CHAPTER 4- Taste Of Torture

The healthy man does not torture others-

generally it is the tortured who turns into tortures.

~Carl Jung


 Earlier, Medusa watched the scene displayed before her eyes. It was of no difference how she was treated in the past. Humans pursued the traits of varlet nature. Their heart filled with scorn and deceit. Without no doubt, the heart of man is desperately wicked.

 'You cannot protect this people,' her inner soul voiced, reminding Medusa of an agonizing past. A past filled with thorns and needles. 'Is this the people you seek redeem, a race that murdered me, murdered us? They killed our father. They killed our mother, and an innocent soul. A race worth death.'

 Medusa's eyes remained transfixed on the brutal soldier tortures to the young girl.

 'Every action has its consequences. They must pay for their deeds but i cannot do that. What is left of me is a soul. You have to fight for me, fight for us. Let them reap what they sow.'

 It was at that moment Medusa's eyes altered from blue to black. She had allowed her inner soul take control of her body. Pain and torture was their advancement in return.

 At that moment her eyes morphed in resemblance to her inner soul, her note to him was full of rage. She was seized by a murderous ire when she made those words, 'I'm thirsty,'

 As those words rang into Devin's ear, those words that sounded venturous and challenging, he slowly turned back.

 Confused, he asked, "Who said that?" His eyes searched every corner, his hands grabbing his sword on its scabbard reflexively.

 "Said what?" Ariel, the bulky soldier with black hair returned, still laughing.

 "Someone said something. I heard a voice," He responded just as his face instantly darkened. That made the other soldiers exchange looks and burst out in laughter.

 "Get on your horse and let's keep moving. We should cross the boarder by now." It was Xavier, the guard with the scarred face, who spoke next, less interested in his complaints.

 Adamant, Devin walked to the captives with looks one couldn't decipher. "Who amongst you said you were thirsty?" He demanded, his voice as cold as ice, sending shivers through their spine.

 They lowered their heads in fear of what might happen next.

 "We heard nothing, Devin. Did you, Xavier?" Ariel asked, and Xavier just laughed, shaking his head in response.

 "Except the horses neighing, the leaves rustling, the birds chirping-"

 "Not that kind of sound, idiot," he cut off with a visible frown. "It was a voice. And it sounded from here, right were they are," There was confusion and doubt in his voice when he spoke.

 Xavier scoffed in disbelief, "So what now? One of them got free and voiced out to you in a blink of an eye?"

 Devin ignored him, "Which one of you said you were thirsty?" He asked again, and the captives gave the same response as before. His voice was so commanding with fury radiating his temper. "I hate repeating myself. Which of you… said you were thirsty," He threatened.

 "Enough of this, Devin. One miss, a gold lost. How much left?" Xavier said, and the edge of Devin's irritation returned.

 Devin walked towards the girl with silver hair. She looked at him with an expression he couldn't decipher. Even as he walked menacingly, the girl didn't shake nor flinch. Instead, she stared at him daringly.

 He paused to have a better view of her. Something quipped him to the girl at his front. He felt something amiss, especially when she kept staring at him. His every movement was being monitored by her eyes.

 "What is your name?"


 It was what gave the response. Medusa stared back. Those black irises succumbed from the pit of hell, swallowing him to a tragic dilemma.

 "Are you dumb? Or perhaps deaf?" Still, Medusa didn't spill out a single word. His lips curled in disdain. He didn't hide his disgust as he faced her.

 "Don't waste your time seeking answers from a girl that lacks the ability to speak." Rheon, the head of the soldiers, spoke with much authority as he walked towards their direction with his horse. "She's one of those poor folks whose father begged for money in exchange of the girl. I heard she's one of the outcasts people fear. A rare one," he tched at the end. "She cannot speak. Hop on and let's move."

 Devin clicked his tongue at the revelation. He observed the girl, and all of a sudden, he gripped her by the hair that her chin faced his face.

 "Such beauty," He commented while observing her looks. "Pity this… would go to waste, after I suck out this… tempting body of yours." His gaze trailed down from her lips, to her neck, and down to her chest.

 "Not now, Devin," Ariel said. "We have a long journey ahead of us. You will have the whole time in the world to become a pervert but now is not that time. Get on your horse and let's get going. You know the creatures of the night,"

 Devin smirked as he caressed her lips. He played with her loosed garment, and his hand reached out to her chest when the inevitable happened.

 The hand which he was about to touch her suddenly caught on flames. It was burning as if someone set it on fire, but Medusa was still standing in the same position, her black eyes reflecting the movement of the flames dancing on his arm.


 Gasps of shock and horror resounded as everyone stood paralyzed to the core. His scream where the only source that broke them off their reverie. High blaze of flames traveled upwards to his upper arm with so much intensity. He screamed in pain, causing the rest to hurry with water along.

 But it was already too late. Even the armor couldn't be able to avoid such tragedy. His right arm was burnt and bleeding. His screams and yelling didn't stop the pain he felt.

 His body shook in sheer anger when he looked at Medusa, who simply stared back. "You witch!" Devin growled. In an attempt to pounce on Medusa, Ariel blocked his way.

 "Enough of this, Devin. We can deal with this another time!" Ariel hissed, but that only increased his anger.

 "That witch must die! I must kill her!" Devin persisted in rage, and Ariel was forced to push him backwards.

 "What do you call this? If she can burn you, why can't she kill you?!" Ariel yelled and Devin bustled to where he stood. He looked at him in challenge.

 ", Ariel," He warned in a whisper.

 "You aren't using your senses right now, Devin. Think."

 "Stop this madness, both of you!" Rheon ordered, and stomped to where they stood, inches apart from each other.

 Once he got through them, he separated the two, "To your horses, now!" He commanded with a thick voice. Devin glared at Ariel with burning ire, and then it settled on Medusa.