Chapter 33 - Return

"Do you really-really need to leave?" The little reaper drawled in frustration... although she's not that small. Quite a pretty girl of sixteen, although she can't compare with her sister's physique yet, but even so she is very pretty.

"Yes." I nodded and went up to her to take her in my arms. Ruby blushed and buried her face in my chest. "Magic and all that, we'll just disappear soon and return home." I said.

"Can you come back with magic?" Ruby asked without looking up.

"Ruby... how trusting you are." Yang shook her head. "He is specifically trying to interest you so that you get into his web, but don't worry, sisters are needed to help in such situations." she pushed her chest forward a little and put her hands on my shoulder.

"In general, we have seen so much from them… I could believe it was magic." Blake, who has been communicating well with us and especially with Nakiri, said. Well, also with Shinoa, since she often sparred with her because she was able to almost defeat Adam.

"I am grateful to you for your help in mastering the summoning." Weiss said primly in her combat skirt, glancing at her older sister at the same time.

Winter most likely spends time with us to find out as much information as possible, and she offered us a place in the Atlas and the general's bosom. After all, she just doesn't really understand where we are going, even if it is possible to understand from some thrown phrases that it is connected with magic.

"And I was glad to meet you... snow angel." I grinned and also tried to hug this princess, but she jumped back and began to look at me and Yang attentively.

"Did you tell him about it?!" She asked Ruby's older sister indignantly.

- "What? I don't understand what you're talking about ..." the blonde looked away. "Oh, our snow angel... pf-f aha-ha." she couldn't resist adding with a chuckle at the end.

"See you soon." I waved my hand at them.

"Bye-bye." Shinoa repeated.

"Yeah." Hermione nodded, followed by Rias and Erina.

After saying goodbye to the RWBY team and the older type, Winter and Taiyang, we went into the forest, and I made sure that we were not being followed.

"That's the end of the first mission." I said, looking at the time counter. We have four minutes left.

"Yes, I liked it." Hermione said. "Even if it was scary at the beginning… But I've saved so many people and now I can do magic without a wand." the girl said and pointed her hand at the stone and cast a levitation spell, after which the stone began to float.

"Only the most powerful wizards, like Headmaster Dumbledore, can do that."

"Have you started studying Occlumency?" I asked while we were standing in a group in one place and waiting for the end of time.

" No." the witch shook her head. "I have only studied legilimency so far, or rather just read books dedicated to it. Did you know that it was first mentioned in the books of 1243?"

"We live in different worlds." Erina said without a costume, as, by the way, the sorceress. They gave me the suit back in the house an hour before this moment.

"If someone can read your thoughts, I'd rather try to learn how to resist it." Shinoa asked.

"You're the smartest Hogwarts witch in your generation," I said, looking at her confused face. "And now you have seen that there are people who can overtake cars with different abilities at once. But there are still gods and other powerful beings... it is the knowledge of all this that pushes me forward. I want to be strong enough to withstand any threat to my loved ones... and now you can also be considered my loved ones." I said honestly.

"How nice, is the administrator-kun trying to impress us so that we go to bed with him?" Shinoa tilted her head questioningly.

"Pervert..." Hermione muttered softly, and Erina nodded.

"But I can understand what you mean. I have seen what you are capable of, especially Rias and Tony... I have not seen this from Dumbledore and have not felt this pressing force. He's a great wizard, but apparently, that's not enough, is it?" the sorceress asked, not quite confidently.

"It's not. But your aura is now open, you have become physically stronger and wandless magic is available to you. You have a lot of roads open in magic. Especially with the Chat Shop, you can acquire the knowledge of old wizards there, the same Merlin, for example, if you have enough points."

"Yeah." somehow she nodded both confidently and aggressively.

"Erina, what are you going to do when you get back?" I looked at our magnificent chef.

"Hmm, I'll continue doing what I love cooking. With the Aura, it will obviously be easier for me, but... I took some fruits and their seeds with me." she showed a bag with fruits and seeds that she took from this world. " I'll try to grow them at home, they taste great. But I also feel like a little girl now…"

"That's who you are." Shinoa added.

"..." Erina looked at her. "If there are an infinite number of worlds, does that mean different food too? Various seeds, fruits, and vegetables? But I've seen the dangers in this world and if I'm weak, I just won't achieve anything. Maybe I'll ask Grandpa to hire a martial arts teacher." she explained what she was going to do when she arrived in her world.

"I will continue to train to take fate into my own hands." Rias replied shortly. "I already miss my peer, although it was interesting with you. " Rias smiled and gently took a step in my direction, and kissed me on the cheek. "For a very pleasant company." she said, clearly trying to control herself and not show embarrassment on her face, which she could not completely hide.

And now each of us began to absorb some kind of light, and I saw how Rias began to disintegrate in flakes of light. The time has come to an end.


"It's hard to get used to this feeling." I swayed a little on the spot as soon as I opened my eyes and saw the same room in front of me from where I received the mission. "Cortana?"

"I'm here." I heard her voice. "All my functions are working normally, I can no longer keep in touch with the routines left on the Remnant. It's very strange to realize that seven seconds ago I was very, very far away."

"That's right. Can you reproduce the moment of my disappearance?" I asked, checking how much time had passed since my disappearance and, as expected, two hours had passed.

A day there is one hour here. Immediately Cortana turned on a two-hour-old video where I also disappeared, disintegrating into light flakes, the same thing happened a couple of moments ago when I returned. That is, physically I also disappear, suddenly my copy with a mind or only a mind would teleport, but no, I teleported completely.

"And back to work." I exhaled and began to check what had happened in these two hours and, of course, nothing serious.

The Clean Energy project is still listed as the first in Luthor Engineering, my scientific work has already been published by Cortana, in general, everything is the same as it was at the moment when I left.

"Cortana, we have a job to do." I said with a smile, putting the suitcases on the table, but besides them, there were also different Dust received from the general. But before that…

Mission Battle for Beacon

The goal: Not to let Beacon Academy fall from the horde of Grimm.

Description: The funeral march is about to ring again in the Remainder. One of the Academies guarding the world against destruction because the creatures of the Grimm may cease to exist. The doom of death weighs over thousands and their negative emotions will attract an even greater attack.

Duration: 2 days

Number of participants: Unlimited (from the Chat Group)

Reward: 10,000 Chat Points. The reward is divided depending on the contribution of the participants.

Status: Completed

I saw the first sign worth logging into the Chat. After that, this sign disappeared and another one appeared the calculation of the reward.

The reward for the main Mission: 6200 Chat Points.

Additional Task 1: Saved: 90% of Vail City

Reward: 2000 Chat Points

Additional Task 2: Save as many people as possible. Saved: 3,785

Reward: 1850 Chat Points

Additional Task 3: Destroy as many creatures as possible Grimm: 5234

Reward: 1400 Chat Points

Judging by the award received, it can be divided into the whole group. That is, the reward from additional tasks is divided into each depending on the contribution of the participant. Well, I really made a significant contribution by capturing the ship and then dealing with the Grimm Wyvern.

Personally, I didn't kill so many and didn't save them, but because of the shelling from the captured ship and minimizing the damage from all the killed Grimms…

Chat Points: 16,703

That's a lot of points from one mission. But now in the Chat...

Hermione Granger: I'm in my room.

Rias Gremory: I also teleported to the same place where I was standing, that is, to my club in Kuo. And I got a total of 1600 Chat Points!

Hermione Granger: I got 850 Points... well, compared to you, I really didn't do much.

Shinoa Hiragi: I got 1620! That's how tits lose.

Rias Gremori: What?!

Shinoa Hiragi: Nothing…

Erina Nakiri: I got the least - 700 Chat Points.

Rias Gremory: Don't worry about it, you were just an ordinary person before, so no one looks down on you. You've done your best.

Shinoa Hiragi: Administrator-kun is silent, apparently he will get a lot of Points... Baka-hentai administrator.

Hermione Granger: Tony has done a lot. He was able to return the flying ship from under the control of those who organized all that horror, he also fought with that Maiden, who must be very strong, since even Shinoa said that she was unlikely to defeat her.

Hermione Granger: He also helped many wounded people... I think he really deserves it for his contribution to the mission. Especially if it wasn't for him, I doubt I would have been able to get at least a hundred points at all.

Shinoa Hiragi: Administrator-Kun has already conquered your heart…

Hermione Granger: Shinoa!

Hermione Granger: Stop being so mean! I might have thought you were from Slytherin for your love of ridicule!

Shinoa Hiragi: This is a statement of fact. You want to say that your girlish heart didn't skip a beat when he was able to pull a HUGE... rock out of the ground, yes. My virgin spot ached at this moment…

Rias Gremory: You're overdoing it a little.

Shinoa Hiragi: You're just jealous that I have more points.

Anthony (Administrator): I see you have already received the award, what are you going to do with it?

Shinoa Hiragi: Here comes the thief of women's panties... hearts.

Hermione Granger: I'm thinking of some ancient spell book.

Anthony (Administrator): That's what I expected from you…

Shinoa Hiragi: I'm thinking of trying to buy a 'Demon Immunity Potion (C) 1000 CP'

Rias Gremory: Well, according to you, these demons can affect you a lot when you are too emotional... and what about the remaining points?

Hermione Granger: She has already bought and tried, since she is silent.

Rias Gremory: Everything I want is too expensive for me…

Anthony (Administrator): Do you want Longines?

Rias Gremory: …

Shinoa Hiragi: I'm here and now I don't feel the influence of Shi from the word at all... a strange feeling... but I like

Hermione Granger: Have you already spent a thousand Chat Points? Quickly…

Shinoa Hiragi: I had chosen this Potion a long time ago, so there was no point in procrastinating.

Erina Nakiri: I have acquired the 'Basics of Control of Qi (C) 100'. It's a strange feeling... my Aura has become more mobile and it feels like I can now feel its movement at some distance.

Tearing my eyes away from the chat window, I went to the analyzer and threw the dust of fire there.

"Cortana, isolate me, please." I said out loud and immediately the safety glasses around this place came out. I immediately turned on the analysis and began to monitor the data received.

"Well, as I thought. It is difficult for him to determine exactly what it is, Kryptonians are still scientists, not magicians." I nodded to my thoughts.

In general, with my current number of Chat Points, I can easily buy something I need. For example, new technologies or something that can make me even stronger... and at the expense of the latter, it's the magic of this world. I know magic already, in fact, three worlds, but not mine.

And as far as I remember, in this multiverse, all the energies are somehow tied around two poles positive and negative energies. I'm not sure exactly how magic originated here, what I remember is connected with Hecate and her hatred for the betrayal of Olympus and it was she who gave power to the Lords of Order... the power of an Inverted Person from the dark multiverse, which slowly corroded them. In general, this is one of the versions, but in the end, it all boils down to the fact that the energy comes from a Source and its own willpower.

"Fucking multiverse... why couldn't I wake up in the Pokemon world? Or in the same RWBY where there are two gods for the whole universe." I drawled.

By the way, these two gods will be a good starting material for beating. Of course, I'm weak now, although theoretically my sword can harm them, it's still made of the metal of the gods, but what difference does it make if I just can't do it? Those are just purely stronger, and faster, in general, they will crush me with naked power.