
"It's fine, but Mom, you should be more clear about things in the future so that others won't misunderstand."

As soon as Shi Sen finished speaking, she saw Bai Lan nod thoughtfully. She thought for a moment and said to her, "Mr. Liu and the others will be returning to the city in a week or so. Let's prepare now. We're probably leaving soon."

"That's good. After what your aunt did yesterday, I feel uneasy, so it's better to leave early to prevent any more trouble." Before Bai Lan could finish speaking, there was a heavy knock on the door.

Bai Lan and Shi Sen looked at each other, then walked to the door and opened it warily.

"What are you two doing? It's not even dark yet, but you guys already closed the door so tightly." Liu Cui was holding a basket in her hand. When she saw Bai Lan open the door, she walked straight into the back room.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Ever since their argument with Shi Yan, Bai Lan and Liu Cui hardly spoke. Seeing her come in with a smile, Bai Lan felt uncomfortable.

"I made a set of clothes for Yan'er and want Sen Sen to help me send them to her aunt." After Liu Cui sat on the stool, she said to Bai Lan in a commanding tone.

"I'll deliver it. It's almost dark." Bai Lan took the basket from Liu Cui's hand, but she dodged it.

"It's already so late. Besides, her aunt's house isn't far away. Come to my room. You're good at needlework, so I want to ask you for help." Clearly not wanting her to leave, Liu Cui grabbed Bai Lan's arm.

Shi Sen felt that Liu Cui was acting a little abnormal, since she had never spoken to Bai Lan so politely.

"I'll send it. Mom, wait for me at home. It's fine," Shi Sen agreed and took the basket. She wanted to see what they were up to.

Bai Lan watched as Shi Sen left. She still felt uneasy and wanted to follow her, but Liu Cui stopped her. "Let's go. Help me do some work. Yan'er is Sen Sen'er's aunt after all, so what are you worried about?!"

Bai Lan was pulled to her room by Liu Cui, but she was still a little worried about Shi Sen.

Shi Sen walked straight to the Yan family's house, but when she almost reached the Yan family's house, she saw Chu Liu packing straws.

"Why are you here?" the two of them asked in unison.

"Mr. Liu asked me to help Uncle Li clean up the shed. I'm almost done." Chu Liu threw the straw in his hand to the side and asked Shi Sen, "Where are you going? It's almost dark, so why aren't you home yet?"

Shi Sen shook the basket in her hand and said to Chu Liu, "I'm sending clothes to my aunt. I'll go back home later."

Chu Liu knew that Shi Yan's family lived in Uncle Li's front yard, so after he thought about it for a moment, he said to Shi Sen, "Then come and look for me after you're done. I'm done packing, so I'll send you home later."

Shi Sen wanted to refuse, but when she thought of Liu Cui's abnormal behavior, she became more vigilant. It should be safer with Chu Liu around, so Shi Sen nodded and walked towards the Yan family's courtyard quickly.

After Chu Liu tidied up the remaining straws, he waited for Shi Sen at Uncle Li's door.

As soon as Shi Sen entered the courtyard, she saw Shi Yan in the back room. She quickly walked over and placed the basket on the table as she said to Shi Yan, "I've delivered your clothes."

With that, Shi Sen wanted to leave, but Shi Yan stopped her.

"Have a sip of water. It's rare for you to come, so have a sip of water." Shi Yan had already prepared a bowl of water, so she picked it up and handed it to Shi Sen.

When Shi Sen saw the water Shi Yan handed over, she felt that Shi Yan might have put laxatives in it. Shi Yan's solicitousness was too obvious. Shi Sen couldn't be bothered to play along with her, so she poured the water from the bowl onto the ground and snorted. "I don't dare to drink it. I'm afraid you drugged it."

Shi Yan didn't expect Shi Sen to be so direct. Her expression darkened and she hurriedly stopped Shi Sen, who was about to leave.

"Are you going to kidnap me?" Shi Sen glared at Shi Yan, but felt that she probably didn't have the guts to kidnap her directly.

"What are you talking about?!" Shi Yan was a little unhappy, but she still tugged at Shi Sen and refused to let go.

"Wait a moment. I'll go get some eggs for you to bring them back for your grandmother." Shi Yan walked out of the house without waiting for Shi Sen to reply. She even closed the door, as if she was afraid that Shi Sen would slip away.

Shi Sen didn't understand what Shi Yan and Liu Cui were up to, so she looked around. Shi Sen didn't see anything unusual, but from Shi Yan's actions, there must be something fishy going on.