Chapter 26 - Stunning Sparring

While the transport flew to the two ships, Winter and I sat opposite each other.

"So, the general didn't tell you about Maidens?" I decided to ask.

"No." Winter replied in the same tone, but this time it seemed less cold.

"Well, on the one hand, it's right. But I think as soon as we get back he will tell everything because there is no reason to be silent anymore."

" ..." the girl's eye twitched slightly, because she was very curious.

"How long have you been in the Atlas Army?" I decided to ask the following question.

"Long enough." the girl replied. "What happened in the prison ward?" she decided to ask her own question too.

"You mean how I made it so she couldn't get out? Magic seals." a snow-white seal appeared on my palm, which does not display any spell but is just needed for the demonstration. "And made her powers feed the seals and strengthen the wall. This way she won't be able to use a lot of her powers and just melt the walls."

"Magical?" The girl's eyebrow twitched slightly, showing that she didn't believe it.

"Oh, Winter, don't you believe in magic? But it is more than there is," I said and created a magical seal, from which there was a chill, next to it there was a second one from where the heat came. Also, a beautiful diamond began to appear in my hands, I used alchemy and created a diamond out of thin air.

"Or do you think that all this is my Semblance? This world is more complicated than you thought before. General Ironwood knows about Maidens and magic, even if not much since Ozpin was in no hurry to share all the information."

"..." the platinum blonde didn't know what to say. "So you know more?"

"Hmm, Do you have the desire to learn more??" I smiled at the girl. She didn't answer, but she was obviously thinking about something, and soon we landed near two ships. People have been out of there for a long time, as transport workers came to their aid and dropped ropes so that they could get on board.

"There's no one left inside?" I glanced at my escort.

"No, everyone has already been evacuated." she shook her head.

"Sister!" there was a shout and almost a copy of Winter ran up here, only more miniature and not with such a cold expression on her face. "Ahem, nice to meet you". she noticed me and immediately tried to look more... dignified or something.

"Weiss," Winter said softly, rolling her eyes.

"So you're the sister of this cold queen? I'm Anthony Luthor, nice to meet you." I said, going up to the girl and gently taking her outstretched hand and making a routine kiss on the hand, or rather just pretending to kiss.

"W-weiss Schnee. Ahem, I'm Weiss Schnee nice to meet Mr. Luthor." she made a small bow, a little embarrassed by such an unexpected greeting, judging by the slight redness in the cheeks, which is very clearly visible on such snow-white skin.

" Don't be so formal, I'm not much older than you." I answered Weiss and looked at her older sister. "Your sister is very nice and not so cold, why are you like this?" I said half-jokingly.

"Weiss, what are you doing here?" the elder Schnee ignored my words and stared at her sister.

"Father, does he want to take me away?" She asked a little hesitantly, trying not to look her sister in the eye.

"Maybe I didn't talk to him. Did he call you?" after a sharp nod from her sister, Winter slightly clenched her fist, it was almost imperceptible from my position. "Let's talk after the case. Anthony, are you going to do something, or are you just eager to chat?" she asked a little provocatively, clearly hurt by my past words... a little.

"You make my heart beat faster, Miss Snow Queen ..." I made a small mock bow, which caused Weiss to grin into her palm. After all, I am not too small and against her background, I can generally be considered a giant. Well, I'm exaggerating a little, but the fact remains that I'm more than a head taller than a girl.

"Okay, let's lower these boats." I said and started manipulating the earthen pillars and slowly lowering them all at the same time. The sight of such a huge machine slowly starting to descend was impressive, judging by the expression on Weiss' face.

"This... what is this?!" exclaimed the snow princess who came to her senses... if Winter is the queen, then Weiss will pass for a princess. Although, perhaps, she is, because she is the heiress of the Schnee dust company. "Is this such a Semblance?!"

"It's magic." I said with a serious face. "I don't have an aura to Semblance."

"Wh-wh... what are you talking about?!" the girl's eyes opened wide in a kind of misunderstanding and understanding at the same time… that I'm talking some kind of nonsense.

"Weiss, how do you talk? Apparently Beacon has completely ruined you." she shook her head, although she had just "moved away" from what she had seen.

"It's magic." I repeated and lifted a handful of earth and made small diamonds and sapphires out of it, quite pretty. After that, I stepped closer to Weiss and gently took her snow-white hand and poured it all there. "This is also magic, more precisely alchemy. In general, I'll go while I lower the second ship down." I did the same procedure with the second ship.


"What kind of Semblance is this?" Winter said in a strange tone, walking up to her sister and picking up a couple of minerals from her hand.

"Are these our family glyphs?" Weiss asked again, raising her voice a little, noticing how a magic seal appeared under Anthony.

"I don't know, but it's very similar. Although the color is different." Winter frowned slightly.

"At... at the Mother could…"

"I don't know." the elder Schnee answered a little more sharply than it was necessary. "Our... Mother... Unlikely... she's not in that condition"


"Oh, Grimm?" I noticed one Beowulf, who got stuck in some way in the created earth pillars. They all appeared not from one place, but as if trees grow, that is, at some distance, so apparently the unfortunate Grimm somehow got stuck there.

"Girls, who want to show what they are capable of?" I looked at the two Schnees without much concern.

"It's just one pathetic Beowulf." Weiss said and reached for her rapier.

"Hmm, try to do it with a Summoning." Winter said.

"Easy." Weiss replied and swallowed, creating a glyph under herself, and abruptly accelerated to meet the Grimm. He seemed to sense her nervousness and rushed at her.

"Your glyphs are very similar to magic circles." I said, walking up to Winter. "What can you do with them?"

"It depends on the intention, but in general there are many different things. And summoning the enemies we have defeated is one of the possibilities. And your... magic circles?" clearly she wanted to call them something else, but out of pure respect, she went with it.

"Hmm, good question. To cast various spells of the elemental type, although I have no special talent in this. The magic of the earth is best for me, as you could already see..." while I was talking a little about myself, Weiss, meanwhile, was trying to summon her Summoning.

In the beginning, she just quickly ran up to Grimm and brushed past him and immediately tried to summon him, but apart from the white light behind her, nothing happened. And now for a couple of minutes, she has been trying to do this and is getting more and more tired with every second.

- "Hm." I chuckled and created a stone spike that pierced Beowulf's head from below, just before he would have knocked the girl down with his paw. Winter was ready to step in, too. If the girl did not constantly try to summon the Call, she would have coped with it without any problems.

"For... why? I almost did it!" she shouted in our direction, frowning her brows and clenching her fist on her left hand, she still had a rapier in her right.

"You're tired and you've used up a lot of aura." I said. "You know, I can help you with mastering the Summoning. I do not summon anyone in the same way, but... " a second and a stone golem five meters high formed from the ground. "Yes, and I see that you spend a lot of energy on concentration."

"And why would you do that? Winter couldn't help but wonder.

"Can't I help a pretty girl?" I raised an eyebrow ... and it seems that I began to behave somewhat differently, one might say, more relaxed in this world. In DC, I'm constantly worried about what might happen, about alien gods or Earth gods who might be interested in me, and about many other things. Here I can not worry about it, because there are only two gods here, and not to say that they are very strong. Well, this is my opinion compared to the same Darkseid.

"Especially since she has a lot of potential, and she is diligent, judging by what I see." I made a couple more compliments. "And don't worry about her health, I can treat her if necessary. Well, there's a foot to mend back or a finger." I'll wave my hand.

"A leg, a finger?" Weiss heard the main thing for herself. "Sorry... those for my previous shout…"

"We are almost the same age, so, Weiss, you don't mind if I call you just by name, do you?" I asked, stepping up to meet her and looking into her sky-blue eyes.

"I-it's fine" she shook her head. "I mean, I don't mind."

"Khm." attracted the attention of the elder Schnee. "Thanks for the help with the ships." she said quite sincerely. "You and your team have saved many lives…"

"The likes of Weiss and other hunters in Beacon have also saved many lives." I waved off and looked at the bullheads that had arrived, from which people in the form of Atlas came out, apparently these were technicians or the like.

"You said something about treatment." the younger Schnee returned to her attention. " Do you really know how to heal and can you even return a limb?" her gaze became... more demanding.

"It's immediately obvious that you're Schnee" I grinned. "Yes, my powers allow that, too. I am quite capable of creating a fully living body for some time, so it's not a problem for me to grow a limb back or grow a new one." I don't think they believe in magic, rather they just think that my Semblance is quite functional.

"My friend needs help!" the girl screamed and clung to my arm. "Shinoa came with you, didn't she? She was fighting a red-haired psycho terrorist fawn, and he was the one who cut off Yang's arm!"

"Yang, is that the burning sunny blonde?" Weiss nodded and still didn't notice that she was holding my hand. "I don't mind helping you, especially since we need someone to tell us about the surroundings. We're not locals and we don't know much here."

"Are you from somewhere with Vacuo?"

"Weiss," Winter said, and when her sister looked at her, she looked at me expressively, and she finally realized that she was holding my hand. She abruptly jumped a couple of meters at me with one jump... aura, what can I say.

The elder Schnee did not decide to send her sister away, because the academy is not working now, and her friends were recently taken away by their father. Blake disappeared somewhere at all, as the platinum blonde told, so it was not comfortable for her to stay alone. Therefore, the three of us flew back together and Weiss often cast glances at me. Already on the ship, I went first to my cabin and met Shinoa on the way.

"Administrator-kun, do you want to arrange to spar?" asked a cute purple-haired girl with a huge scythe, and not a muscle twitched on her face. "I've seen you fight and I want to fight with you."

"And Rias?"

"She's not a melee fighter." there was a laconic answer. "Agree and... if you win then... then you can do whatever you want with my body." a little "embarrassed" she said, but her eyes in which the devils were dancing showed that there was no smell of embarrassment there.

"Oh, come on. And I don't need your body, It hasn't grown up yet." I said, grinning a little, and felt a burning gaze directed at my back.

The "arena" itself was a place where soldiers could train. Not to say that there is a lot of space, but there is enough for melee fighters. As soon as we walked to the arena, there were two platinum tops right there.

"Shinoa, don't damage the ship... too much. However ..." I stamped my foot on the arena and strengthened it with magic. "Okay, let's jump in."

"As you say, administrator-Kun." the girl smiled and hit the floor with a scythe, which caused a roar and sparks. "Won't you draw your sword?"

"Hmm, if that's what you want." I got a Cinnabar spindle. The sword seemed glad that I was using it again.

"Then I attack." a cute girl with a huge scythe rushed in my direction.

I met a direct blow of the scythe on the sword and pushed the girl back without any problems, but she deftly twisted the scythe in flight and the tip of the scythe turned out to be at the back of my head.

But if the girl expected to catch me by surprise with such a move, it didn't work out. Nevertheless, the Albedo experience was passed on to me in full. She was quite fast at the level of the best hunters, especially when this black energy of her cursed weapon is burning around her, but still not enough. As far as I know from her story, experiments were made on her as a child, and made an ideal vessel for cursed weapons, and from this comes increased physical abilities.

"You really are a genius. " I smiled when the girl went on the attack again and expertly struck, taking into account my height and my weapon, trying to catch me. But all her blows met with a solid block, she couldn't even move me from my place, however, I cheated a little and used magic to gain a foothold in place. Otherwise, I would have just been blown away by a blow, because I don't weigh much.

The weapon in Shinoa's hands flashed with a black aura, which began to grow rapidly, and in this black energy, a figure woven of black miasma seemed to appear this figure had a sword with which she attacked me, and the girl herself jumped back and let black slashes of energy into me.

And I beat off the sword of this dark figure without any problems and even more, my sword just cut through all this dark energy, and an iron golem appeared next to me from the magic circle, and it was he who took these energy slashes on himself ... and he was torn apart. The first blow with such energy simply tore off his arm, and the second destroyed a third of his body from above.

"Not bad, is your scythe okay? " I decided to ask because I blocked her attacks with a sword made of metal of the gods.

"Cursed weapons are difficult to damage and if anything, they recover... but come on, you won." she reduced the scythe and looked around. "It seems that the administrator-kun will have fans ..." she covered her mouth with her palm.