Chapter 32 - Mission Completion

"That one's mine!" Shinoa shouted as she swung her scythe gracefully, cutting off the paw of poor Beowulf, who had been attacked by the most feral gang that even the hunters feared, so it didn't stand a chance.

Jumping into the air, she jumped precisely on his head and took the scythe with both hands, and twisted it in the opposite direction, turning the blade. It ended up going into the back of the Grimm's head and out through his forehead. She looked at me afterward, as if I should have praised her after that.

Actually, in those almost two days, I've managed to figure out the power level of the strongest Hunters, such as Qrow, Taiyang, and the General himself, judging by the video on the ship that Cortana got.

And I can't say that I was in any way taken aback. During training, Shinoa was quite capable of fighting a team RWBY, but here she is already starting to pass with an experienced fighter like Qrow. No, she's not losing in the dry, but you can see the difference in experience and physical capabilities.

Rias is no melee fighter at all, though even so her physical strength is more than impressive because of her pedigree. She can easily punch a meterdiameter hole in the rock with her Destruction Mage without much effort, and if she puts a lot of effort into it, she can probably destroy several streets and a hundred houses in one attack, or destroy the top of a notsobig mountain.

Erina is not a fighter at all, not that she's even trying to be, but she's starting to test her new abilities in cooking, and I think she might have some kind of foodoriented Semblance... but that's just a guess. After all, she's pure human and she didn't have any magic or other energy, so she might as well get the Semblance.

Hermione, on the other hand...

"Bombarda!" shouted the girl, extending her hand forward and a spell quickly formed on her fingertips and flew out at a fairly good speed.

The spell went under the other Beowulf's nose and tore his mask from which he immediately began to disappear. The girl may not have wanted to attack the Grimm, since she subconsciously thought they were just animals... but after reading the history of the world and hearing that they were created by the God of Darkness as killing machines, she too came with us.

And yes, now that she had discovered her aura she could conjure without a wand... perhaps it was this fact that excited her so much and she decided to test her powers.

"Team! Yang comes in from the left! Weiss, our acceleration is on you! Blake you know what to do!" Shouted Ruby with a gambling smile... and holding a huge scythe in her hands.

Sunny Little Dragon rushed forward as the Weiss glyphs appeared beneath her, giving her acceleration, but at the last moment, another glyph appeared to help the girl abruptly change direction and just get around the Grimm.

And to prevent him from jumping on her, Blake began firing her weapon at his head. So it hesitated and didn't know who to attack, and the girl who had already outflanked him took advantage of that. Yang charged him in the back, which made him growl and paw at the "bug", and Ruby took advantage of it, piercing him with a slash while he was distracted.

Yang, on the other hand, was already beating the second Grimm... and in general, she stopped fighting headon all the time, which is noticeable.

"Not bad." I nodded as I landed on the ground, having followed them in the sky before. "I think Erina's already cooked the food, we should get back." I said.

"Ruby don't leave me!" Yang shouted, because after my words Ruby disappeared, using her Semblance, and rushed back at high speed.

"Those cookies Erina made are worth more than you." Blake smirked.

"You're one to talk." Weiss snapped back. "The smell of seafood coming out of her hand almost made you drool all over the table."

"I didn't..." said Neka quietly, glancing away.

In a few hours, our time in this world will be over and we'll have to leave. Yesterday, when I returned with Winter to Patch Island, the eldest of the Schnee sisters had asked me not to start talking about their father in front of Weiss yet.

Taiyang, on the other hand, was vigilant at night to keep me from leaving the room that was provided to me and peeking at his daughters... Sure, he's a very jealous father, but there was still a look of gratitude in his eyes for his eldest daughter.

"Let's flick some more." She banged her fist against her fist, and you could see the thirst for battle in her eyes.

"Yaaang, don't mess with Toni!" Ruby jumped out in front of her sister and stood with her arms outstretched to the side.

"Oh, my little sister really has a soft spot for the boy... so this scoundrel needs a good beating. Ruby go eat your cookies. " said the sunny blonde as she continued to stretch her arms.

"Why don't you try fighting Shinoa? You have a better chance there." I said with a smirk, which only further annoyed the blonde.

"Oh, you're usually so brave and now you want to walk away from a fight?" She smiled wider.

"Yang, stop bothering him we've got training to get to." Weiss came over to us.

"Me first!" The blonde exclaimed and rushed over to me with a desire to... well, an understandable desire for her to smash my insolent face.

I got to know the RWBY team pretty well over the day, and you can't yet call us friends... although Ruby obviously already considers all of us her friends, and she's very happy about that.

After a showdown with the blonde, after which she started screaming that I was too insatiable... ahem, so I went to another blonde, only this time a platinum one.

"Yesterday I explained to you how your summoning works and even demonstrated my version. But now let me help you." I said to Weiss and she nodded seriously. Walking around her, I put my hands on her shoulders...

"Iis that necessary?" I heard the girl's voice. At the same time, Winter was strangely looking at us... as if she was trying to figure out whether or not she should start hitting me.

"That way it'll be a lot easier for me to reduce your aura leakage into the summoning and to influence it if possible. Just start by creating a summoning glyph." I asked, feeling her shoulders keep getting tense.

The principle of Summoning, as I said before, isn't particularly complicated. It's not even a Summoning in the literal sense, it's a construct from an aura. It's essentially a golem. So with my knowledge, it was not difficult for me to help her to concentrate and minimize the loss of energy. After two hours she was able to summon a fullfledged knight in armor.

"It was a nice weekend." I heard Rias' voice.

I was sorting through the data I'd borrowed from Atlas. Solid light technology, androids, and more. Of course, a lot of it is just child's play to me, for example, these androids, which even an ordinary human could well destroy.

Solid light is already better, but I know how to create something better or just stronger. A nanoparticle shield that could withstand a Force Stone attack for a while... it didn't last long, but even so, it's a pretty good result. The energy shields are also like solid light, but... if the second one is given access to more energy than the Dust contains, then... I'm not disappointed that I got these technologies.

"I agree. When we get back, I'll go back to worrying about different superbeings, magic, demons, gods... aliens."

"You mentioned aliens once... what are they like?" The fairhaired beauty crouched down next to me, looking out over the forest.

I could hear the echoes of Ruby's laughter, Weiss' lamentations, and Young's outraged cries. Crowe had already gone somewhere yesterday; as soon as he knew Winter would be here, he made a face and hurried away.

"There are a lot of them in my universe, a lot of them." I used magic to create the illusion of Superman tearing apart huge alien ships with his bare fists.

Of course, none of this has happened yet, but I already know what he is capable of at the moment. I showed the underwater world with its inhabitants, or rather what I knew of them from the comics. I also showed the Green Lanterns and there were many aliens among them.

"They are very strong." whispered the girl, looking at the battle created by illusion. "Why are you so worried about them? Earth has been around for a long time, and it's not like they've attacked before."

"They have attacked. A long time ago, Earth was attacked by alien Gods from a higher dimension. They call themselves 'New Gods' or 'Gods of the Titans', they have many names. And their leader Darkseid tried to conquer our planet, but then he was prevented by the Earth Gods, Amazons, humans, Green Lanterns, Atlanteans, and many, many other creatures."

"And he plans to attack again?" Rias was right on the mark, and she smiled at me, fixing a lock of hair behind her ear with her hand. "I just assumed that's what I've seen in the manga."

"I forget you're a lover of all things Japanese." I grinned.

"You think that's funny?" She raised an eyebrow.

"It's more like cute." I confessed. "There are a lot of very powerful creatures in your world, too... so be careful. You already know what the future might hold, and that's good for you."

"Yes... I am practicing. I still haven't decided what I should do... by the way, I told my peer about Chat." the demoness confessed.

"Hmm, well, that's your choice." I shrugged.

"You're not... you're not mad?" the demoness looked me in the eye, and she did it with a sort of feminine, crafty look.

"Why would I be mad? You can decide whether or not you want to talk about Chat. I haven't told anyone in my world, and I don't intend to yet. It's too much... too much. At least for now. Chat allows us to change our destiny and the destiny of the people around us. We already have. If it weren't for us, two days ago, many people and hunters would have died. Beacon Academy would have been destroyed, there would have been no communication between the kingdoms because of the destroyed communications tower. We changed that with our powers and our appearance."

"I hadn't really thought about it that way". She put a finger to her lips with a thoughtful expression on her face. "When I agreed to the mission, I pictured myself as the protagonist of a novella..." The heiress of Gremory said, a little ashamed.

No matter how I look at it, she's still my age, which is to say, an inexperienced rich girl with a few quirks. She may be a demon, but those purely psychologically aren't that drastically different from humans. In the sense that they too love, hate, cunning, try to live a better life, and so on, the difference is in race and the obvious things, like the supernatural world and all the implications associated with it.

"Well... there's that. " I grinned and gently nudged her in the shoulder with mine. The girl playfully did the same and then gently rested her head on my shoulder. "But still, this isn't a novella or a manga or an anime... this is life. And while we're mortal, we might as well die."

"For now?" She stretched out... what a succubus.

"Bye. There are many ways to get stronger in the short term. Take Longinus Issei, for instance... he's too kinky." I chuckled, noticing the way the girl pinched my side a little. "I'm not going to do that, don't worry."

"You got something against perverts? You're the one who looks up to Yang... or me. " she said with interest, waiting for my reaction.

"If I wasn't interested in you, I'd be worried about my masculinity. It's quite normal to admire a girl's body and beauty, you just need to be able to restrain yourself and realize that bodies aren't everything. I can create a woman's body from scratch, but even if the body is perfect, there's still character. Even if a girl is perfect, but she is hysterical with a superiority complex, then I just wouldn't feel comfortable around her." I mumbled as I see it.

"So, the body is not everything, especially in a world where that body can be changed."

"Are you sure you're not just saying that to impress me?" Gremory asked.

"Hermione, too." I smiled with the edge of my lips, and we heard an "Ouch" from the side of the house.

"Araara, does someone like to eavesdrop?" Rias stood up and looked at the brownhaired girl with a sneer.

"I was just passing..." she muttered, crossing her arms under her growing breasts.

" How are you feeling? We should be getting back soon." I asked.

"Hmm, it's weird... like I'm about to wake up and everything will disappear." The sorceress admitted. "The new world, all this technology, the Grimm, the Aura... I feel like a little girl back in magic school."

"I know how that feels." I nodded my head. "It's like everything around me is a dream or a fairy tale. But you shouldn't think about it too much, or you might get depressed." I mouthed and created a magical seal under Hermione, which quickly flew up and disappeared, leaving a slightly confused Hermione... dressed as a true witch. Correction, an adult version of the girl in a witch outfit. (Picture here if not someone deleted it)

"Kya!" The girl exclaimed, crouching down abruptly, causing the illusion to immediately dissipate. "Tony!" The hamster looked at me angrily.

"I'm sorry." I said apologetically, raising my hands in defense of a laughing Rias on the sidelines. "It was just an illusion. What are you going to do when you get back to Hogwarts?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Well, I'll turn a blind eye to your illusion games... how did you do that?" She looked around herself, curious. "I don't know about going back... should I keep learning?"

"I used a magical seal. It's from the world of Rias and really makes it easier to use some magic. You might find it useful too, I'll send you a copy when we get back."

"Thank you!" The girl immediately brightened up when she found out she was going to get some interesting book.

As much as we would like to be away from our problems for a while longer, all good things come to an end sooner or later. Our time in the world of Remnant was coming to an end.