Chapter 22 - Light

"Who was that red-haired girl?" Director Ozpin asked the question as soon as Pyrrha and Jaune approached him. Ozpin saw two more people in iron armor, but he didn't pay attention to them. James could have created some kind of squad for such situations, but this one... did he feel... magic from her?

Strange, but still magic. Definitely not the magic of Maidens and not the magic of Salem. As soon as he transfers the power of the Maiden to Pyrrha, then it will be possible to ask the one who she is, but now there is too much at stake and there is no time to waste.

"I don't know for sure, maybe she's from Atlas or Mistral. The girl with the scythe is also on her team, as far as I understand." Pyrrha said, and her gaze returned to that black-haired hunter with what seemed to be bright golden eyes, or so it seemed to her when he first arrived at the Colosseum. That feeling of helplessness and bitterness when she saw Penny's dismembered body disappeared when he restored her.

"Miss Nikos, let's hurry up." the girl's thoughts returned to what was happening and she nodded and ran after the director. Jaune ran after them with an uncomprehending expression on his face.

Jaune... he was the first who saw in her not the "Invincible Girl", but Pyrrha, just Pyrrha. Of course, as it turned out later, this is part of his charm and kindness... perhaps also a bit of stupidity. Her girlish heart often starts pounding louder when he is around, but ... she sees perfectly well that he sees only a close friend in her, no matter how sad she is to admit it. He looks at the same Weiss more often than at her…


"It's a big bird." Shinoa said, looking at the holographic projection of a huge flying Grimm. In principle, even without a projection, you can see it if the building does not obscure your view.

"Students! It's time to evacuate!" they heard the voice of the same green-haired professor who was in the Colosseum, but now he has already descended.

The evacuation was in full swing and many of the wounded students had already been transferred. The kingdom itself did not have time to suffer much, since the Grimm purposefully went to the academy, but this does not mean that the kingdom did not suffer at all. Some streets would have been almost completely destroyed if not for the timely arrival of Rias, but even so, there were enough losses. But now large concentrations of Grimms are being fired from the air, which gave time for a respite.

"Yeah, there is no suitable weapon on the ship for such a bird." I said. "The Vale Council did not allow the general to arrive with the most powerful weapons. Rias, I think your "power" can handle this without any problems." I looked at the red-haired one.

"Hmm, if I get there in time, then yes." She nodded, not too confidently.

"It was a completely new experience." Hermione confessed. "Tony, thank you for this armor ... if it wasn't for this armor ... the girl shuddered and pictures of torn bodies appeared before her eyes again, fortunately, Cortana promptly covered up all these bodies for the girl. But she wasn't stupid or blind and had already seen bodies... torn bodies, severed limbs…

"You're doing great for holding on. Both of you." I looked at Erina and Hermione. " Cortana, how much charge is left in their armor?"

"There is still thirty-five percent and the discharge is slowly recovering." The AI's voice sounded.

"You should relax with everyone." I glanced at the student hunters to the side.

The evacuation was in full swing, I could see it with my drone in the sky. With his help, I also noticed how Pyrrha ran out of the academy... with a wounded Jaune, who was holding a bloody hand to his stomach.

"I have some things to do. By the way, big Grimm Goliath elephants are coming from the south side." I informed Rias and Shinoa. The huge flying Grimm in the sky was no longer just a black dot in the sky, but a rather large spot. He's supposed to be here in about seven minutes.

"What kind of business..." the heiress of Gremory grumbled, puffing out her cheeks.

I don't remember the plot very well after the third season of RWBY, it would be more accurate to say that I have only fragmentary information and then I'm not sure about it. But what I do remember is the death of Pyrrha and the fall of Beacon. While I was helping the hunters with the evacuation of civilians and the wounded, I did not notice how she had already left with Ozpin ... most likely he had already died, however, if my plans affected him, it was very fragmented.

"You're Pyrrha, aren't you?" I asked, landing next to them. The girl's green eyes were wide open, perhaps out of fear for her friend, and she was breathing heavily.

"Yes... you're the one who helped Penny." she hasn't forgotten me. After these words, a moan was heard from the guy in her arms.

"Weiss..." he whispered as if in delirium, and the girl closed her eyes as if from phantom pain.

"There... the director ordered us to leave and call Professor Goodwitch and Qrow, there is a dangerous woman with great strength. she spoke quickly.

"Put him on the ground, I'll treat him." I told the girl, and she only hesitated for a second and immediately put the guy down, and hope flashed in her eyes. His aura is at zero, so the young lady did a good job of it. It was easy to close his wound with my skills. "That's it, now he just needs to lie down. Is he dear to you?"

"He is... the leader of our team and he helped me a lot." she said, exhaling, noticing that the wound wasn't there anymore. "He is a very close friend and comrade of mine... I have to go. May I know your name?"

"Anthony Luthor, you can just call Tony." I held out my hand to shake hers, and she responded with her firm grip.

"Strange name, Tony, thanks for everything... if this blockhead wakes up, don't let him follow me." she smiled a little sadly. "Bring backup." she said finally and picked up her shield with a spear, and went back. (picture)

"Is it just me, or have I not seen any unattractive girls yet?" such a strange thought occurred to me. The Aura likely plays an important role in this.


"What kind of monsters are these? " words came out from the mouth of the demoness of the Gremory clan after she used the spheres of destruction on huge Grimm elephants.

After her power annihilated his head, he immediately began to crumble into black particles. They sent a shiver down the girl's spine, as if it was something very... aggressive and evil, however, it most likely is. Her demonic power clearly attracted them, because as soon as she "flared up" with this power again, a new crowd of Grimms rushed in her direction.

So she decided to take off so as not to be exposed, after all, Tony-Kun is right and there is no need to relax her vigilance. And while she was floating in the air and destroying the creatures below, she noticed movement in the city. More precisely, Nevermore is the name of the big Grimm bird, which was cut by a man with red eyes and a big sword. Next to him was also a blonde in strict clothes, and a man whose body parts were not human, but rather like a robot.

"We need to find Ozpin faster." the red-eyed man said, putting the sword on his shoulder.

"And find out what the hell's wrong with my androids and ships." the man said, putting away the gun and taking out something like a mobile device.

"Well, obviously there will be no problems with the ships. " the red-eyed man pointed in the direction of the ship frozen between the huge stone pillars... the second was also not too far away, and the third was still hovering in the sky.

After his words, the shrill cry of the Grimm was heard again and another Nevermore swooped down on them, and several earthly old Grimms jumped out of the corners of the nearest houses. Just as the three were preparing to fight back, a transparent barrier appeared around their company, and a seal lit up under their feet.

"Schnee?" came out from the lips of the blonde. And small dark red spheres flew into the Grimm, which exploded and destroyed them along with the asphalt. The same thing happened with Nevermore, which crashed into the barrier that appeared with its beak and a dark red ray flew into it from the side, which burned a hole in it.

"Run towards Beacon Academy, there is an evacuation going on now." The red-haired woman said.

"Evacuation is good. You're not an academy student, are you from Atlas?" The blonde asked, looking at the dissipating barrier.

"No, she's not one of ours." The General spoke in a serious tone, still trying to contact his ship. And now he has succeeded, which, frankly, he did not expect.

"Powerful." Crowe nodded, acknowledging the girl's strength. "I haven't seen you before... or anywhere else."

"I'm not local, and neither is my group." Gremory replied, straightening her hair after her feet touched the ground. "We just decided to help. If you're worried about the ship, then don't, my friend has already dealt with those who got there."

- "What? Your friend? Is he Ozpin's man too?" The general looked at the other two people next to him.

"No, I don't think so." Glinda frowned a little, and then a blinding bright white light appeared from the academy, which began to incinerate the Grimm. Even the huge Grimm, which had almost reached the academy, stopped in the air.

"What the f…"


"Yang! Blake!" Ruby shouted and looked around as if turned on in search of her sister and friend.

"... yesterday everything was fine... why now..." The "snow" princess whispered softly, looking at the destroyed architecture of the buildings and the Beacon itself, although the academy itself did not have time to suffer much. The girl took out a scroll and tried to call her friends.

"Weiss! But where are they?!"

"How should I know?! They must be here somewhere. Don't worry, everything is due..." the platinum blonde did not finish, as Ruby's eyes widened and she, using her Semblance , disappeared from the place.

"Oh, another friend of yours?" someone's vindictively unpleasant voice sounded.

"No! Ruby run!" it was already Blake's scream and Weiss realized that there was going to be a fight again. The girl did not flinch when she passed on and noticed some red-haired faun with a naked sword, who beat off the blow of Ruby's scythe and then sent reddish energy into her that threw the girl aside.

You... where's Yang? And don't you dare hurt Blake!" The angry reaper shouted, getting ready to attack again.

"Yang, is that the blonde? Don't worry, you'll see her soon. See, Black, what your cowardice is driving you to. I will change the world one way or another, and a revolution will happen... but before that, I will destroy everything that you love."

"You... you're definitely a villain!" Ruby shouted, clutching the Red Rose tighter. "Why are you doing all this?!"

"Because that's what I want and it's right. " The red-haired man said slowly and grinned. "And your Yang, over there." his grin widened and when Ruby glanced in that direction... she noticed Blake with tears in his eyes hugging Yang, who... is missing an arm. There was also Weiss, who stood as if in a stupor and did not know what to do.

"Oh, I like your look ..." he abruptly pulled out his sword and met the blow of the scythe, only he did not expect such a force of impact and drove a few meters on the ground. (picture)

In front of him stood a girl with a scythe... only another one.

"I see there is a villain here I need to get rid of." Shinoa said phlegmatically, twirling her scythe in her hand. "Which one of you is Blake? I advise you to get out of here."

"Look Blake, look how I will destroy everything dear to you." Adam, the red-haired one, said and ... again abruptly pulled out his sword to protect himself from the blow of the scythe. Shinoa more than professionally jumped over his blow, which sent a slash of reddish energy, and hit back, running the tip of the scythe across his back, which pushed the guy aside.

"No... no... no… Young..." Ruby whispered softly with tears looking at her sister, her hands were shaking, and her eyes began to burn with something…

"And you wanted to start a revolution? Weakly." Shinoa said with a smile and easily parried the next blow of the red-haired one, and then again dodged the "unexpectedly" energy that escaped from his sword.

Adam started to get angry, and he sped up, now he was faster than most hunters. His punches were hard to spot at such a speed, but Shinoa only smiled a little wider.

"You're not bad. Am I right, Shi?" the girl said and her scythe flashed with dark energy for a moment and at that very moment the weapon collided with Adam's katana and broke it, then the girl twisted the scythe and wanted to hit the opponent, but ... a huge column of light burst out of Ruby's eyes, which just blinded her and threw her a little to the side.

"A-a-a-a!" Ruby screamed from her heart. The Grimm nearby just evaporated, but the energy wave didn't have a particularly large range. Soon the light went out and Ruby fell on her sister's body.

"He escaped." Shinoa stated in some annoyance, noticing that her opponent had disappeared.

"You... were able to fight him..." Blake said in a kind of disbelief. "And even won."

"I think your friends need help." the girl pointed to Yang without an arm... and Ruby, who had lost consciousness, and was already lifted by Weiss.