Looking For Trouble

'8? How could it be 8? How could the first number be 8?' Lin Shu wondered.

When he saw the first number ball roll out, Lin Shu's heart ached. A considerable sum of money had left him.

That was because the two numbers in his lottery ticket did not start with an 8.

Lin Shu stared at the lottery number in his hand and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He thought the number 8 was a Lucky number and even bought a lottery ticket worth ¥8. He blamed himself for not writing 8 on the first number and regretted it!

Lin Shu looked at the numbers that rolled out one after another. He regretted it even more, for he didn't write 14 as the second number.


And none of the numbers matched!

Lin Shu felt the pain in his heart intensified.

'Didn't I already add the Luck attribute point? Isn't my Luck already four points? Why didn't I even get the third prize? Not a single number matched!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu looked at the lottery ticket in his hand and felt that it was glaring. He squeezed it hard and threw it into the trash can.

'Rubbish! No—There's still one more!' Lin Shu realized.

Lin Shu's eyes fell on the two-colored ball lottery ticket that would be revealed tomorrow. He picked up the lottery ticket and placed it in his heart. He muttered, "My Luck attribute point is four. I'll definitely be luckier than before.

"You can do it. You have to believe in yourself, my dear lottery ticket. You have to believe that you will win first place."

Lin Shu solemnly placed the second remaining lottery ticket into the drawer.

Now, it all depended on whether this lottery ticket would succeed.

Lin Shu was sad that he had lost his first opportunity to get rich.

Because he had a powerful intuition that he would win the big prize this time.

However, it was clear that his intuition was just one of the three great illusions in life.

Lin Shu tried his best to eliminate the sad thoughts in his mind and was ready to start reading and revising. Then, his eyes fell on the business cards of those influencer companies.

'I remember it's a contract fee of one million Yuan? But I have told these people that I didn't intend to be an influencer or a live streamer.' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu picked up a business card and looked at it carefully. He said unconsciously, "It might not be bad to be an influencer."


Lin Shu instantly shook off the thoughts in his mind and firmly said, "Lin Shu, you have to be firm. How can you slap your own face after saying that? You're a man with a system. How can you think of becoming an influencer?

"You still have the lottery ticket, the Wishing Talisman, and the side quest to complete. How can you think of those things!"

"You have to study and gain more Exp. Points now. Level up as soon as possible and use the Wishing Talisman.

Lin Shu glanced at the experience bar on his virtual panel, 83250/90000. Then he began to finish the questions, read some books, and farm Exp. Points…


Congratulations! You have studied Advanced Mathematics for 2 hours. You gained 1,245 Exp. Points and 160 Gold Coins.

It was almost 11 p.m., and Lin Shu was ready for bed.

However, he didn't go to bed immediately. Instead, he took out his phone and looked at the messages. Many people had sent him messages. Even his unfamiliar WeChat friends had sent him messages.

He had to admit that the incident of his catching the thief on the bus greatly influenced his circle of friends.

Not only did Yao Chen promote it in his circle of friends, but his parents and relatives also proudly forwarded many articles from marketing accounts in their circle of friends.

Looking at the contents of some of the articles, Lin Shu was a little confused.

[After the incident, the female passenger's stolen wallet and mobile phone were found, and she thanked Lin Shu gratefully. The police station at the intersection of Star City sent a letter of commendation to Lin Shu's company, praising Lin Shu's bravery and spirit of not fearing threats. According to the interview, Lin Shu graduated from Xiangnan University with a major in Mechanical Engineering. He was not even 25 years old this year. Although he was just an ordinary citizen, he had always had a sense of justice and a sense of duty.]

'Did I ever say such a thing? Are those my words?' Lin Shu fell into a state of self-doubt.

In addition to Lin Shu's moments, some WeChat groups also tagged him. Obviously, they were also discussing his heroic act on the bus.

There were so many messages that he couldn't go through all of them. He didn't know why there were so many of them.

It felt like those messages were from a long novel with a flow of dialogue.

Lin Shu looked at Weibo again. There were indeed topics on Weibo about him catching a thief on the bus. It was the most searched topic in the same city. As for the real hot topic, it was ranked at the back.

More importantly, his words to the thief seemed to have caused some controversy.

The netizens who graduated and studied at Xiamen University were not happy. Lin Shu's words, "You don't scare me. I'm not from Xiamen University. I'm from Xiangnan University", which made them very uncomfortable.

[Why did you say, 'You don't scare me? I'm not from Xiamen University.' What did Xiamen University do to you? Don't drag our Xiamen University into this, alright! Do you think you're so great after graduating from Xiangnan University? What are you so proud of!]

[I had enough of you. Although it's a good thing, as a student of Xiamen University, I don't like the phrase 'I'm not from Xiamen University'.]

[Although I know it's just a joke, I don't like you to use Xiamen University as a joke.]

[These words discriminate against Xiamen University. So what? We'll talk about it after you get into Xiamen University! I'm really annoyed by some people. They always cue people who are from somewhere other than Xiamen University. Did we offend you?]

Of course, many netizens responded directly on behalf of Lin Shu.

[There's no need to be so dramatic. It's not that serious. It's just a normal joke.]

[I think some people are too sensitive. That's not what that handsome man meant at all. It's really too much to twist it.]

[What if he was scared and blurted it out? Are there any subtitles in the video?]

[Yeah, I agree. It was the passenger who recorded the video. What if the handsome guy said something he didn't realize? There will always be some people who are too bored and idle and are simply looking for trouble.]

Although most of the netizens were discussing the joyous news of Lin Shu's heroic act of catching a thief on the bus, a small number of netizens directly criticized Lin Shu's words that were related to Xiamen University. This feeling was like looking at fault on the handsome man who had done a good deed.

Lin Shu's limelight was probably too bright, which made them uncomfortable.

It couldn't be helped. There were always some people who were not afraid to speculate the worst of people.

This was said by Lu Xun.