Chapter 27 - Aura

"That was impressive," Winter said and entered the arena with a kind of fighting spirit. "I would also like to have a sparring match with you. She didn't do any damage to your aura, so there's no problem, right?"

"I just don't have an aura yet," I muttered softly. Weiss came up to Shinoa at that time, and they started talking about something. "Well, Miss Winter, show me what the general's chief aide can do."

The girl immediately attacked without words and began to look for "holes" in the defense with her sword, but as expected, she did not find them. Her blows were not as strong as Shinoa's, but more... smooth and penetrating, so to speak.

So, she made a horizontal strike, created a glyph under her, and became three times faster than she undoubtedly surprised me, but I was able to deflect the blow with my sword, spin around my axis, and gently push the girl aside.

"Are you not using all your opportunities?" Winter's voice was not exactly angry, but displeased.

"Well, not really. But I don't want to beat you too much." I confessed, and she tightened her grip on her sword and accelerated herself with the glyph again and even made it stronger because the floor under my foot cracked when our swords met.

"Where did you learn to fight?" she asked the question, calling the snow-white Beowulfs to help her.

"A lot of places, if you want to live, know how to spin." I said vaguely and got rid of the Summoning without any problems, dodged the tip of the sword aimed at my side, bent my knees and pushed the girl with my palm ... because of which she flew straight into the wall. Of course, she was not a civilian, but rather a skilled hunter, so she managed to group without any problems, but there was still a dent in the wall of the arena.

"Now it's time for my summon." I smiled and started creating iron golems. Moreover, in order not to steal metal from the ship, I had to create the material itself by alchemy, which loaded me well, because I had to do it quickly. But Winter coped well with these golems, quite methodically destroying them.

"Okay, that's enough. I still have to work. " she stopped after she froze the golem to the floor and cut off his head with her sword. "I'd like to see you fight Qrow and give him a hard time." the girl said a little gloatingly.

"I don't know who Qrow is, but if it makes you happier, then I don't mind." I winked at Winter, to which she barely refrained from rolling her eyes. "Then I'll go to the cabin, Shinoa, are you okay?"

"I'm here with my new friend to talk about a bad administrator-Kun." She said with an innocent expression on her face.

"Weiss, let's talk about helping your friend later. I still need to talk to the general." I waved my hand at them and went to my room.

In my room, I relaxed when I didn't notice any cameras or something like that and opened a spatial store.

Aura (C) 150 CP

This is an aura from this world that a lot of people have and because of this, the price is quite small. After all, many people can activate the aura if asked to do so. But still, I decided to buy it.

- "Hm." I felt a certain freshness when a snow-white wave of energy gushed from me in all directions, and not with weak pressure. I have not become stronger, only if a little by feeling, but perhaps stronger due to the fact that now the power of my soul is connected with Senjutsu, that is, with the Chakra / Ki flowing through my body.

I could watch as a kind of film enveloped me at a distance of a couple of millimeters from my real skin. Now I feel like I'm constantly being enhanced by Senjutsu, but I also feel that Touki has become much freer to manipulate.

I was expecting a more... explicit boost, but even so, it's worth it. After leaving the room, I went to Rias room. After knocking, I didn't get an answer, so I went inside. Rias room was the same as mine and I could hear sounds from the shower side, so I was about to turn around and leave…

"Tony-kun?" a voice came from the bathroom.

"Yes, it's me. I wanted to talk, but you're busy right now, apparently, so I'll come back later." I raised my voice a little.

"It's okay, I'm almost done." the girl answered and soon the sound of pouring water stopped, and the girl came out of the bathroom wrapped in a wet towel, which only made the situation more piquant.

"It's so nice to take a shower after all these events." the girl said with a smile, continuing to wipe her head with another towel.

"How do you like this world?" I decided to ask, running my eyes over her figure.

"Hm." the girl stopped for a moment and thought. "Pristine. And both in terms of pollution, and in terms of pure demonic energy, magic, and everything else. Although this "Dust" of theirs is strange, it makes me feel... I don't even know how to say it. As it is, I like everything, there are interesting novels and films here. Well, not counting these Grimms…

"A world without a supernatural world." I chuckled.

"Yes, it's very unusual for me." Gremory said and threw off her towel, remaining completely naked, which was somewhat unexpected for me, but I did not turn away. "Actually, as a gallant man, you should have turned away." she said, squinting at me and not hiding her naked appearance at all.

"Now is clear why your first nickname in the Chat Group was 'Exhibitionist' " I shook my head and turned away anyway.

"Thank you... it's just that I feel more comfortable without clothes, that's why this habit has developed." the girl explained. "Did you like what you saw?" She asked in a somewhat flirtatious tone.

"Are you turning on your devilish charm? Although, what I'm talking about, it's always on. Of course, I liked what I saw, but I also like talking to you. We've chatted a lot this month, but now it's time to chat live." I said honestly, hearing the rustle of clothes.

"Mmm." I heard from behind and I turned around to see a girl still half-dressed or half-naked, from which side to look at it. She looked at me shyly with her big blue eyes.

"What?" I asked, just in case.

"N-nothing!" as if she came to her senses, she shouted, confused.

"Don't you want to try activating your aura?" I asked the Gremory heiress.

"You mean what the people of this world use to protect themselves?"

"Yes. Aura is the embodiment of the soul of a living being, so it may well appear in you. Considering who you are, your aura is sure to be very intense and durable. I recently activated myself through the Store." for a moment, a snow-white glow could be seen around me.

"I think it will be nice, you can turn around, I'm dressed." I turned to face the girl. "How is it activated?"

"In short, they just pour their aura into someone who wants to activate it." I said, going up to the girl. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"If it's you who will pour your... aura into me, then don't mind." she lowered her gaze for a moment, but then quickly raised it and smiled confidently.

"You know how that sounds, don't you? However, you're a demon." as a matter of course, I said and put my hands on the girl's shoulders. "Do you feel anything?"

"Heat." she answered briefly and I increased the transmission of my aura. With Albedo's experience, it wasn't a problem at all to learn how to manipulate the aura, it's even easier than magic or the same Ki. The glow around Rias began to slowly intensify.

"Is everything okay?" I asked again.

"Y-yes, it's... nice." she exhaled the last and squeezed her legs, leaned on me ... with her chest and began to breathe harder. I understood where all this was going, but I restrained purely peasant impulses. Perhaps, as a demon, she feels the power of the soul very well and therefore she really likes it... perhaps.

After a couple of minutes, a reddish aura burst out of Rias body and lit up the whole room, and the girl herself... moaned and bit her lip, but since she was still leaning on me, I had no problems holding her by the waist. The light of her aura was very intense, and behind her I saw two black wings appear.

"Rias, are you okay?" I looked at the girl in my arms with concern and, just in case, I went to the sofa and carefully put her there.

"Y-yes." the girl's eyelashes "fluttered" and blue pools stared at me. "I feel a little different." she confessed, still being in a horizontal position and looking into my eyes.

"How much?" I frowned slightly. Still, she's a demon and the aura shouldn't have had any negative effect on her. After my question, the girl sat up and looked at her hand and an aura flashed there for a moment, and then a red-black force of Destruction began to appear over her palm.

With the experience of Albedo, I realized how dangerous this force is, even if it is not something like a conceptual one, rather a mixture of different "shades" of demonic power, which eventually came to Destruction, allowing to destroy objects at the atomic level ... and this is not the limit of this ability, because as far as I remember, with proper skill it will be able to destroy consciousness and the soul itself.

"It's easier for me to control my power now. " the girl said and looked at me, rushing to hug me. Her considerable assets pressed against my chest again, and the girl eventually knocked me down, and we fell to the floor. Our eyes crossed after this awkward fall, and we froze, looking into each other's eyes.

"Thanks." the girl smiled, sitting more comfortably on me. "It was the aura that made it easier for me to control the Power of Destruction. Demonic energy, too, though."

"I'm glad I helped you…"

"Administrator-kun, there... " the door to the cabin opened and Shinoa appeared on the threshold…

"Fucking cliche." I gasped, sprawling on the floor. "Rias, you definitely brought a piece of your world with you."

"Wh-what?" the scarlet-haired woman looked at me awkwardly and quickly got up from me.

"Umm, am I interrupting you? Well... I wouldn't mind taking a look, I'm still inexperienced in this... " The purple-haired girl spoke up. "The administrator-kun does not waste time in vain."

"Okay, come here." I pointed at the girl... still lying on the floor.

"After Rias-chan you wanted... me too? Will your 'device' cope?" 'innocently' she asked, making the same expression on her face and slowly walking towards me. But on the next step, she tripped over an iron ledge that appeared and flew towards me.

"Be gentle… this is my first time." Shinoa turned away from me with reddened cheeks.

"Oh, stop playing the comedy. I'll activate your aura." I said and poured my aura into her body. This time her aura was activated much faster and it was a dark purple shade.

"What is Hermione doing with Erina?" I asked, getting to my feet and lifting Shinoa behind me.

"They talk, and in the process, Hermione-chan shows her magic. "Shinoa muttered, examining her hands. "I've become stronger." she stated.

"Quite likely. Rias and I had a lot of magic, or rather Rias has demonic power, but it doesn't matter. Therefore, the final effect is not as serious as yours." I explained as I understood myself.

"Now we have aura protection, that is..." the girl hit her hand with the other and twisted her face. "The aura does not protect against its own blows, so you can harm yourself" after these words, the girl looked at me ... and put her hand on my shoulder, but a snow-white aura appeared and took the whole blow on herself, although I felt the blow.

"Cool. "The purple-haired girl smiled. "There Weiss is tormented by worries about her father and helping her friends." she decided to say.

"Weiss?" Rias tilted her head slightly to the side, in such a sweet questioning gesture.

"The sister of the white-haired one that administrator-Kun fought with. "Shinoa waved her hand.

"Okay, girls, I went to the general and was so late with you. We need to discuss... further cooperation." I found the right words. "A little later we can go for a meal together or just take a walk."

"Are you asking all four of them out on a date?" the girl with the scythe immediately asked, or rather now without a braid, but at any moment the braid can take its true size again.

"I would say for a friendly walk. We have two days here to talk. Erina is a cook, I think she will not refuse to cook something. I even think she'll like it, it's a new world and maybe new ingredients." I told them about my plan.

"I don't mind!" Rias' eyes lit up, she liked the part where Erina's food was... well, yes, she cooks just divinely, you can't take that away.