
As Shi Sen recalled many things that had happened in her previous life, she felt a little uncomfortable. Would she see anyone she knew in her previous life in the city?

Shi Sen missed her time in medical school and wondered if she would meet her mentor, Professor Yan, and if her only good friend, Peng Jia, would still be waiting for her in medical school, as well as Luo Yu… The demon she had once loved and who pushed her into the abyss.

Shi Sen's thoughts were a little messy. After she was reborn, her future was still filled with many uncertain factors.

However, Shi Sen was certain that if she saw Luo Yu again, she definitely wouldn't let him off. The pain he had caused her in her previous life would definitely be returned to him tenfold in this life.

The train ride was a little long. Although Shi Sen had something on her mind, she slowly fell asleep. It wasn't until Chu Liu gently shook her arm that Shi Sen woke up again.

"We're already in the city, so get ready to get out of the train." Chu Liu's voice was very gentle. Shi Sen felt that the young man in front of him had a calmness that didn't match his age.

After getting out of the car with Chu Liu, she saw that there were already people from the national team waiting at the exit. They also had a special bus to pick up their members.

As soon as Fang Rou got off the train, she looked around for the Chen family's eldest son. Shi Yan said that Mrs. Chen had instructed that the Chen family's eldest son would pick her up.

Fang Rou kept looking around until a middle-aged man in a tunic suit and thin-rimmed glasses waved at her. Only then did Fang Rou discover him.

"You're Fang Rou, right?" Chen Liang had heard his mother's description on the phone, so he recognized Fang Rou, who was clearly looking for someone.

As she sized up the man in front of her, Fang Rou felt that he seemed to be quite well-off, so she greeted him obediently.

"Hello, Brother Chen." Fang Rou felt that the man was only in his thirties, but after saying that, she saw the man shake his head.

"I heard from my mother that you're Shi Yan's daughter, so you should call me Uncle." Chen Liang took Fang Rou's luggage. He wasn't very enthusiastic, but he was polite enough.

Chen Liang didn't have a good impression of the girl in front of him. From what his mother said, she owed the Shi family a favor, so she was forced to send Fang Rou to the city to study.

Chen Liang originally didn't want to agree, but his mother insisted, so he couldn't refuse and could only help Fang Rou with the transfer procedures.

However, Chen Liang still felt that the girl in front of him was a little troublesome. Chen Liang helped her apply for a dormitory in the school in hopes that she would contact him less in the future, since he was unwilling to be pestered.

When Fang Rou saw Shi Sen getting onto the bus, she couldn't help but feel a little envious and she turned to Chen Liang to ask, "Uncle, do you know where the national team's bus will go?"

"The city gymnasium and the training camp in the city center," Chen Liang replied aloofly as he prepared to bring Fang Rou to the bus.

"I heard that Shi Sen was selected by the national team. Is she in the bus over there now?" Chen Liang heard from his mother that Shi Sen would also come to the city.

"That's right. After everything is settled, I'll go to the training camp to look for my cousin." Fang Rou already had a plan. After the schooling was settled, she would pester Shi Sen and try to build a good relationship with her other teammates.

"Being able to enter the national team proves that she's capable. That child is promising, so it's a good idea for you to build a good relationship with her."

Chen Liang didn't notice Fang Rou's darkened expression and walked onto the bus first.

When Fang Rou heard Chen Liang's words, she felt very upset. Everyone felt that Shi Sen was better than her, but she would let everyone wait and see her surpass Shi Sen. How could a fool like Shi Sen compare to her?

On the other side, Shi Sen had already gotten into the car. Bai Lan asked worriedly, "I wonder if Fang Rou can find Mr. Chen."

Shi Sen had actually already seen Fang Rou and the Chen family's eldest son together. As she glanced at her mother, she felt that her mother was too soft-hearted. Afraid that her mother would be worried, she said, "Fang Rou found Mr. Chen. I saw them together."

"That's good." Upon hearing Shi Sen's words, Bai Lan felt a little relieved. After she thought about it for a moment, she said to Shi Sen, "Don't take out the grudges between adults on the younger generation. Fang Rou is quite obedient, so don't be too cold to her."

Upon hearing her mother's words, Shi Sen smiled bitterly. Shi Sen wanted to tell her mother that the obedient Fang Rou not only seduced her daughter's husband, but also killed her daughter.

Should she be close to someone as vicious as Fang Rou?