A Good, Kindhearted Person

The discussion of Lin Shu catching a thief on the bus was very popular on the internet. Even though some of the netizens attacked Lin Shu for saying he wasn't from Xiamen University, they were still a minority.

Lin Shu didn't care too much about the netizens' attacks and criticisms. There was nothing he could do about it.

In Lin Shu's opinion, the attention on this matter would die down as time passed, and new hot topics would soon appear.

However, someone who knew Lin Shu directly pointed out Lin Shu's Weibo account on Weibo, and many netizens began to follow Lin Shu's Weibo account, Lin-Lin Shu.

In fact, Lin Shu didn't post much on Weibo. He only posted some photos of his daily life when he was at University. This made many netizens start to dig deeper into Lin Shu's affairs.

Of course, there were also some strange private messages and criticisms from Xiamen University.

After reading a few private messages, Lin Shu directly closed his Weibo.

Some of the offensive words made it seem like he had done something unforgivable.

Lin Shu didn't think about it anymore and started to study in his dormitory. He knew that he had to sign up for the postgraduate entrance examination soon, so he naturally wanted to complete this side quest.

'If one were to say that there were rewards for the first time they fought and killed monsters, and leveled up… Would there be a reward for completing the side quest for the first time?' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu was looking forward to the mystery gift.

Of course, he was still far from completing the side quest, but he was not far from leveling up and getting equipment.

That was because Lin Shu was about to level up again.

It was for that reason that Lin Shu would put more effort into gaining more Exp. Points.

Just as Lin Shu was studying, there were also some influencer companies looking for him, wanting to sign him on. They were all looking for Lin Shu's contact information, hoping to get in touch with him.

After Lin Shu was done with his revision, he took out his cell phone that was on silent mode and looked at it. There were many unread messages, and one of them was an invitation from his good friend Yao Chen.

[Why didn't you pick up when I called you? Don't tell me you're still studying?

[Let's hang out together. A few of our classmates in Star City have said that we should hang out. They want me to call you to join us.]


The Level 1 Tempter is casting a great seduction technique on you, and it is hooking its finger at you.

Lin Shu directly replied, [I'm not going.]


Congratulations! You are unromantic and merciless. A 'no' roundhouse kick has heavily injured the Level 1 Tempter. You gained 1,520 Exp. Points and 150 Gold Coins.

Lin Shu was very clear that Yao Chen had suddenly called him to hang out because of the incident with the thief on the bus yesterday. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been so enthusiastic about asking him to hang out. They would definitely keep asking about yesterday's incident.

Lin Shu felt annoyed when he thought about how he would keep asking about the incident.

Lin Shu didn't want to make this matter too public. For some reason, he felt a little embarrassed. In his opinion, it was just an ordinary small matter. He felt that the current popularity and flattery were a little too much.

[No, Lin Shu. You have to come. I'm telling you, come and hang out with us!]

Lin Shu quickly replied, [No, I'm not going.]


Congratulations! You have killed the Level 1 Tempter with one kick. You have been decisive and cold-blooded. You gained 1,051 Exp. Points and 110 Gold Coins.

Yao Chen's last reply was showing that he was unhappy (.ˇ‸ˇ·.). Lin Shu knew that he had really killed the Tempter.

Looking at the Exp. Points he had gained, Lin Shu was a little happy.

Lin Shu looked at the other WeChat messages and replied to them.

However, when he saw Huang Wen's message, Lin Shu was confused for a moment.

[Lin Shu, do you want to play basketball together?] Huang Wen texted.

This was a little strange. Although it seemed like a normal invitation, there were no monsters.

Lin Shu was a little confused, 'He is not counted as a Tempter if he asked me to play basketball together?'

Lin Shu felt a little strange, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, he knew that he had to explore the system on his own.

He did not know what was going on.

Lin Shu directly replied on WeChat that he was not going and continued with his studies.

Naturally, Huang Wen had received Lin Shu's rejection. When he saw that Lin Shu had refused to play basketball with him, he couldn't help but feel suspicious and worried. He wondered if Lin Shu would have any opinions about him because of the rumors in the company.

However, those rumors really weren't spread. In fact, Huang Wen didn't even spread those rumors.

Huang Wen wasn't sure what to do. He really admired Lin Shu. The news had already spread throughout the entire company that Lin Shu from the R & D Department had bravely caught a thief on the bus. The police station had even sent him a letter of commendation. In addition, there had been a television reporter who interviewed him.

The internet was filled with news videos of Lin Shu catching the thief.

Huang Wen knew that Lin Shu was a great senior to him, but he didn't expect him to be that awesome.

"So? Your senior is not coming?" someone asked.

Huang Wen nodded.

"Haha, it looks like he doesn't have that kind of intention towards you. But it's really rare for a senior to treat a newbie so well. It's really strange."

"It's not strange at all, okay? He was able to catch a thief on the bus. Such a person must be very kind.

"Yes, it's really rare! I also watched the video and I have to admit that he's very handsome. It's really rare to find such a person nowadays."

"Speaking of which, Huang Wen, is it because of that you're thinking of the wrong thing?"

When Huang Wen heard that, he quickly denied it, "I'm not thinking the wrong way. You're the ones who are thinking the wrong way, okay?"

"Your senior is really good. He's kind and kind-hearted. I can tell with one look that he's a good person with a kind heart."


Congratulations! You used the word "no" and were ruthless and mercilessly tormenting the Level 6 Tempter. You gained 1,500 Exp. Points and 102 Gold Coins.

Lin Shu had rejected all his friend's invitations to play mahjong.

Now, he only wanted to focus on his studies.

However, Lin Shu would not hesitate to kill these monsters to gain Exp. Points.

[Lin Shu, we need one more player! Just come!]

[If you don't come, we'll really be short of people and won't be able to get a game together. It's such a good weekend, why don't you play mahjong? Don't be so cruel? We'll be waiting for you!]


The Level 6 Tempter is on the verge of death, weeping seductively at you.

[I really don't want to go. If you do not have enough players, you can just skip.]


Congratulations! You stepped on the Level 6 Tempter's mouth inhumanly, crushed it, and destroyed its soul. You gained 1,001 Exp. Points and 99 Gold Coins.

'I'm inhumane? Why did the system say that? I was just rejecting the temptation to kill the monsters. Why would I be inhumane?' Lin Shu pondered like an emoji with question marks on its head.