deeds, so how could the cool and handsome Lin Shu, a university graduate, cause such a heated discussion?

The man who was scolded by Lin Shu was furious. However, he knew that Lin Shu had a reason for his anger. He didn't see it with his own eyes, but he was still spreading the news. He even asked Lin Shu about it in a mocking manner.

Now that Lin Shu had directly questioned him without any mercy, he understood why.

'But why was he only angry at me? I wasn't the only one who said it! More importantly, I was being scolded so badly!' The man thought.

"Watch your language, man." the man growled.

"Are you crazy? You're spreading rumors and want me to be more polite?" Lin Shu asked.


Congratulations! You used the Sword of Anger to whip the corpse of a Level 2 Blabbermouth mercilessly. You gained 1,018 Exp. Points and 120 Gold Coins.

The man didn't expect Lin Shu's words to be so powerful and merciless. This made the man a little overwhelmed. After all, he was in the wrong and shouldn't have spread rumors.

"I just heard it from someone else and was just asking you. Why did you scold me? No wonder…" the man said.

"No wonder what? No wonder you're making things up out of nothing and trying to start a rumor?!" Lin Shu sneered.

Tian Cheng and the media reporters also rushed to the company's entrance, but they did not expect to see this awkward scene.

Tian Cheng glanced at the man and was puzzled, but he didn't show it on his face. He stepped forward and introduced the man to the reporters, then said to Lin Shu, "This is a reporter from Star City Evening News. He wants to interview you. In addition, the police station also sent a letter of commendation to praise you for your bravery in catching the thief on the bus."

'Courageous act? Catching a thief?' the man thought.

As soon as Tian Cheng said that, the people who had stopped to watch were instantly stunned.

'Wasn't he arrested because of him hiring a prostitute? How did it become catching a thief for a good cause?' the man thought.

What surprised them even more was that after Lin Shu had bravely caught the thief, the police station had even sent a letter of commendation. This was completely different from the previous rumors.

This turn of events was simply too inconceivable.

When the man standing at the side heard Tian Cheng's words, his face turned ashen and ugly. He did not expect Lin Shu to go to the police station to record a statement for his courageous act.

The man felt like he was a joke. More importantly, he had just been scolded by Lin Shu in his face.

The other people around them also began to spread the truth about Lin Shu's visit to the police station in their WeChat group.

Lin Shu didn't even look at the monster Blabbermouth beside him. He just sneered and turned to the reporter and Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan obviously realized some people misunderstood Lin Shu, but he didn't ask much. He just smiled and took out the letter of commendation, handing it to Lin Shu and the Head, saying, "I told you that I'll write a letter of commendation to your company to praise you for your righteous and courageous behavior."

It was clearly written in the letter of commendation:

Letter of Commendation

Void Vehicle Co., Ltd.:

At about 1:00 p.m. on August 25th 2019, Lin Shu, an employee of your company's technology research and development Institute, was on a bus in our jurisdiction area. He discovered and stopped a theft in time. He took timely control of the suspect and waited for the police to deal with him, effectively protecting the safety of the lives and property of the people.

Lin Shu was courageous in the face of danger. He was dauntless, not afraid of violence, faced the threat of the criminal suspect, and bravely fought against evil forces. His actions have deeply moved us, and his excellent qualities are worth learning from. I hereby write this commendation to your company, hoping Lin Shu to be praised.

Thank you.

At the end of the letter was the officer's signature from the police station at the intersection of Star City and the official seal of the police station.

This letter of commendation was undoubtedly a praise for Lin Shu's bravery on the bus. It was also written for Lin Shu's company, hoping that the company would praise Lin Shu.

Lin Shu glanced at Tian Cheng, then at the Head of the Department next to him. Naturally, he expressed his thanks to Zhao Yuan.

Seeing that Lin Shu was really praised for apprehending a thief on the bus, the people around him were so shocked that they couldn't say anything. However, they all took out their phones to take pictures and began to spread this important news.

[The Lin Shu from the R & D Department went to the police station not because of hiring a prostitute but because he was brave enough to catch a thief. Lin Shu went to the police station simply to record his statement.]

[I really didn't expect him to be so courageous. The reporters are here to interview him, and the police station even wrote a letter of commendation to the company.]

[Oh my God, It's true! Quick, look at the hot search in the same city on Weibo. The person who subdued the thief in the video is Lin Shu.]


Congratulations! Your sword strike and energy traversed miles away, killing monsters from afar with the light of the righteous and dealing severe damage to Level 1 Blabbermouth. You gained 1,050 Exp. Points and 107 Gold Coins.


Congratulations! Your sword strike and energy traversed miles away, killing monsters from afar with the light of the righteous and dealing severe damage to Level 2 Blabbermouth. You gained 1,190 Exp. Points and 127 Gold Coins.


Congratulations! Your sword strike and energy traversed miles away, killing monsters from afar with the light of the righteous and dealing severe damage to Level 3 Blabbermouth. You gained 1,250 Exp. Points and 187 Gold Coins.



The letter of commendation sent by the police station was the best weapon to deal with those Blabbermouths.

A piece of paper as thin as a cicada's wing and as sharp as a sword.

The sword Qi spread for miles away, and under the light of the righteous path, all the rumors and evil spirits shall be undone.