Well Handled

Shi Sen knew that if anything happened to her, Chu Liu, who was at Uncle Li's door, would testify for her, but she didn't expect Shi Tu and Shi Yan to involve the Chen family's crazy second son. She underestimated their viciousness.

"Why don't you go back first? Leave the two of them to me. Your mother will be worried if you don't go back at this hour." Feeling that she had suffered too much, Chu Liu looked at Shi Sen with concern.

"She'll definitely be anxious, but my grandmother will think of a way to stop her." When Shi Sen thought of Liu Cui, a cold look flashed across his eyes.

"Your grandmother…" Chu Liu didn't expect the Shi family to be so ruthless. They knew that Shi Sen would have a good opportunity to develop her future after being brought to the city, but they still treated her like this.

"Then what do you plan to do next?" Chu Liu could tell that Shi Sen had a plan and was prepared to help her.

"Let Shi Yan and Liu Cui think that Shi Tu has succeeded. I want to see how they plan to make everyone find out."

Shi Sen's tone was calm, but her gaze was terrifyingly cold. "Since Shi Tu has so many tricks up his sleeve, let him become the daughter-in-law of the Chen family instead."

Upon hearing Shi Sen's words, Chu Liu was surprised. Because Shi Tu had not succeeded, Shi Tu wouldn't be punished even if they called the police and if the others in the village found out, it might ruin Shi Sen's reputation. Therefore, Shi Sen's idea was indeed the best solution.

"Alright, I'll get a cart later and secretly transport Shi Tu and the second son of the Chen family back to the Chen family's home." After saying that, Chu Liu looked at Shi Sen and said in embarrassment, "Go to my place and hide for the night. Then, we'll go to the Chen family's home to watch the show tomorrow morning."

Shi Sen nodded. She trusted Chu Liu very much. With his help, she felt much more at ease. It was just that it would make her mother worry tonight.

Chu Liu found a small cart at the foot of the mountain. Only when the incense burned out did he walk back to the cave with Shi Sen.

"This dosage is enough for them to sleep until tomorrow morning." After Shi Sen checked Shi Tu and Chen Er'er's condition and found that they were indeed unconscious, only then did he feel relieved and get them into the car with Chu Liu.

Under the cover of the night, Chu Liu and Shi Sen arrived at the Chen family's entrance successfully.

"Why are the lights still on at his house?" Chu Liu remembered that the second son of the Chen family only had a mother in her fifties.

Shi Sen was in a dilemma. He and Chu Liu were wondering if they should go in directly when the light in the room suddenly dimmed.

"It seems that Mrs. Chen is also an insider." Shi Sen smiled coldly.

That made sense. If her silly son in his thirties could get a wife, it would be a good thing for Mrs. Chen. Shi Sen was the only victim in this matter.

Chu Liu didn't let Shi Sen in with him. After he quickly brought Shi Tu and the second son of the Chen family into the inner room, he and Shi Sen left.

Shi Sen followed Chu Liu to his courtyard. Mr. Liu lived across from Chu Liu's courtyard, so Shi Sen and Chu Liu were very cautious, for fear that others would see them.

"We're acting so shady now." As Shi Sen followed Chu Liu carefully, she was actually a little nervous. If others saw her and Chu Liu now, they really wouldn't be able to explain themselves.

Chu Liu was already a little nervous, so when he heard Shi Sen's words, he froze. "Stop talking. Hurry up."

After Chu Liu brought Shi Sen into the back room, he locked the door.

"You can stay on the bed inside. I'll sleep on the ground for the night," Chu Liu said awkwardly. This was the first time he was alone in a room with a girl.

"Thank you." Shi Sen didn't refuse Chu Liu's kindness. She was a girl, so Chu Liu wouldn't let her sleep on the ground.

Chu Liu only had one blanket, so Shi Sen handed the blanket to Chu Liu. No matter what, she couldn't let him sleep on the ground without cover.

Shi Sen was wearing the cotton shirt that Chu Liu had handed her, so she didn't feel that cold, but Chu Liu, who was lying on the ground, found it difficult to fall asleep.

"Chu Liu, is the ground very cold?" When Shi Sen noticed that Chu Liu was uncomfortable on the ground, she felt a little embarrassed.

"I'm fine. Rest early. We'll go to the Chen family's home to watch the show tomorrow morning." Chu Liu pulled his clothes tighter together. He was actually a little nervous to stay in the same room as Shi Sen.