Chapter 21 - Strangers

Near Beacon Academy, some of his students were fighting Grimm. Those who used to be at the Colosseum have already flown down and decided to fight for the kingdom and their academy.

Things only got more complicated when the Atlas military androids abruptly changed sides and attacked them.

"These metal buckets get in the way quite a lot!" shouted the guy with the monkey tail, who had a staff in his hands, with which he fought off Beowulf.

"My weapon is not very effective." Coco said somewhat frustrated, continuing to fire at the huge metal Paladins.

"Fine, then my hammer will take them!" Nora exclaimed, deftly jumping on the Paladin, who was firing at other hunters at that time, and then she struck a powerful enough blow to his front body and jumped off him ... to get hit by a metal hand in the side.

"Nora!" Ren exclaimed, noticing how his friend was hit by a large metal machine, which caused the girl to be carried several meters on the ground with her back. Fortunately, the aura protected her.

"These metal things are funny." said the girl with the big scythe spinning around her axis, she was able to cut off the head of the Grimm jumping on her and cut the robot in half in an instant with an elongated scythe.

"Semblance? " Pyrrha said, throwing a spear at the Grimm, and then using her Semblance, she tore off pieces from the androids and threw them at Ursa to death.

"Wow! Where have you been before?" A guy with blue hair who fought using a long-range rifle firing electric bolts asked her. However, he could change the mode and make a melee weapon out of it.

"I helped people." Shinoa said briefly as she surveyed the academy grounds. "Well, it's still not that bad…"

"Much worse!" The white-haired one with the rapier exclaimed. She moved very nimbly from one glyph to another, which increased her speed. "There is... some kind of mess and horror! " She exclaimed when she noticed two more Paladins running towards them.

"Wh-what?! Do you see it?!" Neptune exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the Atlas flying ship and the huge earth pillars supporting it. Two of these ships were visible from their position, and the third was still hovering in the sky.

"It happened a few minutes ago, you, as I see, are not attentive." Shinoa said, spinning the scythe in one hand, beating off all the bullets fired at her by the Paladins.

" Somehow there was no time to turn my head." he tried to explain himself.

"Nevermores!" The white-haired girl shouted, noticing several Grimms flying towards them. The girl exhaled heavily and raised the rapier to her face, closed her eyes as she expected a strong Grimm to strike, but then a snow-white sword appeared from behind her, and it was he who repelled the Grimm's blow. She was able to summon the arm and sword of the armor! (Picture)

"There are a lot of them!" The voice of another hunter student was heard.

Here in the sky, except for the flying Nevermores, they noticed two humanoid figures who started firing at those with something. Each of their shots tore off pieces from the Grimm and they fell screaming to the ground, where they were already finished off by other students. These two figures were wearing iron armor.

"Is this a new development of Atlas?" San, the monkey-tailed faun, asked.

"H-hope they are not enemies..." said Jon with obvious panic, holding a Shield in one hand and a sword in the other.

"I have not seen such yet." Weiss said, slightly moving away from the excessive use of glyphs.

" Girls, you were in no hurry." Shinoa said, jumping onto the fallen Paladin.

" ...not funny." a girl's voice was heard, and the armor on her face opened, revealing the face of two girls... who looked quite pale.

"This is terrible!" Hermione exclaimed. "I... didn't know…"

"What's going to be so bad? " Shinoa nodded understandingly, glancing at another approaching Paladin. "This is life, girls. Especially here." she highlighted the word "here".

"Who are these two beauties?" Neptune asked, and Weiss gave him an irritated look. - "W-what? Just... sorry, sorry."

"Get lost." she waved at him. "Are they with you?" the white-haired girl asked a question to the girl with a scythe. "And why the Scythe again?" the girl spoke softly as if reproaching fate.

"Yeah, together with the administrator-kun." she nodded. "And there's Rias. She is in our group too"

"Who is this?" Weiss made an uncomprehending expression. And by that time the Paladin had stopped a dozen meters from the students ready for battle and fell as if he had lost all energy.

"Well, a fiery beauty with huge ..." the girl with the scythe visually felt the "imaginary" big breasts.

"Shinoa." a voice sounded from above and…

"Oh, goddess." Neptune exclaimed.

"Hmm, no, more like a demon." (Yes, Demon! I'm too lazy.) Rias smiled as she landed next to him.

"Succubus." The girl with the scythe added.

"Is this your Semblance?" Nora, who had already regained consciousness, asked, looking at the black wings behind the girl's back. "How do you fly they are small?!"

"Questions after cases.. ." Weiss wanted to stop Nora's speech, but…

"Weiss!!!" a scream was heard and a golden-haired beauty ran to the white-haired one. " Are you okay? Any news from Ruby?" (Picture)

"No." elegantly waved her head Schnee, again looking at the girl who came up.


"She ran after White Fang." the platinum blonde replied.

"Are these who are terrorists?" Rias asked, who had already landed on the ground and removed her wings.

"Yeah." Weiss nodded.

"All these robots have stopped attacking us." Shinoa remarked.

"Master Tony has sorted it out and there will be air support soon." said a female voice from the side of Hermione's costume, and after these words, a tremor went through the earth from the bombardment of massive clusters of Grimms that had not yet managed to get close to Beacon and the city. The ship itself hovered over the academy.

"So everything is good here." Yang found something to say. "Then I'm going after Blake, and you're after Ruby! " the girl said and rushed towards the academy, glancing at Rias' beautiful hair.

"As you say ..." Weiss showed a thumbs up.

"Hermione, Erina, how are you?" Rias asked them with obvious concern as she approached them. Both were still wearing armor, but their faces were visible.

"...I like cooking more." Nakiri said softly.

"I thought it was like a roller coaster for you." Shinoa muttered, twisting the scythe in her hands.

"Are you from Atlas?" Pyrrha asked, who came up to them, and then turned her gaze to Shinoa and bowed. "Thank you... for helping me at the Colosseum."

"It's nothing." Shinoa waved her hand. " What beauties are all here, the administrator-kun would definitely like it. Maybe that was his plan? To gather so many innocent girls in one place…"

"What are you talking about?"" even if Weiss had a little strength left, it was enough to be outraged by such... such... just such!

"She's always like that, don't pay attention." Gremory said with a slight twitch of her eyebrow. " No, we're not from Atlas... we're just from far away."

"The guy who was with you, did he stay at the Colosseum?" Pyrrha asked and, judging by her, it was important for her to find out.

"Tony there now." Shinoa pointed her finger up.

"Oh." Nora sounded awkward.

"She means on the ship." Weiss rolled her eyes.

"Oh!" Nora exclaimed intelligently.

"This Tony, is he the one who was able to fix androids and Paladins? " Weiss asked, a little interested. "Is he the general's assistant?"

"He was also able to recover a Penny." Nora added, who was able to break out of Ren's "grip" and after these words, she stuck out her tongue at him. Her words attracted the attention of almost everyone, but Pyrrha saw the silhouette of Ozpin at the academy.

"Where are you going?" Jon asked, noticing that his partner took a few steps to the side.

"I have to go. I promised the director to help in one case... the time has come." Nikos said confidently.

"Don't you think that we have other problems besides some business with the director?" Coco asked, slightly lowering her glasses to see the figure of a man at the academy.

"It's important. Moreover, it seems that there are fewer Grimms here. " The redhead's words were true, as there weren't many Grimms left in this part of the academy.

Those who were just heading to the city and the academy through the forest were now under fire from the air. Even the flying Nevermores were not visible, since Cortana, controlling the costume of Erina and Hermione, shot them down, plus Rias also destroyed many.

"Is your weapon a skateboard? How does it work at all" Hermione's question sounded when she looked at the green-haired girl ... on a flying skateboard. After the question, she... fell off him.

" Hey! Do you have something against my Hoverbird?!" The green-haired woman asked.

"Just wondering." Hermione shrugged, blaming everything on a world where even a musical instrument can be considered a weapon.

" Rias, you continue to stand in a heroic pose. You've reviewed these anime, right?" grinned Shinoa from the quick reaction of Gremory, who slightly "deflated" and clicked her tongue and said "Mou-u"


"A-a-a-a!" Ruby screamed, holding onto me as we fell free from the ship down to the ground.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I decided to ask, hovering a little in the air and moving the girl's body on my hands to look into her eyes.

"Yeah!" she began to nod sharply. " In-all g-oooood!" she continued to shout as we started landing fast again.

I knew where the girls from the Group were since all of them had either a communicator or a suit. It wasn't difficult for Cortana to take control of the ship, although, as she put it, she had to spend four seconds more time, since she was deciphering new codes and just a slightly different principle of operation, not the one she was used to.

Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan, the names of those who captured the ship, were well-known criminal figures. I already knew that, but it was nice to get access to their case, however, there is not much written there, only speculation and not completely verified information.

The question is, how, in fact, did one Neo manage to neutralize all the personnel and military on a huge flying ship? The answer is quite simple her Semblance . With its Semblance, it can literally become invisible and make its way almost anywhere and in the same way knock out people without an aura, and even with an aura.

But as far as I remember, there was someone else involved besides them. A lady in red loving bows and fire, a green-haired loving lady in red and a blond one without legs, or rather with implants instead of her legs.

And while we were flying down, there was a very loud explosion... turning our head to the side, we could watch as the top of the mountain was destroyed and something big began to come out.

"W-w-what is that?" shouted the girl in my arms, whose eyes became even bigger from this view. But soon we started landing next to a crowd of hunter students, among whom were the rest of my group.

" Ruby!" Snowflake shouted, immediately rushing to the cookie lover and immediately making a "grab" with her hand.

"Weiss! You have no idea! I fought with Torchwick and that little girl with the umbrella on the ship! I started losing and then Tony flew in and he dealt with them in a couple of strokes!" Ruby exclaimed and made several punches in the air. "Then he quickly took control of the ship, can you imagine?! Oh, we also saw a huge Grimm flying from the direction of Glen Mountain." the baby rattled.

"Torchwick? A Grimm? I'm glad you're okay, clumsy. " Weiss hugged her.

"How are you here?" I looked at Hermione and Nakiri.

"It's already fine… Cortana helped a lot, although I'm glad that even so, I was able to help." Hermione in armor said.

"Don't we need to go further to clean up the Grimm?" Rias asked.

" Cortana is coping with it so far." I told her to the Atlas flying ship did not stop shooting, it was perfectly visible.

"Administrator-kun, did you hold this girl in your hands, did you like it? " the intonation in Shinoa's voice did not change and she said it all while looking at Ruby.

"Well... actually, yes." I confessed.

"The administrator? It's not the first time I've heard this from her, why does she call you that? And who are the five of you anyway?" this one almost demanded an answer…

"She's so cute when she's angry." I said, looking at Weiss with a small smile. It was the right tactic to silence her.

"Wh-what?" she took a step back.

"Never mind. I waved my hand away from such thoughts and tried not to look at Shinoa's "dirty" smile. "We are the support that arrived... but I won't say from where." I smiled wider, watching as this platinum blonde stamped her foot and proudly turned away.

" Hm." it sounded from her.

"Weiss, where's Yang?" Ruby asked.

"She ran after Blake... and Blake ran after White Fang!" she remembered sharply. "We have to run and help them!"