Return It To Them

Chu Liu clenched his fists tightly. Since Shi Sen was a girl after all, Chu Liu didn't intend to make it public. He picked up a wooden stick and walked towards Shi Tu.

When the second son of the Chen family saw the sack on Shi Tu's shoulder, he couldn't wait to take it. He kept smiling foolishly as he carried the sack into the cave.

"Brother Shi Tu said that you'll be my wife after we consummate our marriage. I'll bring you back and let everyone see that you're my wife." The second son of the Chen family untied the sack and revealed an excited smile when he saw Shi Sen.

Shi Sen narrowed her eyes and frowned in disgust when she saw the second son of the Chen family's yellow teeth.

Shi Sen was only pretending to be unconscious. She originally thought that Shi Tu and Shi Yan wanted to harm her, but she didn't expect them to use this trick. They found a lunatic to rape her.

Shi Sen didn't want to waste time with a lunatic, so she opened her eyes and said to the second son of the Chen family, "Shi Tu is lying to you. If you have any dissatisfaction, look for him!"

"No! You're my wife. You can't leave!" the second son of the Chen family rarely saw women, let alone someone as beautiful as Shi Sen.

Afraid that Shi Sen would escape, the second son of the Chen family quickly went forward and grabbed her. Unexpectedly, when he grabbed Shi Sen's arm, he was punched in the head twice.

"You're so big, but you're so bad at fighting." After Shi Sen kicked the second son of the Chen family, who had already been knocked out by her, she rubbed her sore fists.

"Shi Sen!" The anxious voice from the entrance of the cave startled Shi Sen, who turned around and saw the nervous Chu Liu.

"Why are you here?" Shi Sen was a little surprised. She didn't expect Chu Liu to follow her directly.

When Chu Liu saw Shi Sen, he ran towards her nervously and grabbed her arm to check if she was injured anywhere. "How are you?"

Seeing the concern in Chu Liu's eyes, Shi Sen was a little touched and pointed at the second son of the Chen family with a smile. "I'm fine. I've already knocked him out."

Chu Liu had been worried about Shi Sen's condition, so he didn't notice the second son of the Chen family, who was lying on the ground. After looking at the unconscious tall man on the ground, Chu Liu looked at the petite Shi Sen and asked in confusion, "How did you do it?"

Shi Sen smiled awkwardly as she explained to Chu Liu, "I hit him on the head and knocked him out."

Shi Sen observed Chu Liu's expression and was relieved to find that he seemed to believe her.

Shi Sen couldn't tell him the truth, which was that it was actually very simple to knock someone out if she hit his vital points.

"It's good that you're fine." Chu Liu thought of Shi Tu, who was knocked out, and said to Shi Sen, "I've also knocked out your uncle, so what should we do now?"

Upon hearing Chu Liu's words, Shi Sen was a little surprised. Seeing the heavy wooden stick in his hand, Shi Sen smiled. It seemed that Shi Tu had been beaten up quite badly.

After Shi Sen thought about it for a moment, she said to Chu Liu, "Bring in Shi Tu first."

Chu Liu didn't know what Shi Sen wanted to do, but he still carried the unconscious Shi Tu in.

"It's best not to let others find out. The villagers are gossipy, so they might say something." Chu Liu didn't know what Shi Sen wanted to do, but she was a girl after all, so she would probably be gossiped about if she was seen with these two people.

Shi Sen knew that Chu Liu was thinking for her sake. The villagers were not that discerning. If they knew that she was alone with the second son of the Chen family in the middle of the night, they might spread some nasty rumors.

Those people didn't care about the truth. They only cared about gossiping to relieve their boredom.

"Don't worry, I'm just getting payback for what they planned to do to me."

Shi Sen lit up the incense she had brought from Shi Yan's house and placed it beside Shi Tu and Chen Er'er's heads to ensure that they would inhale all the smoke.

"Let's go out and hide." After Shi Sen called Chu Liu over, the two of them sat outside the cave.

"Where did you get that incense?" Chu Liu could tell that it was a knockout incense and was curious about how Shi Sen got it.

"Shi Yan, Fang Rou, and the others ordered it, but they didn't expect me to discover it." In her previous life, Shi Sen was the director of Huaguang Hospital, so how could she not have discovered the incense?

"Did you pretend to faint just now?" Chu Liu was a little surprised that Shi Sen was so vigilant.

"Yes, who knew what they wanted to do to me? I could only pretend to be unconscious and take the opportunity to counterattack."