CHAPTER 5- Boarder Of Dragsholm

Words have no power to impress the mind

without the exquisite horror of their reality.

~Edgar Allan Poe


 Devin returned to his horse with great difficulty. The atmosphere was as heavy and tensed as never before. Soon the journey continued.

 Earlier, Medusa wanted her inner soul to make him suffer in an endless pain, but when she realized her true intentions, she had no choice but to take control of her body.

 She wanted death. She wanted blood. She tried to kill him, everyone. And when Medusa tried to stop her, rage overpowered its mind and she were forced to regain her body's control.

 With two souls, one with the poise of vengeance, like the master, and the other void of emotions as the servant, the master didn't have full control of the servant's body.

 Although, the servant take orders and carry out instructions, the master decides whether or not to increase or decrease the servants life count. As punishment for disobedience, she would be sent to the inferno of anguish. A place were her skin couldn't handle her soul leaving her body to suffer the pain of the curse.

 'What was the meaning of that?!' Her inner soul, the master, hissed.

 'You went too far. I let you, not to kill him,' She spoke back.

 'He deserves death. Have you forgotten what these people made me go through?'

 Medusa wasn't surprised, maybe because she expected this answer. She realized the moment she let her master out, she could do irrational things. 'Punishments get to the offenders. It seems it is you who have forgotten. Our plan was to get to Dragsholm, get the stone and kill the Lord. Have you forgotten so soon?'

 She became silent.

 'As long as you are in my body, you go with my plan. Remember, a watched pot never boils. One step at a time.'


 The sun was already setting and they had yet to cross the border. Sunset had drained out of the sky ahead, sheathing the woods in shadow. The patchy sky could be seen in the glimpses through the tree break. The coachman will stop and Ariel would dismount his horse, carrying a skin filled with water. It was what the soldiers used to pour water to the mouths of the captives.

 The process was torturous. He poured the water on body of the captives, not giving them an opportunity to drink from, like he was trying to set piles of worn out clothes on fire. If you are fortunate to get one or two mouthful of drops to survive.

 As they neared, the sun gone, just the orange tinge in the sky that guided their way and the noises from night insects.

 "Dragsholm is one of the most powerful and ranked kingdom among the six lands. The strangest place of all,"

 Medusa peered through her lashes at her side to catch the glimpse of a small figure. It was the girl from last night. She could tell through the voice. And she ignored her.

 They kept moving.

 "They border is a risky part of Dragsholm, consisting of mythical creatures of the night. Some which protects the kingdom itself…" Esther stops talking when she felt the gaze of one of the soldiers on her. In pretense, she kept mute. When his attention was elsewhere, she continued, "It's one of the reason we cross the border at broad daylight, if not, these creatures craves for meal twice their intake. Their hunger increases at the peak of the moonlight on them. They feed on blood. During the Lord's reign, it was created. But now his brother ascended the throne, this practice doubled."

 Medusa squinted her eyes in confusion as she absorbed the information. She did not know this.

 The battle between the Demon Lord and the Devil centuries ago, was one common knowledge. The Lord went to slumber while the Devil lost his physical body and was trapped in hell. Once upon a time, the Lord and the Devil were brothers who became enemies with hatred by a reason still unknown.

 It was a stormy night. Rage, cries, sorrows, mourning, as swords clashed against each other. War against different creatures. The earth trembled in pain and ire.

 The realization hit Medusa. The Lord is awake and the Devil has return. Was that another reason why she should kill him?

 "So…" Esther stressed. "Try not to burn someone this time."

 The ride stopped and the soldiers all dismount their horses. The sounds of these creatures were clearly heard, and it was when the full moon appeared in the sky.

 "Take one of the slaves and come with me," Ariel ordered and left. His words were like a death knell to their little fading hope. The thought of a creature feeding on them were horrifying. Terror could be seen wrapping their body and they trembled.

 "You!" It was one word that made their heart drop. No one dared to look who was the victim. They froze paralyzed at their spot.

 Devin pointed towards Medusa. His cold voice was harsh and rough that masked his anger as he approached her.

 "Not the girl, Devin." Xavier shook his head in apology, with his left arm blocking him from moving further.

 Devin's anger boiled at his words. He used his left hand to support the burnt arm as he marched out in rage. "hmph!" was all he said. He didn't forget to send cold glare at the girl that made things difficult for him. No sign his hatred for her will satiate anytime soon… or ever.

 Behind, he grabbed one of the captive's hair closer to him, but his eyes were still fixed on Xavier. While the girl who was been held by Devin cried, whimpered, trying to jerk free from his tight grip, it was almost impossible to match her strength with his.

 He released her from the manacle, dragging her along with him. She screamed and begged, wailing like a lost soul. Indeed, what became of her was a broken spirit.

 "N-No,no,no,no,no…" She chanted in tears. But her pleas remained deafen to his ears. He kept on dragging her unwilling body, until she bit him.

 "AH! FUCK!" He groaned in pain, that he was forced to slap her, so hard that she was knocked out. "Measly pig!" he spat on her body. With a sniff of disdain, he dropped her body like sack to the ground, and held her by the leg, dragging her into the dark woods.

 It was quiet again.

 The rest shivered uncontrollably like frosty rabbits. Then a painful scream echoed next in the direction the girl was lead into. The atmosphere were ominous and the weather was hollow, such that the clouds began to thicken.

 Tiny drops of rain fell off the sky. Little by little, the screams became less toned and eventually faded off to the silence of the night. Just the whimpering of the captives resounded in the forest. Then it started to rain heavily.

 Harsh thunderstorm broke off that struck the dark, chilly sky as crisp wind weaved the leaves from right to left in a distraught manner. Those growling noises intensified, and Devin emerged from the woods, his body stained and clamored in blood. His face was no exemption.

 He rushed to the captives and released two others. "L-LET ME-E GO! I b-beg of y-you…" One of them pleaded with a tear stricken face. Her face was pale and her body trembled at the pressure she was pulled with.

 From the distance Medusa stood, she could hear her heartbeat becoming faint with each breath and in no time, the girl will die of heart attack.