Unexpected Enemy

"My mother is the same as always. Brother Chu Liu came to my house to help, so my mother asked me to send him off." Li Ling looked at Chu Liu in embarrassment, but realized that his gaze was still on Shi Sen. Li Ling immediately clenched her fists in dissatisfaction.

"What's there to send him off for? Go back quickly, lest Aunt Li gets anxious." Liu De didn't notice Li Ling's dissatisfaction. After saying that, he instructed Shi Sen and Chu Liu, "The two of you, go practice. I still have something to do with the village chief."

Chu Liu nodded and walked towards the table.

When Shi Sen saw Liu De leave, he ignored Li Ling, who was standing there. He was about to practice with Chu Liu when Li Ling stopped him.

"Shi Sen, if you go to the city, what will happen to Liu Yang?"

Shi Sen was stunned by Li Ling's inexplicable question.

She had some impression of the name Liu Yang from her previous life. Before she went to university, Liu Yang had come to propose marriage, but she had rejected him in her previous life. Although Liu Yang was quite simple and honest, she was unfamiliar with him in her previous life and this life.

"What does he have to do with me?" Shi Sen noticed Chu Liu's gaze and said.

"Didn't you get engaged to him? You're not going to backtrack just because you're going to the city, are you?" Li Ling said as she watched Chu Liu's reaction. When she realized that he was also listening to her conversation with Shi Sen, she smiled in satisfaction.

"Are we really from the same village? Who said that I'm engaged to him?" Shi Sen was a little annoyed by Li Ling's actions and didn't understand why Li Ling deliberately put on such a show in front of Chu Liu.

"Shi Sen! Brother Liu Yang is so devoted to you, but you actually treat him like this. You're so heartless!"

Shi Sen's eyelids twitched. Li Ling's exaggerated acting made her a little uncomfortable and she was about to retort when Chu Liu interrupted her from behind.

"Shi Sen, come and practice!"

Upon hearing Chu Liu's words, Shi Sen was unwilling to pay attention to Li Ling anymore. She turned around and walked towards Chu Liu.

Li Ling was furious and walked towards Chu Liu as she said agitatedly, "Brother Chu Liu, Shi Sen is a despicable person! She has betrayed Brother Liu Yang!"

Shi Sen didn't say anything. She was looking forward to Chu Liu's reaction because in her previous life, Chu Liu wasn't someone to be trifled with.

"What does that have to do with me?" Chu Liu didn't even look up at Li Ling as he gestured for Shi Sen to start serving.

Shi Sen served the ball. Li Ling, who was at the side, refused to give up and shouted, "Shi Sen has always been a troublemaker. Brother Chu Liu, you'd better stay away from her, or else your reputation might get ruined."

Before Li Ling could finish speaking, she was hit in the face by Shi Sen.

"I'm sorry, I have bad aim." Shi Sen smiled as she went to pick up the ball.

Li Ling, who was holding her cheek, said to Chu Liu with red eyes, "Brother Chu Liu, can't you see? She's not a good person at all. She's very vicious and deliberately hit me in the face!"

Chu Liu glanced at Li Ling and said aloofly, "Shi Sen has just started learning and you were being too noisy at the side, so it's normal that she got distracted."

Hearing Chu Liu's words, Shi Sen almost laughed out loud. This person was indeed as ruthless as he was in her previous life. He didn't show any mercy at all.

Seeing that Chu Liu was clearly biased towards Shi Sen, Li Ling was extremely jealous, but she didn't dare to say anything else, for fear that Shi Sen would attack her again.

Li Ling felt aggrieved when she saw Chu Liu ignore her and could only glare at Shi Sen angrily before running out of the courtyard.

Shi Sen smiled as she said to Chu Liu, "No one will disturb us this time. Let's practice!"

Shi Sen and Chu Liu competed for a few more rounds, but they all ended in Shi Sen's defeat. It seemed that Chu Liu had held back last time. The strength of the future world champion couldn't be underestimated.

"I lost." Shi Sen wasn't capable enough. The gap between her and Chu Liu was quite big. As Shi Sen sat on the steps weakly, she seemed a little discouraged.

Chu Liu smiled as he handed Shi Sen a bottle of water. "You're not bad. If you practice well, you'll defeat me sooner or later."

After Shi Sen took a sip of water, she nodded at Chu Liu vigorously. Only by catching up with Chu Liu would she have a chance to obtain more achievements.

"Did your aunt cause trouble for you again?" Chu Liu also took a sip of water and asked with concern when he thought of the situation at the Shi family's home yesterday.

"It's fine. I'm already used to it, so it's not that big of a deal." Shi Sen smiled indifferently, but she noticed Chu Liu's serious expression.