
"If you need help, just tell me. Mr. Liu and I can help you think of a way."

After Chu Liu thought about it for a moment, he added, "Mr. Liu said that you can bring your mother to the city with you. He has an empty house in the city, so when the time comes, you guys can stay at his place."

"Thank you." Shi Sen looked at Chu Liu gratefully. If not for him and Mr. Liu, she and her mother might have to suffer other grievances as well.

Chu Liu smiled as he rubbed Shi Sen's head. "You're welcome. We'll train together in the future, so you might be able to help me as well."

Shi Sen didn't think that she would have a chance to help Chu Liu. According to Chu Liu's development in her previous life, Chu Liu's life had been very smooth sailing. He was academically successful and had achieved great success in his career as well. Other than the fact that he had never married, Chu Liu was the cream of the crop.

"Then I'll introduce a girlfriend to you in the future," Shi Sen said without thinking.

"You…" Chu Liu smiled helplessly as he said to Shi Sen, "Forget it. Mr. Liu won't let me get a girlfriend."

Shi Sen was a little surprised. She didn't know if Chu Liu's bachelorhood had anything to do with Mr. Liu, but when she thought about how Chu Liu had retired after winning many championships, she felt that it probably wasn't because of Mr. Liu.

"Then we'll talk about it in the future. Trust me, Chu Liu, you'll definitely be very successful in the future."

Looking at how serious Shi Sen was, Chu Liu smiled. He felt that there was something magical about Shi Sen and he couldn't help but believe everything she said.

"By the way, my mother also wants me to ask when we can return to the city so that she can prepare." When Shi Sen thought of Bai Lan's nervousness, she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"It should be soon, in less than a week. You guys can start preparing now." After Chu Liu finished speaking, he asked, "Why? Do you really have an engagement?"

Shi Sen snorted. "What engagement can I possibly have? Only I can decide my own matters!"

Shi Sen didn't notice that the expression on Chu Liu's face relaxed. She practiced with Chu Liu for a while longer before going home. After all, Shi Sen was still a little worried about Bai Lan being alone at home.

The courtyard was very quiet. Shi Sen didn't notice anything unusual.

As she approached the inner room, Shi Sen saw her mother sewing something by the window. "Mom, I'm back."

Seeing Shi Sen enter the house, Bai Lan put down the needle and thread in her hand. "Wash your hands. The food is ready, so let's eat."

Shi Sen noticed the little toys in her mother's hand and walked over curiously. Then, she picked up an exquisite canvas tiger and asked, "Mom, what are these?"

"Aunt Liu got some crafting jobs from the city. Seeing that I had nothing to do, she gave some to me so I could earn some pocket money."

Shi Sen knew that her mother was nimble. Looking at the exquisite little dolls, she suddenly had an idea.

"Mom, you can make these things and sell them in the city in the future. These little things are very popular in the city, so you'll definitely earn a lot of money." Shi Sen knew that her mother had always been very capable, but because of the Shi family, she didn't have the chance to do anything.

"How can I earn money? I got this job because Aunt Liu is kind and pitied us for not having a source of income."

Bai Lan didn't think that she could earn much money. After being belittled by Liu Cui so often, she started to feel that she was useless.

"Aunt Liu?" Shi Sen suddenly realized who her mother was talking about and asked, "Is she Liu Yang's mother?"

"Yes, that child has always liked you. He even came to ask for your hand in marriage. I didn't agree because you were young at that time, but that child is a responsible person and his mother is kind-hearted. Marrying him would be nice."

Bai Lan felt that although Liu Yang wasn't that capable, he was diligent and reliable, so he was someone worth entrusting her daughter to.

"Don't talk nonsense. Today, someone even said that I'm letting Brother Liu Yang down by going to the city."

Thinking of Li Ling's words today, Shi Sen felt a little disgusted. It seemed that Liu Yang's family had misunderstood because her mother's attitude had always been so vague.

"Who said that? Liu Yang is a good child, but I've only seen him a few times with you. How can such rumors spread?" Bai Lan was a little nervous. Shi Sen had already been criticized by the villagers because of her pretty appearance. If she was associated with Liu Yang, she might be criticized even more.