They Are Your Opponents, Not Me.

While Claire had activated her bloodline and sent the Dread Leviathan to oblivion, Diana had also found herself in a perilous encounter with the swarm of Bloodfire wasps. 

The scene unfolded with a sense of impending danger as the swarm of Bloodfire wasps closed in on Diana. Their fiery wings buzzed relentlessly, creating a disorienting cacophony that filled the air. The crimson glow emanating from their bodies cast an eerie light, their malevolent presence intensified by the faint scent of burning embers.

The relentless creatures circled Diana, their movements synchronized with an eerie precision. They darted through the air, their stingers poised and ready to strike. Their numbers seemed endless, a swirling maelstrom of crimson and black, as if the very essence of danger had taken physical form.